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Crisis on Infinite Earths[]
The Earth presented at the end of Crisis On Infinite Earths is not the Post-Crisis DCU.[]
In the first Crisis, the Earth-1 Superman is clearly the pre-Crisis Superman, and at the end it's stated he'll continue to be the main Superman. However, the Post-Crisis DCU has its own Superman, introduced in Man of Steel and well-known for being nowhere as powerful. In fact, a lot changed after the Crisis, so much so that it's obvious the Earth presented at the end isn't the post-Crisis DCU at all. Crisis was told from the perspective of that Earth, and after the Crisis was resolved that Earth... Hypertime'd away or something. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? takes place in this continuity.
- Not to mention that the power-suit wearing Luthor Superman briefly grills doesn't match up with the corporate shark Luthor Byrne would introduce months later. The recent re-addition of various pieces of pre-Crisis continuity (Superman's involvement in the Legion, the Toyman) muddle the matter, though.
- Elements of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse were firm enough in their existence that, when it was brought back in Infinite Crisis briefly, the entire thing ballooned outwards again, only to come crashing back into 52 Universes. Therefore, New Earth is filled with the echoes of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse, possibly explaining such odd returns as Zur En Ahhr.
- Believe it or not, at least some of this was explained in-continuity: All-Star Squadron and The Legend of Wonder Woman, the latter a four-issue miniseries meant to wrap up the E-1 Wonder Woman's story since only the E-2 version really featured in the Crisis, both depicted characters — Mekanique and Aphrodite — holding back the full effects of the timeline revision for their own purposes. So Crisis #10-12 and a few other comics probably fit into the period before those two characters "let go" and the wholesale revision wave hits. (This may also explain why, despite COIE #10-12 indicating that all the heroes at the Dawn of Time would recall the multiverse, no one does when the reboots of Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. start hitting.)
- Elements of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse were firm enough in their existence that, when it was brought back in Infinite Crisis briefly, the entire thing ballooned outwards again, only to come crashing back into 52 Universes. Therefore, New Earth is filled with the echoes of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse, possibly explaining such odd returns as Zur En Ahhr.
- Justice takes place in this Earth. The Marvel Family apparently have always lived on this Earth, and debuted during the early years of the superheroes. As shown in History of the DC Universe #2.
- Wait, the Earth of the post-Crisis DCU, up until Infinite Crisis, is secretly Earth-S?
- No, I meant that the pre-Crisis Marvel Family characters were still canon before they were reintroduced in the Shazam! The New Beginning mini-series and The Power of Shazam graphic novel.
- Wait, the Earth of the post-Crisis DCU, up until Infinite Crisis, is secretly Earth-S?
Alexander Luthor Jr.'s superpowers didn't come from the Anti-Matter Wave.[]
There's no logical reason the Anti-Matter wave would affect him like that. Pariah wasn't affected, nor was anyone else present for the death of a universe. The true moment of mutation was when he broke out of his universe, attempting to reach Earth-1, thus exposing him to The Bleed, which is known to have bizarre effects on those exposed to it.
- Either way, it's possible he had a latent metagene activated during the multiversal crossing.
Neither the Crisis nor the so-called Anti-Matter Waves actually destroyed any universes, they just sealed them away from inter-universal travel and observation.[]
The original multiverse is still there, just inaccessible from the "mainstream" New Earth.
- Some of these were made accessible again after Infinite Crisis, at the end of 52; what the hyperevolved Mr. Mind was eating away at wasn't time, but interdimensional space.
- No, these were other alternate versions of the originals. Mr. Mind didn't "eat parts" of these universes, just cycled through several alternates including some that looked "partially eaten". The ones we ended up with were the last ones Mind jumped into before skipping to another section of the continuum entirely, and these wound up gettng slotted into the 52 "empty" spots connected directly to The DCU; but all the other worlds are still out there isolated from the current DCU, including all the Elseworlds.
- The Superman from the original Earth-2 did said "they're still out there" before he died.
- This would explain Grant Morrison's Animal Man series, despite the fact that Earth-Prime was supposedly destroyed/never existed due to the Crisis.
