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Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood was one of Sierra's later VGA point-and-click adventures, set in the world of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. It was released in 1992 and was a sequel to Conquests of Camelot.

The adventure follows the general story arch of the original tale, where King Richard the Lionheart has been taken hostage on his way back from The Crusades. Your primary task throughout the game is to collect enough money to pay the king's ransom, while fighting against the oppression of King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. Some of the story, particularly the role of Maid Marion, has been altered, adding elements of druidic mythology.

During the game, Robin must prove his ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat (with a staff) and of course his superior marksmanship with the longbow. Tactical thinking is also required, as several times in the game you'll be counseled by your merry men about possible approaches to an impending battle where only one will result in no casualties to your men. Various actions will win money towards the ransom, and there are multiple endings based on the amount of money you've raised and the actions you've taken during the adventure.

Overall, this is a somewhat Darker and Edgier version of the popular legend, and is widely considered to be more difficult than the average Sierra adventures of the time. Particular scenes, such as the Nine-Men-Morris minigame, can be quite frustrating to adventure players, although the action scenes can be skipped by lowering their difficulty.

Tropes used in Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood include: