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  • Shiro no Eden: Shuuto is very protective of Mashiro and constantly butts heads with Ai.
  • Oh God, Yusaku from Kimagure Orange Road. Pretty much 90% of his Butt Monkey episodes come from him trying to forcibly get in Hikaru's good graces, no matter wha she thinks about it. In fact, Hikaru openly tells him she's not interested in him but in Kyousuke, but Yusaku simply refuses to listen to her.
  • Kyo from Black Bird can slip into this towards Misao at times.
  • Ayashi no Ceres: Shiso/The Progenitor to Ceres — stalking her across time, killing one of their own children due to jealousy.
  • Arakawa Under the Bridge: Hoshi over Nino. She barely even notices.
  • Shiva of Saint Beast, to Yandere Murder the Hypotenuse levels.
  • Girls Love manga Shiroi Heya no Futari ends with one of the girls being stabbed by a jealous male suitor.
  • Usami Akihiko of Junjou Romantica. He said himself that if Misaki ever attempts to leave, he will lock him up so no one can take him away. Fortunately Usami hasn't acted on it... yet. Nowaki and Shinobu have their moments as well.
  • Takano Masamune from Sekaiichi Hatsukoi over Onodera, although it tends to be more subtle than the usual examples of this trope.
  • Rolo Lamperouge of Code Geass towards Lelouch, with a bit of Yandere and Tyke Bomb mixed in. The results were not pretty. Poor Shirley.
  • Kunō from Ranma One Half, except that he's more low-key than the girls and rarely Glomp the girls he's interested in. (Kunō because, unless he catches them by surprise, Akane and Ranma beat his head in for trying. Mousse, though, is one of these through and through—even the fact his antics usually get him beaten up (by either the girl he chases or by someone he Glomps by mistake) fails to dissuade him. (All Played for Laughs, of course.)
    • Also, whenever Akane seemingly shows interest in anyone other than him, Ranma's jealousy knows no bounds.
  • Wolfram from Kyo Kara Maoh!, who harbors a borderline obsessive jealousy in regards to his accidental fiance Yuuri.
    • Sara is a borderline possessive Yandere in regards to Yuuri.
  • Ryota Miyagi from Slam Dunk. One of his first appearances has him weeping river tears, screaming and punching the light out of Sakuragi because he mistook him for Ayako's boyfriend.
  • JJ from FAKE, who keeps following his "sempai" Dee Laytner and clinging to him. He gets over it, lets go of Dee willingly... and gets a boyfriend (sorta) in the epilogue.
    • Dee can move completely into this trope at warp-speed if he feels motivated enough. Ryo can also suffer from Green-Eyed Monster syndrome on occasion, and when he does...

 Dee: And holy shit, but you can be an awfully catty bitch!


  • Gokudera from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. He sticks to Tsuna like no one else does and constantly tries to get people who start becoming "overly close" with Tsuna killed (and this is done in a comedic way). He becomes unreasonably jealous of anyone who is close to Tsuna, and is even shown watching Tsuna and getting incredibly pissed at Yamamoto for being so friendly with him. Not to mention his violent reaction when Chrome kisses Tsuna.
  • Gopher of Soul Eater is Noah's borderline personal Fan Boy. He beats Kid to a bloody pulp twice for having Noah's attention and gets extremely pissed off when Maka turns out to have the same uniqueness that made Noah apparently apparently have a fleeting interest in Gopher. This gets VERY bad when Noah decides that he wants to have Maka as well. Mind you that Gopher is featured in all of three chapters.
    • It doesn't get any better. With his chance of killing Maka gone, Gopher beats up Kid some more until realising that while hitting him doesn't achieve anything, showing him something asymmetrical does. He exploits this until Noah turns up and takes Kid away.
  • Sakuya from Sensual Phrase. He even goes so far as nearly raping Aine out of sheer jealousy / possessiveness when he thinks that Aine had sex with another boy.
