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The aliens don't have Gold Fever just because it's shiny.[]

Dolarhyde is bewildered by the aliens wanting gold; "What are they gonna buy?" Answer: gold is an essential component of their gravity tech(and any weapon that Blows Enemies Across The Room violates the conservation of momentum, so their weapons are also gravitic). When they abduct Lonergan's girl, the gold coins on the table melt and fly into the air. Their method of mining for gold involves gizmos that do just that, but why would they be using said gizmos on a little house on the prairie? Any gold within range of the gravity effect will melt and float, similar to magnets magnetizing ferrous materials in contact with them.

  • Just out of curiosity, gold is essential to the operation of electronic devices, correct?
  • Some devices. Gold does have properties that make it intrinsically useful. It doesn't corrode, it's an excellent conductor, and it makes good radiation shielding.

Ella is a Ascended Ancient[]

She takes human form to save humanity from the aliens, which are probably at least partially their fault. Either they really did destroy the Ancients (unlikely) or she's lying. She may actually still be Ascended, judging by her regeneration. Nobody ever believes the cowboys' story, and the existence of aliens stays secret for over a hundred years. Also Reapers.

  • If she was an ascended ancient, she could have blown up the ship without descending extremely easily. The penalty for her would have been exactly the same.

The aliens will invade again ~100 years later[]

And go up against nukes and missiles.

  • Their invasion is captured on screen in Battle: Los Angeles. Sgt. Nantz is a descendant of either Dolarhyde of Lonergan.
    • Except those aliens don't look anything like these aliens. And the BLA aliens were after water, not gold.

Ella doesn't die at the end[]

She took on a different more transportable form and left Earth to save other planets. There's presumably still more of them invading other planets, as Ella says the ones on Earth will come back with reinforcements later.

  • Given she was apparently revived by fire burning her corpse, it seems quite plausible for her to survive an explosion in a similar fashion.

Ella is a Time Lord[]

Come on! She regenerated, for cripes sake!

  • Nope. If she is following the Dr. Who rules for regeneration she would have died permanently when they burned her body, even if she normally could regenerate. Interrupting the regeneration process of a Time Lord, such as burning their body, kills them.
  • She might have done something similar to what the Tenth Doctor did to avoid changing body. One of her lines also seems to imply that particular bodies can get worn out, suggesting that she would have to switch to a new body.

The mining town is actually Roswell, New Mexico.[]

Aliens. Need I say more? New Mexico is out west, and it's deser-ty enough...

  • Except this story had actual aliens, where as even most of the original proponents of the Roswell Incident involving an alien craft haven't believed that about Roswell in about 15 years.

The Aliens stole the ship and acompanying tech[]

They're basically space cockroaches with a modicum of intelligence; enough to fly the ship and fighters, and use some of the tech, but they don't really know how it works or how to modify or repair it. This is why they had to mine on a habitable planet: they can't build or operate an asteroid mining facility, and they're too stupid to think of it anyway.

    • That explains why their aircraft engines are so inefficient at burning fuel, though this troper believed it was because they were using petroleum fuels (mined on this planet along with the gold) in an engine not originally designed for it.

The Aliens are ancestors of the Psychlos[]

They share the same lust for gold and crippling stupidity that allows humans to defeat them. Between the time of this movie and the time of Battlefield Earth, they evolved from reptilian creatures to those idiots.

The kiss Ella plants on Jake was magical/telepathic like the one Superman used on Lois Lane.[]

She kisses him, the weapon falls off. Obvious.

The events of this film are an alternate timeline - reverse engineering the remains of the ship sets off the Steampunk revolution.[]

Ella is Quorra[]

The whole movie takes place in a mostly isolated part of The Grid, where the graphics are styled like Westworld, rather than in shiny-black-and-neon. Quorra was sent to save the townsfolk, bandits and indians (who are all programs) from the aliens (a virus whose weapons are hacks) who are stealing the molten gold (data streams). Ella|Quorra doesn't die and resurrect; she is de-rezzed and rebooted.