- This supports my theory of Earth-Prime being the center of all things DC/Marvel/Whatever. Because the word Prime implies significance, and if Earth-P is the real world, that means that we're the center of creation from which the Multiverse sprouted. The 52 can't exist without us.
The entire span of events between Crisis on Infinite Earths and the return of the Multiverse in Infinite Crisis took place over an extraordinarily short period of time in the Marvel Universe.[]
During the final issues of X-Man, the writer began to refer to the Marvel Universe as "611" because numerous other universes, including ones "higher up" had been destroyed by a godlike being. Yet the 616 designation was swiftly returned. Possibly, the total reboot of various heroes and organizations after the initial Crisis and the events of Zero Hour helped disrupt and stunt the sliding timescale of the DCU. Once the Multiverse returned in Infinite Crisis, however, the DCU made up for lost time: Luthor temporarily combines Earths 154 and 462 and catches a distorted glimpse of the Civil War.
- This proves that the DC and Marvel multiverses are actually one-and-the-same, and that it's only the barriers in the WMG above that shield the worlds connected to The DCU from the Marvel multiverse proper.
- This may be keep the Bleed contained to the 52, or the Anti-Monitor. Or Batman.
- Marvel & DCU were merged once in the mid 1990s (Amalgam Universe) back when DCU had only one universe and the two were only kept apart by the being Access. 616 was thus Always an available multiverse.
- The Zombie Sentry from Marvel Zombies actually was Superman (traveling into the afterlife is a trick he pulls off in DC One Million), from one of the 52. He broke through the barriers of reality and attacked Ash Williams in heaven, and then you know where it goes from there.
- Barry Allen's brief appearance in Quasar was due to his final race in the original Crisis sending him through the Multiverse. Eventually, he found his way back to the Infinite Earths to finish his job.
There was never an infinite number of universes.[]
Since the Anti-Monitor was able to reduce the number of universes to a finite number, there could not have truly been an infinite number of universes; only a very, very, large number of them perceived as infinite (or the term 'infinite' was being used loosely to describe the number of universes within the multiverse).
- Alternatively, the Anti-Monitor could only perceive or affect a finite number, but refused to accept this.
- Mathematically, there's nothing that says you can't destroy an infinite number. If infinite universes can be created, they can be destroyed. You just need an infinite destructive force. And if you can do that, you can also make a finite out of an infinite-- cut a middle section out of an infinite line and destroy the rest, and boom, instant finite line.
- Infinity minus infinity is undefined - the operation doesn't work ( http://www.philforhumanity.com/Infinity_Minus_Infinity.html ). Infinite isn't properly speaking a number in the same sense that 42 is a number - you can't subtract from it.
- Except we're not using regular subtraction anyway, and the above troper just defined how we go about getting a finite number from an infinite number, so that's all alright then.
- If you start from a single point and draw a line to infinity, it is an infinite distance. Therefore, to cut an infinite line in half and destroy the rest still leaves you with an infinite line.
- Mathematically, there's nothing that says you can't destroy an infinite number. If infinite universes can be created, they can be destroyed. You just need an infinite destructive force. And if you can do that, you can also make a finite out of an infinite-- cut a middle section out of an infinite line and destroy the rest, and boom, instant finite line.
Infinite worlds were not destroyed...[]
...just thousands upon thousands, because as noted above, it's impossible to destroy all of an infinite number. This is supported in Planetary, where Elijah Snow makes a reference to the Crisis as a "partial multiversal collapse" or something to that effect. The destroyed Earths were just an exceptionally large "family" of universes surrounding the multiversal cornerstone of Oa/Qward on Earth-1 and the Anti-Matter Universe, and other Earths (such as Wildstorm) were just too distant for the Anti-Monitor to detect. Alexander Luthor did not in fact recreate 51 other Earths, but only 50 — the reconstitution of the multiple Earths facilitated a connection to the Wildstorm Universe, which unbeknownst to either world's denizens now acts as a bridge between the 52 and the wider multiverse.