  • Furuichi from Xam'd: Lost Memories, who held a strong love for Haru and a strong jealousy towards Akiyuki. Things didn't work out well for him.
  • Naoki of Jazz, leading to a particularly horrible Kick the Dog moment with his lover.
  • Atsushi Otani from Lovely Complex is a bit like this towards Risa Koizumi, but subtler than the standard.
  • Just like Yuno is a Clingy Jealous Girl for Yukiteru in Mirai Nikki, Akise is a Crazy Jealous Guy for him too. But while Yuno is more violent, Akise is more manipulative.
  • Prince Diamond and Ali are this for Usagi (Ali is also like this for En) in Sailor Moon.
    • And Fiore for Mamoru in the R movie.
    • Also Umino acts like this in regards to Naru to a mild extent.
    • And Saffir tends to become this towards his brother Demando whenever Demando is obsessing over Sailor Moon, yet never really crosses the line. He does admit in the anime that he's jealous of Moon—and to Demando's Clingy Jealous Girl Esmeraude, even!
  • Haguro Dou from Wolf Guy Wolfen Crest. If you think a logical reaction to someone talking to your special someone (in his case an anti-social werewolf) is to beat that someone within an inch of their life, bite out their tongue, and sodomize them, you probably qualify for the crazy part pretty well.
    • Even more so: his "reaction" to learning that said antisocial werewolf Likes Older Women and has a crush on their Hot Teacher was kidnapping said teacher, having her repeatedly and brutally gangraped and drugged to make her enjoy her own rape, and videotaping it so he'd be able to release this to the internet.
  • Black Cat: Creed for Train.
  • Full Metal Panic: Gauron for Sousuke. Nothing pisses him off more than seeing Sousuke hanging out with his friends, or just simply having a life besides fighting Gauron. Gauron's reaction normally involves trying to eliminate these people in violent ways.
  • Ryoki from Hot Gimmick for Hatsumi. He's utterly obsessed with Hatsumi and while he at first just wants her to be his "slave" he eventually makes her his girlfriend. She's reluctant about getting involved with him because he always seemed "scary" and she was genuinely terrified of him for a bit, due to an incident when they were younger where she suspected that he pushed her down the stairs. She gradually develops feelings for him, but still has moments where she feels extremely put off and scared of his overly possessive and violent nature. His violent obsession over her develops to the extent where he firmly states that she's not allowed to even think of/love any other guy except him, even if it's her own brother. He also demands that she should keep conversations with all men under one minute, answer the phone on the first ring when he calls, show up at least an hour early to all dates, and often overreacts when a male's name is mentioned in conversation, even if it's just her little brother. If he happens to see her with another guy he tends to go off on a jealous rage and hit her. And, at one point, she tells him she can't be with him anymore when he orders her to make the impossible decision of choosing between him or her family. When she leaves him he states "That stupid woman...If she can't be mine she should just die." She eventually gets back together with him though and even agrees to marry him at the end in the hope that he'll start being nicer to her if she stays with him. However, in the novels it's stated that Hatsumi has left him to be with Shinogu, her Unlucky Childhood Friend.
  • Saito is one for Louise in Zero no Tsukaima, though definitely not to the extent that Louise is a Clingy Jealous Girl for him.
  • Maki in Darker Than Black, (despite being a cute little kid), right down to trying to murder the guy his crush is in love with.
  • Pandora Hearts: Gilbert for Oz and Vincent for his brother Gilbert.
  • On Ah! My Goddess, Urd's ex boyfriend Troubador was one of these. According to Urd, back when they were dating he would use his powers to make bugs and insects crawl out of the bodies of any man who tried to flirt with her. He tried the same thing on Keiichi when he mistakenly believed Keiichi and Urd were seeing each other.
  • Tokiwa from Ask Dr. Rin spends the first few episodes either trying to win Meirin over or Murder the Hypotenuse, even if said "winning her over" means trapping her in a potential And I Must Scream situation. This is subverted, once the demon who had been posessing him was exorcised. The actual Tokiwa is very sweet, if a little doofy, Chick Magnet who Just Wants His Beloved To Be Happy.
