Imagine if ABC designed a Game Show based off Drives Like Crazy. Okay, now make contestants Hot-Blooded throw in some Car Fu, add a little Wipeout, and sprinkle liberally with exploding cars.
Yeah, it's that kind of a show.
Each show begins with five teams of two competing in various driving competitions. Basically, take every vehicle trope that exists, make it absurdly awesome, and make it a Crash Course event. Teams get eliminated until two remain, which take on an obstacle course to race for $50,000. Hosts Orlando Jones and Dan Cortese provide snarky commentary.
It's either So Bad It's Good, So Cool Its Awesome, or just insane car-related entertainment.
- Badass Driver: How many drivers can say they've successfully chased after a speeding semi, dodged falling barrels, then drove up the ramp and boarded the truck?
- Captain Crash: Apparently contestants have driving licenses. It's hard to tell with some of them.
- Car Fu: Car Dominoes, anyone?
- Catch Phrase: Orland is desperately trying to make "Two reds and a green" one.
- Cool Car: Well, not exactly. The cars are modified with roll cages and lots of reinforcement, though.
- Drives Like Crazy: Those who don't end up becoming a Badass Driver do this.
- Don't Try This At Home: Repeated ad naseum in case some moron decides to roll a car for fun.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Orlando had a "showmance" with one couple that never stopped smiling.
- Every Car Is a Pinto: Purposely used. They love making cars "explode" with the magic of gasoline.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Besides the show's name, most of the games work this way. Like Car Bowling.
- I Always Wanted To Do That: One contestant purposely drove off a truck ramp in attempt to flip his car. He nearly took out a few workers and a camera on a golf cart.
- Made of Explodium: They probably spend half their budget on pyrotechnics.
- Moment of Awesome: At least one per episode.
- Nightmare Fuel / Paranoia Fuel: Flipping a car onto its roof and being stuck inside. Even with reinforced cars, protective gear, and paramedics on standby...that's still going to be terrifying.
- Ramp Jump: All over the place, including the flip-your-car-upside-down-stunt-ramp variant.
- Serial Escalation: How many cars will they crash? How many things will go up in flames? How many crazy drivers will drive their passenger to tears?
- Squick: Siblings that were constantly hugging and rather...touchy-feely.
- One contestant called his mother "baby". Repeatedly.
Orlando (to contestant) Did you just call your mother "baby"? |
- Those Two Guys: That's kinda what Orlando and Dan are there for.