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  • Broken Base
  • Face of the Band: Dani Filth.
  • Hate Dumb: Contains a lot of Bandwagon Haters from the "true" black metal camp (also overlaps with Willfully Blind, because Cradle of Filth never really played black metal anyway).
  • It's Popular, Now It Sucks: The reaction of many black metal fans to their popularity.
  • Nightmare Retardant: The band tries hard to look scary. Unfortunately, Dani is short, round-faced and has a posh middle-class accent, so it doesn't really work.
    • Particularly in his newer work in which he wears glittery face paint, making him look like, according to one Youtube commenter, the Goblin King.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: And since they introduce a change to their sound with just about every new release, this happens a lot.