Superboy-Prime is an incarnation of Superman vs. Somebody fight threads.[]
Let's face it, anyone who proposed a match like that has always decreed that the contestants fight for basically no reason, that Superman fight to the best of his ability instead of using proportional response, and really wished people would stop just using Kryptonite. And voila: Here we have an incarnation of Superman who'll fight anyone at all for no reason, make every blow a killing one if he can, and is immune to Kryptonite.
- Apparently, Superman can't beat Superman and Superman.
- Actually when put into context, it makes more sense: (Silver Age) Super(boy-Prime) can beat both (Golden Age) Superman and (Modern Age) Superman. While the G.A. Supes is really strong (post-Power Creep, Power Seep) and M.A. Supes is... well, Modern Age Supes strong, Prime maintains Silver Age power levels where he can literally move planets with his bare hands, has almost no weaknesses and a very black-and-white morality view. The only reason he was beaten in Infinite Crisis was that the two Supermen destroyed his armor and exposed him to red sun radiation.
Crisis was a result of Kingdom Hearts' collapse returning the Darkness to surround the infinite universes, or Worlds.[]
Aside from the obvious multiple worlds theme, just tell me this is not a superpowerful example of these. They even fire energy bolts. This offers a link between Disney, Final Fantasy, and The DCU (and the Marvel Universe, if the above guesses are correct).
The Anti-Monitor is directly responsible for all continuity errors after CoIE.[]
Basically, he became the anthropormorphic personification of the Continuity Snarl. The one we saw in Green Lantern was Krona.
- Or the Anti-Monitor in Sinestro Corps War was the original, and still serves as the personification of the Continuity Snarl. He worked in conjunction with Superboy-Prime's punching of the Source Wall to cause all the current continuity errors since just before Infinite Crisis to the moment became the Black Lantern Power Battery.
Luthor jr. is powered by continuity errors.[]
That's really why he kept getting Superboy Prime to punch the walls. The worse the writers' research more reality is altered, the more powerful he becomes. Alternately, Superboy/man Prime is powered by them himself, and he will keep getting more powerful as errors increase.
The Entire Kingdom Hearts series is the direct result of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Not the otherway around.[]
Warning this theory is Continuity Porn.
The DCU, the Marvel Universe, Disney Animated Canon, Pixar's films and the various Final Fantasy worlds were all originally part of the same set of infinite earths that made up the multiverse before it was destroyed by the Anti-Moniter. We know this since we have seen that Marvel and DC universes are able to crossover occasionally, the minor Mythology Gags in the Pixar movies, Disney owning Marvel and Princess and The Frog showing a combined cosmology as that of the Lion King indicating a form of shared verses.
The Antimoniter claimed to have destroyed the multiverse but since it was made up from an infinite number of Earths that would be functionally impossible to destroy a infinite number of anything. What really occured was that he destroyed trillions of worlds but simply seperated and sealed most worlds off from each other. In this process some beings were removed from their original worlds and placed into new ones often with no memory of their true home, this happened to the Justice Society of America who were stranded on New Earth away from their original Earth-1 and to most of the Final Fantasy characters as their worlds were among those lost in the Crisis.
The Unversed came into being from the souls of those who lost their worlds and lives in the Crisis. The destroyed Antimoniter left behind a lingering darkness across the multiverse that when used in Xenoheart's experiments formed the heartless and left behind nobodies.
Due to his concern of the possibility of the Heartless reforming the Antimoniter and the potential dangers of the Nobodies and Unversed the moniter created the Access force as seen in Marvel Vs DC and the Amalgalm universe. This did not go as planned as he was diverted from his purpose of watching over the Heartless and Nobodies by the interfereance of Dr. Strangefate from the Amalgalm Universe. So when that minor crisis was adverted he stripped Access of his power and reforged the power into the Keyblades and Gummivessels which he gifted upon the Land of Departure, a world of his own creation where he deposited those with worthy hearts who had lost worlds but survived the Crisis. This is where the series begins.
The true cause of the Crisis on Infinite Earths?[]
Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked Mr. T at the exact moment that Mr. T punched Chuck Norris. The impact caused a chain reaction that awoke the Anti-Monitor and set the Crisis in motion.
