Your chances are probably better off with the zombies.
Don't worry, your mission is at its end. Uroboros is on the eve of its appearance. Six billion cries of agony will birth a new balance! |
While many Resident Evil villains trend towards Tragic Monster, or simply being too inhuman to bother passing moral judgement on, there are major exceptions who prove that Humans Are the Real Monsters.
Video Games[]
- Albert Wesker is responsible for everything bad that happens in the series' canon. A major sufferer of Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, he does not care for the well being of his "partners", and will gladly dispose of them when the time comes that they are no longer of use to him. First off, after becoming the commander of the S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team (we later learn he was planted as a Double Agent), he traps his crew inside of a secret Umbrella facility disguised as a mansion, and uses his "teammates" as test subjects for his grotesque experiments, killing more than half of them in the process. He was also partially behind the tragic backstory of William Birkin, the Big Bad of Resident Evil 2, as they were actually colleagues. He then betrays Umbrella and attacks Rockfort Island, resulting in another T-Virus outbreak. Later, he finds out about Spencer manipulating and engineering him to be who he is today, and is none too pleased, killing him in the process, as well as taking down series mainstay Jill Valentine to their supposed deaths. Surviving the fall, he decides to brainwash Jill into becoming his slave, mainly being petty against his nemesis Chris Redfield. He then goes on to kill U.S. Senator Ron Davis in Degeneration after considering him a liability to his new company Tricell. Then, he decides to pit Jill against Chris just for his own amusement in watching Chris' torment in fighting his partner. He also betrays Excella Gionne, his then-partner and one-sided lover, injecting her with his Ouroboros virus, and sending her out to deal with Chris and Sheva while he escapes on his own. And his motivation for doing all of this? To become the God of the New World by infecting every single human on the planet with his Ouroboros virus, which will kill those with unworthy DNA and leave only the chosen few for him to rule over.
Individual Games[]
- Resident Evil 2 has Brian Irons, in both the original game and its remake:
- In the original game, Irons is the ultimate Dirty Cop. He was accused during his university days of allegedly raping a fellow student. Due to his "outstanding excellence in academics" however, the charges were dropped, and he later became The Chief of Raccoon City Police Department, where the Umbrella Corporation would bribe him to turn a blind eye as they perform their experiments on the City's citizens. Not only would he gladly accept these bribes, but he would use them to fund his own personal "Taxidermy Sex Dungeon of Evil", which is filled with the bones of his female victims. Brian Irons would also stuff their corpses and display their bodies, so he can admire them. Irons’ worst actions came when the Umbrella's T-Virus broke free, spreading throughout Raccoon City, causing massive chaos. He decides to use this opportunity to kill whomever he wants, ranging from innocent bystanders, fellow cops, and even the mayor's daughter, deciding that nobody will escape the city alive and sabotaging the department’s efforts to assist civilians. While lacking the vast resources and grandiose visions that other villains have, he makes up for it with meaningless cruelty and human depravity.
- In the remake, Irons is again a raping, murderous human taxidermist who prefers killing women and having their bodies converted into stuffed dolls for him to admire. Moonlighting as the city's orphanage director, Irons has hundreds of children painfully experimented on for the Birkins' scientific research, with most of the children dying from this. When one of the children manage to escape, Irons has Umbrella soldiers execute every child at the orphanage to cover the company's tracks.
- The Big Bad of Resident Evil 0, Dr. James Marcus was one of three co-founders of Umbrella Corporation, and was the most evil of them all. In the late 1960s, Umbrella CEO Ozwell Spencer assigned Marcus to head the company's recently-constructed research center in the Arklay Mountains, which would also be used as a management training facility. Dr. Marcus seized the opportunity to use several of the trainees sent to him as test subjects for the newly-created T-Virus, which he himself had developed in his lab. At least 20 people were unwittingly subjected to his experiments, all of whom died and were either sent off to other laboratories for further research or dumped into the nearby sewers. In 1988, Spencer had Marcus assassinated following a decade-long schism between them; however, he was resurrected ten years later when his memories and consciousness were absorbed by his most recent creation, the Queen Leech, which had the ability to control other T-Virus leeches. Through the Queen Leech, Marcus set out on his goal to exact revenge on Umbrella. To do so, he leaked the T-Virus under the Spencer Mansion and on the Ecliptic Express, killing dozens of people and partly precipitating the crisis that led to the contamination of Raccoon City itself. He had every intention of causing large-scale destruction - when Rebecca and Billy finally encounter him, he gleefully expresses his desire to destroy the entire world. Dr. Marcus's complete lack of humanity predates his transmutation into a literal monster, which merely gave him the means to demonstrate the true and terrifying extent of his depravity.
