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Cosmic Fantasy was the flagship Role Playing Game franchise from Telenet Japan, created exclusively for the PC-Engine's CD attachment, with one Compilation Rerelease for the Sega CD and masterminded by manga artist Kazuhiro Ochi.

Like Sega's own RPG franchise Phantasy Star, Cosmic Fantasy combined anime presentation with a mixture of fantasy and sci-fi. However, by utilizing the CD format, CF was among the first such games to rely on fully animated and voice-acted cutscenes not unlike Nihon Falcom's popular Ys games or Game Arts' Lunar games.

It's also fairly notorious for being one strong case of No Export for You — only the second game ever saw a release outside Japan, thanks to Working Designs.

Games in this series include:

  1. Cosmic Fantasy: Bōken Shōnen Yū (1990)
  2. Cosmic Fantasy 2 (1991)
  3. Cosmic Fantasy 3: Bōken Shōnen Rei (1992)
  4. Cosmic Fantasy Stories (1992) (the only non-Turbo release; remake of the first two games for the Sega CD)
  5. Cosmic Fantasy 4: Ginga Shōnen Densetsu - Totsunyū-hen (1994)
  6. Cosmic Fantasy 4: Ginga Shōnen Densetsu - Gekitō-hen (1994)

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