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  • The end of They're Creeping Up on You! is perhaps the only genuinely frightening thing in the film (most everything else is deliberately silly) but it's absolutely horrifying. Also an example of Nausea Fuel and Paranoia Fuel.
  • Also, Richard's revenge. Being immobilized in sand while the tide gets closer and closer to you and ultimately covers you.
  • THAT THING, in an otherwise mostly-innocent anthology horror movie. Hint: box
  • The Hey, It's That Guy! moment concerning Leslie Nielsen turned sour after it became clear how convincingly freaky Nielsen is in this movie.
  • The DAMN COCKROACHES. The worst part? No special effects. They're all REAL!
    • Well, if it's some consolation, there's a lot of real cockroaches, but also a lot of dead cockroaches and a lot of brown cockroach-shaped stuff to bulk out the mass.