- Osmund Saddler, master of Los Illuminado in Resident Evil 4, reawakens the Las Plagas parasites, infecting multiple villagers before determining the strain works. Injecting him with a 'master' Las Plagas, Saddler spreads the parasite to the rest of the village, twisting the minds of everyone it comes into contact with and leaving them as Saddler's puppets. Saddler also conducts horrible experiments on those in his clutches and disposes of the corpses by feeding them to Las Plagas infected monsters. However, when children are infected they die painfully due to their bodies not being developed enough to handle the strain. Saddler plans to use the President's daughter to infect her father and from there take over the US and then the rest of the world, infecting everyone with Las Plagas and leave them as psychopaths for him to control while Saddler reigns over the world.
- Derek Clifford Simmons from Resident Evil 6 is the National Security Advisor to President Adam Benford and the one behind the nuclear destruction of Raccoon City. Serving as the Arc Villain for Leon's campaign, Simmons uses the C-Virus to cause the zombie outbreak in Tall Oaks, the place where the President plans to reveal the truth about Raccoon City and the Bio Organic Weapons trade to the world, causing 70,000 casualties. He also forces Secret Service Agent Helena Harper to personally infect the President by holding her sister hostage, threatening to turn her into a B.O.W.; he does so anyway, and frames Helena and Leon for his crimes. Also apart of said B.O.W. trades, he oversees the creation of said C-Virus by subjecting Sherry Birkin to constant experimentation. Simmons also has an obsessive lust for Ada Wong, and when she rejected him, he would use the C-Virus to create a "perfect Ada Wong", experimenting on 12,235 women, with only one, Carla Radames, surviving, causing her Start of Darkness. Finally confronted by Leon and Helena, Simmons tries to justify his actions, only to be called out on his excuses, revealing Simmons to be nothing more than a perverted madman willing to cause needless death just to hold on to his power.
- Lucas Baker from Resident Evil 7, who unlike his parents, is NOT under Eveline's control, was known as the "Bad Seed" of the Baker family for a reason. Initially a juvenile delinquent (in contrast to the rest of his family, who are good people) who is implied to have murdered a bully in his youth by starving him to death, Lucas also happened to be a genius inventor. When Eveline took control of his family and he was cured of her control, Lucas realized that he could do whatever he wanted to the people his family abducted without fear of repercussions and proceeded to play sadistic games with his victims that led to their deaths. When Chris Redfield is sent to hunt him down, he proceeds to murder his soldiers that had also been sent to tail him and has Chris experience all of their deaths before trying to kill Chris as well. A complete psychopath with no regard for anyone, even his own family, Lucas is a unique glimpse at a twisted, inventive Serial Killer in the world of Resident Evil.
- Commissioner Morgan Lansdale from Resident Evil: Revelations is the head of the Federal Bioterrorism Commission, and eventually revealed to be the main architect behind the destruction of the city Terragrisia, responsible for deaths in hundreds if not thousands all to obtain good publicity. He supplied the Italian terrorist organization Il Vetro ("The Greyhound") with Bio Organic Weapons and the T-Abyss Virus to unleash onto Terragrisia while giving them the ship Queen Dido as their base. The chaos consuming Terragrisia allowed him to obtain clearance to use Regia SOLIS to obliterate the man made island with all survivors still on board. With no further use of Il Vetro, he detonates the ship they are still on along with the Virus, causing all the members to turn into blob monsters. He also sends researchers onto the other ships, Queen Zenobia and Queen Semiramis, to work on a sellable vaccine for the virus, only to unleash B.O.Ws and the virus onto the ships to dispose of them once he had what he needed. Upon finding out that BSAA agents Jill Valentine, Parker Luciani, and later Chris Redfield are aboard the Queen Zenobia, he tries various methods to kill them by blowing up the ship, ranging from using Regia SOLIS to having his mole Jessica Stewart detonate the ship despite knowing all of that will cause the virus to spread and infect 1/5th of the world's oceans. When finally exposed, Morgan Lansdale tries to justify his actions, only for BSAA director Clive R. O'Brian to retort his attempts, showing that Lansdale is nothing more than a backstabbing hypocrite willing to destroy everything and everyone in his path just to keep his self-image.
