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Crash's universe is parallel to Sonic's.[]
Crash and Sonic were both experiments gone wrong. The two games both feature Talking Animals. However, Crash's world is a little zanier than Sonic's, so it is the parallel world.
- The two series are often compared to each other, and Crash does resemble Sonic.
It's a bit of an acrid strategy, but it would be a little weird and disorganized if Cortex assigned the locations of the crystals- If he was so sure Crash's fate would be sealed instantly like he wanted in the first game. My idea is that N.brio had organized the silver gems in order to grab crashes attention to them instead of the pink crystals, which for some reason he never became crashes enemy by obtaining them, like he had warned beforehand. Cortex could not have referred to the pink crystals, he could have been lying so he could attempt to get away at the ending, instead Crash Bandicoot was supposed to achieve picking up the colored gems. Explaining that observations solidity, and how the pink crystals were so easy to obtain despite the risks of being picked up from random strangers. Technically, N.Brio dreaded the idea of Crash wanting to collect all the pink crystals in order to free himself of the warp room hell and save the world. Heres the thing though, someone, like maybe a "hidden character" perhaps, had organized the location of the crystals and preserve them so that they can sustain their state of power? This goes to the theory that some druid-like monk had summoned specific area's to place the crystals. Cortex in essence already knew of the crystals, but originally wanted to place them in a position that Crash could not reach without encountering fate. Someone clearly pulled a hostage on N.Brio before he could find out crashes unwarranted collection of the Pink crystals.
Koala Kong originally set out a secret initiative to bomb Cortex Island.[]
Crash, ironically, had stopped what could have ended Cortex's reign of terror at an instant. Clearly Koala Kong had a massive stock of explosives (Read: TNT crates) that the whole other two islands were covered in. If that was not glaring in the first place, the string of explosive crates found on N.Sanity island or Lost City island could have been decoys to submerge any suspicion. Of course Crash being an oblivious, walking mutant rat did not know right off that those TNT were not set to kill him, but rather to keep a checkerboard stock location for explosives, since very few modern day people live on the islands. To influence the immediate conflict the two had right off the bat, Crash also injured dozens of Natives who were also plotting an attack against Cortex island. They only added barriers because they had the impression that Crash Bandicoot was an assigned sabotage project. Regardless of his mistakes, the wrongful strike against Kong made the destruction of Cortex island a half-assed victory Crash only did all by himself with no help.
Tanwa broke up with Crash due to his connections with spiritual forces.[]
A case of "the world is not ready yet" is the (only) saddest thing in Crash's life. Crash was depicted as lazy in the intro from Crash Bandicoot 2. He probably slept all day due to some bottled up dredging about Tanya and why she broke up with him. He could only cry in his dreams though, thats how abnormal Crash was. Maybe the fact Tanya was more aware of the dangers of Aku or Uka's power being connected to him, had brought up unhealthy worry and passive aggressive tendencies. Also, Crash was not the brightest bulb in the socket. As a Wild Mass Guess this is probably the best one because a lot of other fans can go on saying the new, crackheaded Bandicoot resembles someone who beats their relatives.
Aku Aku and Uka Uka have systematically evolved.[]
Besides the design team being a bunch of dramatic idiots pulling off a Christopher Nolan, and failing, but the one justified reason for their design changes are due to dramatic morphs from an evolutionary standpoint. Stupid as it may seem it makes sense that their spiritual experiences in time had evolved them.
The Time Station in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped also goes gives access to alternate realities.[]
The time setting in progressive levels (such as the Racing and Medieval themed levels) look very similar with a few glaring differences besides the weather and time. There is a ladder that supports this claim. First off, it seems that the Medieval and futuristic levels have a progressive meta-sequel infrastructure to each and every one of them. The first castle level had wizards, and kissing frogs. The second had the same thing, but the third and final one actually had a distinct inclusion- A double headed monster, outside of artistry, double headed giants did not really exist outside of a radical birth defect. The hidden and fourth racing level had UFO's instead of land vehicles, this was probably because the whole UFO myth is easily dismissed as false and an entire fabrication. It mostly makes sense since the real world tends to know these more likely as small myths.
The Wampa Fruit are actually the most valuable food products in the franchise.[]
This is not a genius speculation, but Wampa fruit are the most expensive, and most delicious of the Nectarine family. They resemble a cross between an apple and a peach, and they come in only one color variety which, again, resembles a peach. They might be a dime a dozen on the three islands but they are the most valuable items on that location even more so than the crystals or gems.
N.Brio is actually a malformed clone of Neo Cortex.[]
Despite the more abrasive judgement, N.Brio is a walking antonym of Neo Cortex in a lot of areas. You could look at his figure, listen to his voice, and even pay attention to the mannerisms, but never be convinced that he is the Yin to the Cortex Yang. The obvious first conclusion is the vie for power in the first game. This is a glaring similarity to an almost insane madman with a large yellow head. Second, it's pretty clear that Cortex had mutated pretty much anything and everything mother nature had to offer the southern american islands. But what if N.Brio is a mutated human clone of Cortex? What branches out of the clone theory is the fact that he is perhaps a missing link that shares some traits of Cortex, and that alternatively had used technology to pass over genetic details. This can best explain a not-so-well-known character a bit more.
Crash is the son of Cortex[]
Cortex mutated his son into a human bandicoot hybrid and tried to conquer the world with him. But Crash escaped and is now trying to stop his father.
Becoming Crystal Crazy is true and Cortex suffers it[]
In a part of Twinsanity Cortex warns Crash that the gaze of the Crystal will make him crazy, however cortex has witnessed the crystal for who know how longs in the second game, so what if he started to become a lessor threat thanks to the madness that he proclaimed to Crash, Crash only recently became insane due to them. Thus why everyone who has taken a long time to look at them either went crazy or a little mad.
Cortex is Nina's father... AND her uncle![]
Nina could very well be the product of Brother-Sister Incest. It's possible that they may not have known that at the time though.
"Tiny" in Crash of the Tintans isn't really Tiny. He is Pura.[]
Yes, Coco's pet tiger. Think about it: Even compared to the other characters, Tiny's redesign for Crash of the Titans bears no resemblance to what the character used to be whatsoever. He doesn't appear to be the same species, his meek personality is literally almost the exact opposite of what he used to be like, and though I could be mistaken, I don't think he's ever explicitly referred to by name in any actual dialogue. So I'm theorizing that he really isn't Tiny. The truth is that Cortex kidnapped Pura and used the Evolvo Ray and the Cortex Vortex on him, swaying him to his will. "Tiny's" apologetic attitude and admiration torwards Crash actually makes a lot of sense if we assume he was previously his friend and ally. His child-like personality is because he really is just a cub whose growth was artificially accelerated by Cortex.
Coco, Tawna, Pasadena O' Possum, the Trophy Girls, and Yaya were created by Cortex not for combat, but for... pleasure purposes[]
Cortex has virtually no female company, only his niece and Madame Amberly, and had been shunned by much of humanity. This would make him a very lonely man, and his oversized head and yellow skin are even more of a dealbreaker, in addition to his age. If you're gonna be working on experiments day in and day out, you would make sure you'd put out something easy on the eyes every once in a while. Hence why they have completely shapely, humanoid bodies; and big luscious eyes in the case of the Trophy Girls. And why they seem so submissive. Hence Mr. Bandicoot is doing them a huge favor by saving them from Cortex, because his Cortex Vortex would have ensured a lifetime of endless... favors for a very lonely man.