Crowning Moment of Awesome Steve's raging defence of pornography that ends in him accidentally declaring to Susan that he wants to spend the rest of her life with her.
Hilarious in Hindsight / Harsher in Hindsight: During series 4, while Susan is coping with her pregnancy, the very vain Sally is very uncomfortable with the whole process. She mentioned in "Nightlines" how she doesn't really want a child, and mentioned how unsettling she finds it. In "Circus of the Epidurals," whenever Susan goes into detail about the actual birth, Sally faints and goes to her "safe place." When you learn that Kate Isitt (Sally) was actually pregnant during Series 4, it either becomes a hilarious in-joke from the people behind the scenes, or becomes unsettling to watch a pregnant woman face the gruesome truth about what's going to happen to her head-on.
Replacement Scrappy (Jeff is one of the great creations of British comedy. Oliver, his replacement, is not.)
Woolseyism: The US remake is generally considered inferior, but when Patrick's political stance is discussed, making him a Republican and a George W. Bush supporter is actually a pretty nice (and in-character) touch. However it kills Sally's breakdown, as a big part of what broke her was being told that Labour was in charge, while the Tories were now the revolutionaries.
In the first episode, Jane's use of stockings to seduce Steve is turned into not wearing underwear. Even if they do mangle some perfectly good sentences by simply changing the word 'stockings' to 'no panties'.