- In Resident Evil Gun Survivor, Vincent Goldman serves as the commander of Sheena Island on the behalf of the Umbrella Corporation and was in charge of creating the Hypnos T-Type Virus. He would use this position to kidnap children all over the world and torture them for days to secrete the hormones needed for the virus. He would then extract the hormone from their skulls while they are still alive and fully conscious. When the surviving children attempts to escape the island, Goldman proceeds to callously shoot them upon finding them. This action caused a rebellion within the island inhabitant where he proceed to unleash his lethal virus on to populace out of spite. Vincent Goldman was so vile that even Umbrella was disgusted by his cruelty.
- In Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, Alexia Ashford no longer has any love for her brother, unlike in Code: Veronica, and instead her evil is cranked up a few notches higher than before. A Child Prodigy who joined the Umbrella Corporation at the age of twelve, Alexia was also an entitled sadist with a serious god complex. She aided her brother in murdering and experimenting on their own father, tortured a classmate to death (and recorded the session) just for being almost as smart as she was, and eventually injected herself with the T-Veronica virus, which she planned to use to Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence. Having been reawakened from cryogenic sleep in her twenties, Alexia kills her brother for not waking her up on time, transforms Claire Redfield's Love Interest, Steve Burnside, into a monster. forcing him to fight her to the death, and repeatedly tries to kill Chris and Claire for no other reason than their mere presence at her facility. She reveals that her plan is to infect the world with the T-Veronica virus, enslaving most of humanity to her will. When asked why, Alexia just gloats about how, as a superior specimen of humanity, she deserves to be queen.
- Biohazard: The Wicked North Sea: Countess Mylène Beardsley is the seventeenth head of the prestigious Beardsley family and a woman with an immense superiority complex. An enhanced human, Mylène constructed a laboratory under her castle to conduct unnecessary experiments on villagers and her servants. Having infected Kate with the Neo T-Virus, Mylène tries to trick Rain into consuming a soup with human eyeballs. In an act of of rebellion against Umbrella, Mylène broke her experiments out of containment and released a nerve gas on her own guests. Fancying herself as a being "superior in everything from brain to appearance", Mylène's ultimate goal was to stand at the top of Umbrella and control the world. A rich, teenaged low-functioning psychopath whose methods were questioned by Umbrella itself, Mylène was an example of how dangerous sadism and narcissism can be if combined in one single person.
- Biohazard 2 manhua:
- The man only known as "God" is the president of the Umbrella Corporation who desires the destruction of the world by any means necessary. Unleashing the G-virus onto Raccoon City and turning everyone into zombies, he uploads his brain into a parasite once news of Chris Redfield storming his headquarters arrives, and orders his staff members to commit suicide. Retreating to the artificial islands, he sets up a cyborg gladiator ring and unleashes a poisonous gas onto the entire audience once he's been found by the BHST. Taking control of his supposed friend, Inzaghi, he sends his squad to infect multiple parts of the island with his virus, infecting countless innocents. Having kidnapped Leon's father and making him the terrorist assassin known as the Hardened War General, he orders him to infect multiple parts of the island with the G-virus, including Leon himself. Taking BHST prisoner, he reveals that he had cloned the deceased Ada Wong to be his bride, ordering her to kill Leon and herself when the former arrives to stop him. Duking it out with Leon, he destroys an entire city while looking for him, and combines with him to become the ultimate life form, where he attempts to nuke the world to achieve his dreams of an apocalyptic wasteland.