  • In Okane ga Nai, you have Kanou and Ayase. Long story shot: Kanou is ridiculously jealous and possessive, and hates Ayase even having contact with anyone other than him. Considering that Ayase is adorably cute and has Even the Guys Want Him to an extreme that may eventually shift genres into sci-fi territory (no, seriously, he has been nearly been raped so many times that it's just not funny, and there has been Wild Mass Guessing that he will turn out to be some alien creature that secrets pheromones to everyone that crosses his path), and Ayase has the survival instinct of a newborn bunny rabbit in a six-lane interstate highway, you can almost forgive the guy for being so protective. However, Kanou has huge issues telling Ayase that he loves him, and so if anyone even hints that they show an interest in him, he shows his affection in ... er...other more painful ways.
  • In Corsair, after discovering that Sesaam is alive and thinking Canale is going back to him Ayace goes into crazy jealous mode and rapes Canale.
    • Of course, Canale had just half-an-hour before rejected Sesaam because he realised he was in love with Ayace. Ouch. Wrong choice, Canale.
  • In the manga Love Pistols, this is both Played for Laughs and played straight. Norririn acts like this in true Clingy Jealous Girl fashion whenever Kunimasa pays too much attention to anyone else, but he's never really serious about it, and he's in fact so uncertain about Kunimasa's feelings for him that when Kunimasa tries to play off their relationship like it doesn't mean anything to him, Norririn is incredibly hurt and breaks up with him. However, this trope is then played completely straight in Kunimasa who actually can't stand the thought of anyone else touching Norririn, and acts rather more violently if this occurs.
  • Invoked by Kaoru in Virgin Love. The reason he shuns romantic relationships is his fear of becoming like his man-crazy mother. His prediction does come true, but Daigo is willing to accept the madly jealous side of him and convinces him to give their relationship a chance.
  • Harry in Outlaw Star is very much this with additional stalker tendencies whenever he is around Melfina, and becomes irrational to the point of violence when she repeatedly rejects his advances and starts to spend a lot of time with Gene. On that note, Gene also acts like this around Melfina at times, though definitely not to the extent that Harry does.
  • Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew towards Ichigo.
  • In Happy Yarou Wedding, Todou has his moments when he thinks Yuuhi's cheating in any way.
  • Rolan of Marchen Awakens Romance shows signs of this during the Ghost Chess arc when Alviss tells him that Phantom likes him better. Cue, the two start fighting.
  • Let Dai: Dai. Ladies, Jaehee is off-limits. Seriously.
  • Swordfish towards Sen in Under Grand Hotel. He threatens anyone who expresses an interest in Sen with death, has sex with Sen to the point where it nearly kills Sen, tries to strangle him, kills the guys who raped Sen saying that he did it for Sen's sake even after Sen told him not to kill them, moves out of Sen's room and lets a rapist move in when angry with Sen, and slices the throat of another one of Sen's rapists right in front of him while saying "I love you, Sen." This being after he tried to get Sen to kill the guy himself but Sen refused. And his unhealthy obsession with Sen only continues and increases throughout the manga.
    • And Norman's in love with Swordfish but pretended to be in love with Sen so he could get closer to Swordfish. He tried to persuade Swordfish to kill Sen but that didn't work. So, on one occasion when there was a scuffle going on he tried to get Sen out of the way by stabbing him with a pencil but accidentally ends up stabbing his inmate Walter instead who was trying to protect Sen in the hope of getting protection from Swordfish. When he finds this out, Norman holds a knife to Walter's neck telling him, "If you don't want to die, don't butt in again Walter!"
