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Fridge Horror[]

  • Corpse Bride: After Emily transforms into a cloud of moths, moving on at last, it leaves you wondering "Why doesn't that happen to everyone? Are they stuck in that nightmarish town of the dead forever?"
    • Alternately, it leaves you wondering (as this editor did after reading a fanfic), "Wait — did Emily actually go somewhere — or did she just disappear into NOTHING?"
    • The Fate Worse Than Death regarding Barkis Bittern, who, after unwittingly consuming poison, is now one of the dead, which conveniently removes the restriction that the dead cannot harm the living, and has an angry mob descend upon him. Made worse in that we never really do find out what they do to him.
      • Double on the horror when you realize that, no matter what they do to him, he's already dead. That means that (very likely) it's never going to stop.
        • Nah, after a few centuries of Cold-Blooded Torture, it's highly likely that the other dead would find other things to do.
      • It gets even worse when you consider what possible reason Barkis could have for coming back for Victoria after finding out her family was broke. He was probably going to murder her.
      • After doing something else... He does declare that she's still his wife, and therefore his.
      • Just for added Evulz, try and guess which he will do first....and how often.
    • No one has mentioned the fact that two of the residents of the world of the dead are young children.