- Brian Irons, like his game counterpart, is a violent rapist secretly working for Umbrella. As a child, he would capture rabbits and dissect them for fun. Using his position as Commissioner of the Raccoon City Police Department, he shuts down STARS after the Spencer Mansion incident to cover Umbrella's tracks and leads the massacre of several Umbrella scientists in order to take out William Birkin. Ordered to keep Amy Chan safe, he instead kills her and plans to keep her as a trophy. Capturing Claire Redfield, he shows her his room containing stolen human organs—hoping to add hers to his collection—and has Leon thrown into a room with Lickers.
- Biohazard 3: Last Escape & Supplemental Edition manhua: "Boss" is a senior executive at Umbrella placed in charge of the T-virus program. Capturing innocent people and having their families murdered, Boss transforms these people into Tyrants, seeking to expand on William Birkin's scientific studies. When one of his scientists, Leo, tried leaving Umbrella, Boss had his friends murdered and imprisons him for decades. Once Nemesis/The Sniper invades Umbrella headquarters, Boss casually lets his cohorts get killed and escapes in a helicopter. Seeking to make more profit, Boss decides to clone various people and sell them for money, ordering Claire's death once he's been found out.
- Resident Evil Vol. 2 comic, by Ricardo Sanchez et al: Neuermann Giesel is a T-Virus-enhanced clone of Arms Dealer, Fritz Giesel, created by Fritz to help him run Giesel Industries. Fritz places Neu in charge of developing black market Bio Organic Weapons, which Neu creates by painfully transforming the residents of numerous Übelandian towns into monsters whose abilities he showcases to a Uradorian warlord by having the creatures massacre various villages along the border of Übelandia and Urador. Neu also arranges for viral specimens to be exposed to cosmic radiation, which results in deadly outbreaks on both a space station and in Grezbekistan. When the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance begins investigating Giesel Industries, Neu has his "pet" monstrosities slaughter several members of the BSAA team sent to search the Giesel Estate, whose domestic staff Neu abandons to die in the carnage while he escapes to his BOW factory in Urador. Neu tries to starve the pursuing BSAA agents of reinforcements and supplies by overrunning all nearby towns and BSAA bases with zombies, and when the agents try to blow up his factory, they discover that Neu has designed it with a Dead Man Switch that will cause pockets of BOWs that are hidden throughout the major population centers of Übelandia to activate and rampage, dooming the country and potentially all of South America. After the agents manage to thwart the switch and destroy the factory, Neu makes one final attempt to kill them by mutating into a Tyrant.
- Resident Evil: Degeneration: Dr. Frederic Downing, a member of WilPharma, is the one behind the events of the movie. Previously a scientist for Umbrella Corps who stole samples of the t and G-viruses before Raccoon City's annihilation, he planned to sell them and a vaccine through the black market as controllable, profitable bioweapons, later unleashing them on various countries as a way to pitch them to potential buyers. Finding a buyer in the form of General Miguel Grandé, he unleashed the t-virus onto Harvardville Airport that resulted in a zombie outbreak, blew up several vaccine trucks to disguise the incident as a terrorist attack, blew up a WilPharma building to kill Claire Redfield, and injected Curtis Miller with the G-virus, all as a way to create a pitch video for Grandé.
- Doraemon: Nobita’s Resident Evil (Doraemon & Resident Evil): Mr. Cash/Khaxiu is a mastermind whose dream was to sell bio-organic weapons. Cash recreated the Raccoon City incident by causing bioterrorism in Susukino, infecting countless people with the T-Virus. Disguised as a righteous man, Cash then attempted to use the bio-organic weapons he made to terrorize the Time Patrol Base. Brainwashing Doraemon, Dekisugi, and Shizuka, Cash also conducted experiments on Shizuka, an elementary school student.