    • Also, Lain Brody. In the first few scenes we see him in he gives Sen a blowjob, strips him, drugs him and outright molests him as he's drugged (including telling him "No way in hell am I letting Sword Fish kill you. Because he doesn't love you. I'm the only one that can kill you."), rapes him with a mop handle, ties him up and hides him in a dryer. And when Swordfish finds Sen he gives him CPR. Lain responds to this by stabbing Fish in the arm with a fork and tries to stab him again while screaming at him, "Get off of Sen! He belongs to me!" Immediately after that Lain is shot and killed by security guards.
  • Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru: Luka is a mild version towards Yuki in both his male incarnation and female incarnation. He gets very noticeably pissed off and annoyed whenever he sees anyone touching or acting friendly with Yuki. He's also very protective of him.
  • Q-Ta of Honey Hunt over Yura.
  • Bokura ga Ita: Yano has a hard time trusting Nanami completely, displaying jealousy and possessiveness, even to the point of physically abusing her.
  • Ai no Kusabi has Guy. Riki's Unlucky Childhood Friend. He is so in love with Riki, not only does he give him an unwanted penectomy to remove the pet ring that was on his penis upon being told that as long as Riki wears Iason's pet ring he'll never be free of him, but he also blows up an entire fortress to kill Iason, Riki's lover.
    • Iason Mink himself is one of these, and like Guy, he becomes extremely obsessed with Riki. It's not touched upon in the OVA, but the novel and audio drama have scenes where Riki slept with a female pet and he was subsequently brutally tortured by Iason for "betraying" him.
  • In the manga Desire Climax both Hina and Shoei demonstrate these tendencies towards Mio. Hina even more so, since on many occasions, despite his cute and angelic appearance, he has demonstrated a chilling cruel streak and a manipulative personality; basically he wants Mio and is apparently willing to use tricks, blackmail, lies, and outright attempted rape to separate her from Shoei. He has even gone so far as to trick a half-blind Shoei into thinking he was Mio so he could attempt to seduce him, later telling Mio that he didn't do that because he loves Shoei, rather he did it because he would be "willing to do anything if it means I could separate you from that guy". He himself proudly admits that he's crazy when Mio calls him out on his actions and attempts to seduce her. Thankfully, both he and Shoei mellow out eventually.
  • Naoe from Mirage of Blaze expresses tendencies of this sort towards Kagetora. He was prepared to kill Kagetora and himself so that Kagetora will "never belong to anyone else". He also murders the hypotenuse by raping Kagetora's lover and later on forcing Kagetora to possess her to save his life.
  • Osanai from Paprika tries to outright molest Paprika as he tells her that he loves her and later tries to strangle someone who tried to take Paprika away from him.
  • Souma Saiki from Sakura Gari shows these traits towards Masataka, but later mellows out. However his possessiveness does go to horribly creepy levels before he lets go, involving raping Masataka and then blackmailing him to have sex with him. It's only after his suicide attempt, which was triggered by Masataka actually snapping on him due to his abuse, that he shows Masataka how much he really cares for him and their relationship stabilises.
    • Sakurako Saiki, revealed to be a boy named Youya, is frighteningly possessive of his brother Souma, tortures every single servant boy/girl that Souma takes as a lover, and hates Masataka because he is the object of Souma's affections.
    • Katsuragi is revealed to be really crazy for Souma as well, so much so that he rapes and tortures Masataka, ordering him to stay away from Souma and sticks his hand in boiling hot water. Katsuragi later holds Souma down and tells him "you belong to me" and attempts to strangle him when Souma starts talking about Masataka right before Souma manages to brilliantly fight him back. It's later revealed that he tried to help Souma kill his abusive stepmother (Sakurako's mom) when Souma was angry with her for her abuse. However, when Souma ultimately couldn't go through with it, Katsuragi grabbed Souma's hand (that held a knife) and made him slice his mother's wrists, and raped him that same night.
  • Gilbert from Kaze to Ki no Uta. Make sure to befriend Auguste at your own risk. Auguste himself is an even worse offender towards Gilbert.
