"When the mind, body, and spirit work together, I believe anything is possible."
—Criss Angel
Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (born December 19, 1967), better known by the stage name Criss Angel, is an American magician and illusionist who performs on the street. Close up. In impossible conditions. Anything that a normal magician can do on a stage with props, Criss Angel can do live without. From simple levitation to being sent through a woodchipper and surviving, he is a major fan of Don't Try This At Home stunts.
He has appeared in several TV series, including
- Criss Angel (2005-2010)
- Phenomenon (2007)
- Criss Angel BeLIEve (2013)
as well as several stage shows:
- Criss Angel Magicjam
- Mindfreak Live!
- The Supernaturalists
- and a Cirque Du Soleil show also called Criss Angel Believe (without the CamelCasing)
Criss Angel provides examples of the following tropes:
- Beyond the Impossible: Being a magician he invokes this trope for 'awe' factor. Find one stunt in the "magic" category that doesn't fit this trope. I dare you.
- Forklift Fu: Performed a trick on Mindfreak where he appeared to get impaled by a forklift.
- Hi, Mom!: Has been known to say this when demonstrating a Spectator's-Point of View Camera.
- Saw a Woman In Half: Has done a variant of this trick with a legless woman and himself providing the two post-saw "pieces".
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