Film Series[]
- First film: Percival Spencer "Spence" Parks is a member of Umbrella Corporation's security force and the one responsible for the outbreak. Overhearing his lover Alice and an activist planning to expose Umbrella's illegal activities by stealing the T-Virus, Spence decided to steal the virus himself and sell it on the Black Market so that he and Alice can spend the rest of their lives in luxury. To prevent the theft from being discovered, Spence purposely causes an outbreak inside the laboratory so that the A.I. system puts the whole place under lockdown and kills the whole staff. Having temporarily lost his memories as the side effect of a knockout gas, he's found by a squad of Umbrella soldiers sent to investigate the incident. Eventually, his memories return, and he holds the remaining survivors at gunpoint, while trying to convince Alice to join him. When she refuses, Spence locks them up and leaves them behind to die, showing that he cared more about the money than about his lover.
- Apocalypse: Major Timothy Cain is the Umbrella operative in charge of containing the viral outbreak in Racoon City. When a zombie almost escapes the city, Cain closes the gates, having his men fire on the crowd to force them back into the city. Cain then releases the Nemesis, a bioweapon he created from Alice's friend Matt, into the city, having it kill the members of S.T.A.R.S. as a test. Interested in testing Alice's capabilities as a weapon against Nemesis, Cain murders Charles Ashford to force her to fight it, threatening to kill the rest of her friends, including Charles's young daughter. When his cruelty causes Nemesis to turn on him, Cain orders Umbrella to nuke Racoon city, abandoning both Alice and Nemesis to save himself.
- Extinction: The first clone of Dr. Alexander Isaacs, while created to serve Umbrella, was too vile and egotistical to control. Clone Isaacs experimented on clones of Alice, putting them through sadistic tests that resulted in 87 of them dying. He injects zombies with the blood of the Alice clones, resulting in them becoming stronger and attacking him and his fellow scientists, who Clone Isaacs leaves to die. Hoping that the real Alice's blood will domesticate the zombies, Clone Isaacs attacks Claire Redfield's convoy with enhanced zombies in order to kill Alice, killing many people including Carlos Olivera. After being bitten by an enhanced zombie, Clone Isaacs mutated into a monster and slaughtered everyone in his facility, betraying Umbrella for his own dark ambitions.
- The Final Chapter: Dr. Alexander Isaacs, the Bigger Bad of the entire series, is an Evil Genius who murdered his kindhearted colleague Dr. Marcus for the T-Virus when he realized its potential as a weapon. Experimenting on the innocent, Isaacs later gained delusions of godhood and opted to release the Virus at large while freezing himself and the few "chosen" in cryogenic hibernation in order to rebuild the world in his image later. The end result was a mass extinction event of the world and the deaths of most of the human race. Isaacs leaves his own clones to clean up, aiming to exterminate any survivors. When he awakens, Isaacs promptly attempts to kill the heroine Alicia "Alice" Marcus as well, intent on maintaining the ultimate power he's betrayed and murdered to achieve.
- Albert Wesker is a high-ranking member of the Umbrella Corporation and Dr. Alexander Isaacs's chief subordinate. Years ago, Wesker murdered the kind-hearted Dr. Marcus for Isaacs and aided Isaacs in his unethical experiments. When Isaacs plans to release the T-Virus to kill all of humanity except his chosen few, Wesker agrees to run Umbrella while the rest are cryogenically frozen. When Alice and her clones attack Wesker's Tokyo facility, he floods parts of it with neurotoxin, murdering his subordinate for pointing out that this will kill his own men, and blows up the entire facility, killing everyone inside. Wesker leads survivors to The Arcadia, pretending that it's a safe haven from the infection, so he can experiment on them with mind-altering chemicals. After injecting himself with the T-Virus, Wesker turns to cannibalism to maintain control of himself. After failing to eat Alice, Wesker consumes his loyal subordinate and attempts to destroy the Arcadia and the countless people on it. When Alice is kidnapped by the Red Queen, Wesker sends a team to save her and destroy an Umbrella facility filled with clones. Wesker posed as well-intentioned in order to lead Alice, his own team, and countless others into a trap that killed everyone but Alice. Wesker then organizes attacks on the last survivors on Earth, and personally kills Alice's allies when they try to release the antivirus.