  • And then there's how annoyed and angry Genkaku from Deadman Wonderland gets whenever he sees the possibility of a girl getting close to Nagi (in regards to Shiro, he is shown being extremely agitated, wondering what relationship she has with Nagi, and saying that Nagi never learns, and that he'll just have to punish him again (which he tries by attempting to have Shiro and Karako raped). In regards to Karako, he stabs her when she hugs Nagi, telling her, "Don't touch my carnage, you shitty girl"). And later, Nagi does a double suicide with Genkaku, holding him down so Ganta can kill him. Genkaku appears extremely happy, and calls Nagi his "savior". It's especially interesting to note that he was also the one that killed Nagi's wife in the beginning.
  • Griffith from Berserk acted a lot like one of these towards Guts in the past. After Guts left the Hawks Griffith's life went to hell and he grew to hate Guts and obsess over Casca instead. The reveal that Guts and Casca were lovers would ultimately cause Griffith to snap.
  • Fushigi Yuugi: Suboshi for Yui.
  • Katou from Haru wo Daiteita can drift into this territory when Iwaki is concerned. And he tends to react badly if anyone hurts him.
  • The yaoi manga Kawaii Akuma (and its sequel) has Naruse towards Akiyoshi.
  • Kizuna: Ranmaru acts like this a bit about Enjouji, but it's nowhere near the serious extent to which Enjouji acts around Ranmaru. Apparently it's In the Blood because his half-brother Kai acts the same way around first Ranmaru, and then Masa.
    • Then of course, there's Jack, who will kill you if you sleep with Roy. No, literally. He will take a sniper gun and put a bullet through your brain if you fuck his boyfriend.
  • Marmalade Boy: Kei is maybe the worst among Miki's suitors in regards to this. In the anime, however, he does get better.
  • Karakuridouji Ultimo: Rune towards Yamato.
  • Haou Airen: Hakuron. And in the end, Kaafai. Very ironically, he kills Hakuron, the one who drove over the edge.
  • Reimei no Arcana: Caesar can get quite clingy and easily jealous when it comes to Nakaba. Also, Chapter 21 seemingly hints that Loki has feelings for Nakaba and is jealous of Caesar's relationship with her.
  • Suzu of Peacemaker Kurogane towards Yoshida and later towards Tetsunosuke.
  • GetBackers: Takuma Fudou over Ban. At one point he says to Ginji Ban's Heterosexual Life Partner "When you're around, Midou doesn't even notice me. Midou's eyes are not on me... because you're in the way!" and attempts to kill Ginji.
  • Kazehaya of Kimi ni Todoke is this to Sawako, although as a minor and played completely sympathetic trait.
  • Alois of Black Butler has tendencies of this sort towards Claude and Sebastian towards Ciel, once stating that "Young master is mine."
  • Gendo towards Yui in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Also, in the Angelic Days manga, Kaworu is Shinji's childhood friend, and is severely possessive of the boy when Asuka or Rei get too close.
  • In episode 17 of D.N.Angel Saehara acts like one of these for Mio Hio. And in episode 23 Kael acts like one for Freedert.
  • In the manga Lilim Kiss, Souma, the one who previously released the titular succubus hated the fact Lilim did not drain him exclusively and went out to other guys during the night despite his attempts to force her to stay with him alone he ended up sealing her in a jealous rage. Upon learning she was released and didn't remember him and stayed with Takaya exclusively even though Takaya never threatened her, he steals the pendent and seals Lilim again so she will be his and his alone.
  • Tamaki of Ouran High School Host Club can sometimes fall into this in regards to Haruhi. He's mostly harmless though and a lovable idiot.
  • Kiniro no Corda: Yunoki shows mild signs of this early on when Hino is first getting close to Hihara; i.e., the minor chord and ominous background that occurs as he watches Hino and Hihara joke around. Fortunately, he shifts gears pretty quickly after he gets to know Hino better and Hihara displays genuine interest in her. He also shows subtle signs of this towards Hino, getting somewhat jealous when he heard she was hanging out with Tsukimori, Tsuchira, and Hihara in one chapter in the manga and later asking her privately if he can't have "fun" with her too. Also, Tsuchira for Hino.
