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Cool Devices is an OVA Hentai series released in 1995. The series is often regarded as the nastiest and most depraved Hentai series ever produced, and by heaven, is that saying a lot. However, this seems largely to be on account of the widely varying plethora of fetishes and paraphilias on display, ranging from BDSM to incest to enemas and beyond.
The series is an Anthology, consisting of 11 episodes called "operations", each written and animated by a different producer, and with the storylines of each being self-sustained and unconnected to each other; with the exceptions of episodes 5 and 6, and 8 and 9.
Tropes used in Cool Devices include:
- All Just a Dream: Operation 10 ends with Masaki waking up on the train he was riding in the intro, with the girl he rescued being revealed to be just a drawing he did.
- Animated Anthology
- Brother-Sister Incest:
- The entire plot of Operation 02: Sacred Girl. There's Unresolved Sexual Tension between a brother and sister who inherited a mansion from their late parents, which is consummated by the end.
- Subverted in Operation 10: Binding. Masaki stays in an all-female household where it appears that rampant incest is going on, but he later finds that none of them are related and are really just slaves of their "Mother".
- Banned In China: The series is banned in most of Canada, depending on the province. Some specialty video clubs in Quebec at least have legal copies available for rental.
- Break the Cutie: Operation 11: Idol Fallen Angel Rina
- Butterfly Of Death And Rebirth: Operation 04: Kirei.
- Chekhov's Gun: In Slave Warrior Maya #1 the two froglike creatures carry an axe into the dungeon for some reason. What a coincidence that they can cut the metal tentacle with it.
- Collapsing Lair: At the end of Operation 10.
- Crapsack World: IN SPADES.
- Cry for the Devil: Saki is introduced as a sadistic domme torturing victims For the Evulz. Flashbacks reveal that she was kidnapped as a young girl and brainwashed by her master, and after he dies she's gang-raped by the guests. After all that humiliation she gets up and tries to leave before a gate closes on her.
- The Dark Side: Ai, in Operation 01: Curious Fruit, falls to it.
- Dominatrix: Saki from Operation 05 & 06 and the Mistress from Operation 10.
- Downer Ending: Almost all segments. Do not watch if you're feeling down yourself.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Most of it, including some that could be this or nausea fuel or both.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Dan Green, of Yu-Gi-Oh! dub fame, did a few voice acting in some of the episodes.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: The rapist stepfather in Yellow Star dies as a result of his own bombs.
- Left Hanging: The entire Warrior Maya storyline was kinda dropped and never returned to after two episodes.
- Narm: the english dub.
- Nausea Fuel: See High Octane Nightmare Fuel, essentially, it is both of these at once.
- Sex Sells: In-universe with Rina
- Shout-Out: Operation 07 can be seen as a prequel to Kite, due to similar look (Yasuomi Umetsu was the character designer here) and themes.
- Wicked Stepfather: Operation 07: Yellow Star.
- Word Salad Title: Maybe except for "Yellow Star", there really aren't any devices to speak of.
- The Woobie: Try every female character.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: After so much abuse, the protagonist of Yellow Star manages to kill her stepfather, only to be kidnapped by his accomplices.