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A God or similar creates a world or similar. Unlike a Creation Myth, the creation is part of the actual story, not just its background.

In fantasy and mythology, this is sometimes the first chapter of the story, starting from the very beginning. Other times, it happens as a significant plot point in the middle of the story or as its end.

Examples of Creation Story include:

Comic Books[]

  • In Lucifer, two universes get created. Each creation get its own chapter detailing the process of creation.
  • Inverted in the Sandman graphic novel A Game of You. A world is destroyed by its maker, but this act of uncreation is portrayed as inverting the act of creating it.


  • Tron: Legacy is very much about Flynn and Clu building a world together. This is ancient history when the story begins, but the flashbacks are frequent.


  • The Bible begins with God creating the heavens and the earth.
  • The first book of The Chronicles of Narnia has almost the entire cast witnessing as Jesus Aslan creates the titular world.
  • The first chapter in JRR Tolkien's The Silmarillion is Ainulindale (The Music of the Ainur), the story of the creation of Middle-Earth.
  • In Eric, the main characters are magically thrown back in time and meet the Creator as he's making the Discworld. ...and accidentally take part.

Western Animation[]

  • Titan A.E. ends with the heroes using the Titan to create a new world, a home planet for mankind to replace the one they lost in the Downer Beginning.

Web Comics[]

  • In Homestuck, creating universes is the whole point of Sburb, and the kids' universe was created by the trolls' session.