  • Touji of Peach Girl for Momo.
  • Love Hina: Much like Naru's a Clingy Jealous Girl for Keitaro and is not a fan of girls hitting on him. Keitaro's not a fan of guys hitting on Naru either, although he mostly just angsts privately about it.
  • Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss. He normally is a regular asshole to the heroine Nanami but should another man even look at her, much less talk to her, watch out.
  • This is hinted at just once in Fullmetal Alchemist (manga and Brotherhood only), when the Animated Armor serial killer Barry the Chopper attacks Riza Hawkeye. Because she shoots him instead of freaking out and screaming, he decides that he's in love with her. She puts in a call to her commanding officer, Roy Mustang, who arrives on the scene to witness Barry putting his arms around her waist. It's quite obvious that Riza is not happy with the situation, and Roy reacts by literally growling and putting on his ignition gloves, telling her to move out of the way so he can set Barry on fire for the impertinence. (This is the first hint in the story that the relationship between Roy and Riza isn't exactly platonic.)
  • Saionji towards Anthy in Revolutionary Girl Utena.
  • Nabari no Ou: Raikou looks mildly annoyed whenever Gau interacts with or talks about Yoite. It's almost like he's jealous. Both Raikou and Gau state at some point that they would do anything for each other. Gau is so devoted to Raikou that he's willing to kill himself to make Raikou happier. Raikou, for his part, is protective of Gau to the point that when a mook hurts Gau, Raikou goes completely berserk, kills him, and mutilates his dead body.
  • Stepping on Roses: Nozomu. To insane proportions. He even goes so far as to go around with an ax "Here's Johnny" style trying to catch Sumi "cheating on him" As if he couldn't get any creepier, finding out that Sumi is his sister makes him even MORE obsessed with her.
  • Kyo of Fruits Basket turns into a very mild version of this around every guy who has some sort of relationship with Tohru, whom he eventually marries.
    • In the manga and second anime, Shigure is this for the person he's in love with: Akito. This is why he grew to loathe and resent Kureno, even when the other man has a Big Brother Worship towards him: he's very jealous of the guy's position as his beloved's companion, and even admits it to him.
  • Date Masamune from Gate 7 is a Crazy Jealous Guy Played for Laughs. He's a Chaotic Good just because his "kitten" Hana is in the Urashichiken, he get lose in his own Imagine Spot of Hana when he should being kicking ass and since his subordinate's main job is scold him when he gets over the line, Hilarity Ensues. But let's not forget he tries to Murder the Hypotenuse twice.
  • Hana no Mizo Shiru: Kawabata acts very possessively towards Misaki, ostensibly out of jealousy. He apparently interrogates him about any acquaintances he makes at his university — and then he really doesn't like it when Misaki hooks up with Arikawa.
  • Shinichi Kudo aka Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan may not really like that his Love Interest Ran is a Clingy Jealous Girl at times... but when a guy shows romantic interest in Ran, he gets extremely jealous. In fact, Eisuke Hondou manages to use this to his advantage: he already suspected Conan to be Shinichi, and to prove it he said in front of him that he wanted Ran to go with him to the USA. Conan's jealous reaction confirmed his belief.
    • Shinichi's rival and best friend Heiji can get pretty jealous when it looks like his would-be girlfriend Kazuha (again, a Clingy Jealous Girl) will have a suitor.
    • Shiratori is quite fixated on Miwako, and therefore can be pretty jealous when she's with Takagi. He tones this down quite a bit when he actually finds the woman he's always loved, Sumiko, but can still be pretty passive-aggressive at times about her.
    • Makoto, Sonoko's boyfriend, is normally an awkward but kind-hearted guy. But it's best not to give him a reason to think a guy's interested in Sonoko, because his jealousy WILL flare up...