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The sequel to the classic 1982 horror anthology Creepshow is a bit of a mixed bag. A smaller budget lowered the number of stories from five to three, and they also couldn't afford to do as many of the "comic book effects" as they had on the first movie.

The aforementioned three stories are:

  1. Old Chief Wood'nhead - Ray and Martha Spruce run a general store in the town of Dead River, when a delinquent Navajo teen, Sam Whitemoon, and his hoodlum friends rob them and kill them. Sam and his buddies think they got away, but Old Chief Woodn'head, the cigar store Indian Ray has kept all these years, comes alive and decides to scalp himself some ornery teenagers.
  2. The Raft - College students Deke, Randy, Laverne and Rachel head to isolated Cascade Lake to smoke weed and get freaky on a wooden raft, only to find themselves preyed upon by a flesh-eating muck monster that covers the surface of the water like a malignant oil slick.
  3. The Hitchhiker - Wealthy and spoiled Anne Lansing is cheating on her husband, George, and in her effort to beat him home one night so he won't get suspicious, Anne speeds and winds up running down an innocent hitchhiker. Rather than stay and take responsibility for her actions, Anne chooses to flee the moment she sees other cars approaching. The other people (including, ironically, George) don't notice her because they stop to try and help the hitchhiker, who has unfortunately died. Anne is confident she got away undetected, but soon finds herself relentlessly pursued by the undead hitchhiker, who really, really wants a ride. Enough to kill for it.
Tropes used in Creepshow 2 include: