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  • Anvilicious: Being fat is not always bad. We get it. Please stop hitting us with the message, it's getting a little old.
  • Complete Monster: Brigid and Dolores's parents in Forbidden Fruit
    • Mason and Co.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Anything involving the freegans in Forbidden Fruit.
    • Corinna single-handedly stopping Molly Atkins from bullying Emily in Cooking the Books.
    • Manny in Forbidden Fruit- he gives up his job and his life in order to protect the daughter of a rich family (he works as a gardener and sees her every day) when she becomes pregnant. He fights off attackers, moves them around and guards her for several weeks, and it's not his child. He does it all because he loves her.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Corinna setting up the fanatics and gypsies in Forbidden Fruit.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: See Crowning Moment of Awesome, above.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: In Trick or Treat, a lot of people start suffering the effects of what the police believe to be poison or some kind of drug- but they can't find out what. It turns out to be ergot- a lot of people who ate bread from another bakery were suffering the effects of LSD. One man eats produce from the bakery, goes to the top of a building and throws himself off, believing he can fly. One of the residents of Insula witnesses it.
    • Lestat from Earthly Delights. He believes he's a vampire and likes drinking blood.
    • Goss and Kylie going apeshit in Devil's Food.
  • Relationship Sue: Arguably, Daniel. It took six books for him to get any real character development and he has a large amount of similar likes and dislikes to Corinna.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Kylie and Goss. In Cooking the Books, they ask if they can ride on Tabitha the tiger, and when warned by Corinna that tigers like to eat people, answer 'Oh, she wouldn't eat us, not when we like her so much. Thankfully, nothing of the sort happens.
  • What an Idiot!: In Devil's Food, Nerds Inc find a recipe for a weight-loss tea which they make and begin selling, since they're going broke. So far, so good. Except the recipe tells them in which countries the best herbs are to be found... and the nerds, being idiots, have the herbs imported illegally, which leads to them being caught, when, as Meroe says, "Only you idiots would have done such a thing. You could have gone out and picked your herbs and no one would have ever caught you."
    • Not to mention that the instructions they provided with the herbs were as vague as hell, giving only a brief description of the proper amount to be taken, no warnings about overdosing, and no description of the contents.
    • In Forbidden Fruit, most of the plot revolves around a baby prophesied to be a future Messiah. Eventually, the crazy fanatic parents attempt to kidnap the baby... without bothering to ascertain its sex. The Messiah was supposed to be a boy, the baby is a girl.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: There's at least one awesome group, person or place that appears in one book and hasn't been seen (as in, more than mentioned in a line or two) since. In order:
    • Earthly Delights: Blood Lines, the vampire club
    • Heavenly Pleasures: The titular shop and the sisters who run it
    • Devil's Food: Cafe Vlad Tepesh, the goth club
    • Trick or Treat: The only aversion- Uncle Solly's deli turned up again in Cooking the Books
    • Forbidden Fruit: The freegans and Rowan
  • The Woobie: Emily and Lena in Cooking the Books- the former is abused horribly by the actress she is working for, the latter almost commits suicide because of the workplace bullying she is subjected to.
    • Pockets, too.
    • Brigid and Dolores.
    • Jason.