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  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Milton Knight worked on this film, as background character designer. He would later be known for working on a show on a fast blue hedgehog. His website has character designs for the film, while others that didn't get into the finished product.
  • Mid-Development Genre Shift: This was originally intended to be a horror film, but Frank Mancuso Jr. didn't want to make a horror movie, and Kim Basinger demanded a more family friendly plot. So, Paramount rewrote it.
  • What Could Have Been: The original horror concept (in which Jack has sex with Holli and Holli has a half-cartoon, half-human daughter who sees herself as a freak and plots to kill her parents) would have made a much better movie than a Roger Rabbit wannabe film. Blame Frank Mancuso Jr. for screwing it up.