The Anti-Monitor is a cosmic parasite, and Anthropomorphic Personification of the Anti-Matter universe.[]
Let's see...he doesn't just try to destroy reality, but is absorbing its remains. He's an Eldritch Abomination who's come back to life, only needing a shell to contain his essence. He's even described as a "universe-eater." This is why the Anti-Monitor does what he does-more or less, he just wants to consume The Multiverse, and feel full afterwards. Being a Multiversal Conqueror is just a bonus for the guy. This way of eating may be something that all Monitors share, considering that they tried to eat Earths 0-51 as well.
Superboy-Prime doesn't actually have any powers.[]
Earth Prime is supposed to be the real world. So obviously no one on Earth Prime has powers. But when their in Another Universe AKA the Fictional World, that's when theirs powers manifest. These fictional places in DC, or marvel, or any kind of comic book, were born out of the Comic creators' minds and take shape within their books, creating a pocket dimension, that has no effect here. Only when they bring up Earth Prime in the comics is when we actually get involved. Like Superboy-Prime probably wasn't born on Krypton, which would explain why there's no krytonite on Earth, no Darkseid in space or any trace of Zod. He may have just been abandoned by his real parents, who just happened to be exactly like Jor-El and Lara and were aptly named Jordan and Laura. Also the comet that Superboy claims gave him his powers was nothing more than coincidence, it was the fact that the fictional Superman had came into his world that gave him powers. Which would also explain why, only when Alex gave him back his armor in Blackest Night, is when his powers came back. Because the writers had unknowingly brought fictional elements into the real world, thus giving Prime his powers back.
But more to the point; maybe on Earth-Prime (here) there are others like Clark, like a guy named Barry Allen, a track star and loves lightning bolts, then there's Karen Kent, who's Clarks cousin and a cheerleader who admires Supergirl/Powergirl. Next Bruce Wayne, an orphan and Ideal Batman fan. Harold Jordan, a high school senior who loves the color green, wears a lot of rings and wants to sign up for the air force. Then Diana Prince, a bombshell feminist that was homeschooled in an all-female community. Finally, you have Victor Stone: a man with a bunch of prosthetics, but they're so high-end that everyone calls him "Cyborg".
Following the above, our universe has counterparts to the characters of the DC Universe.[]
And they all have similarities to the heroes and villains we love. Given there are about 7 billion people, they're bound to exist somewhere on our world. Including the above, we have Arthur Curry (a member of the school swimming program) and his girlfriend Mary. Richard Grayson is Bruce's younger, adoptive brother. The Teen Titans are Victor Stone's former classmates at college. Adam Strange is actually an astronaut who died during his mission(his The DCU counterpart survived because the Rannians exist.) John Jones exists, but is a standard detective, albeit one who's into the psychic craze.
There are villain counterparts. Lex Luthor is a rival Jerkass nerd who bullied Superboy-Prime, Sinestro (what his name is, who knows) is a cop that's hard on Hal and Brainiac is a libarian. Black Manta is Mary's former Bastard Boyfriend, of whom she is with child. Slade Wilson is secretly an assassin, but his public job is looking after his darling Rose. The Joker is a clown that scared the hell out of Bruce when he was a kid. As for the various Lantern Corps: The Red Lanterns are a group of vigilantes, Larfleeze is one of those Corrupt Corporate Executives devestating the country, the Sinestro Corps are Sinestro's pals(they're still opposed to Hal, but they're neutral/good/whatever), the Green Lantern Corps the US Airforce, the Blue Lanterns are a nearby church, the Indigo Tribe are a group of stoners, the Star Sapphires are hookers.
And the Black Lanterns are...actually, they're the same as the ones in The DCU. When Zombie Alex Jr brought Prime's victims to our universe, he sent a bunch of black rings so that, if Nekron is defeated, the Black Lanterns can make a comeback here. As for why it hasn't happened, the rings are still weak from being cut off from fiction-land. Until you get ahold of a "toy ring." It's keeping an eye on you, and wait until you die/it finds a source of significant power. And then...
- We should make a Fanfiction together.
There is an Anti-Matter Multiverse[]
The 52 has been called the "Positive Matter Multiverse". So what if the Anti-Monitor is actually trying to stop the Monitor from doing a Reverse-Crisis?