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Criss Angel: Mindfreak was an American reality TV show that aired on A&E from 2005 to 2010. It centered on stunts and street magic acts by magician Criss Angel.
Tropes used in Criss Angel: Mindfreak include:
- Behind the Black: At least some of his tricks are designed only to be seen on TV. In other words, if you were a live witness to it, you are most likely in on the trick. For example, when Angel "walks on water", i.e. a piece of clear plastic suspended at water level, everyone in the pool had to be in on it.
- Beyond the Impossible: His signature style when it comes to illusions.
- Executive Meddling: Two episodes of the show, both dealing with gun-related illusions, including the infamous Bullet Catch trick, were kept from airing by executives due to concerns of viewers attempting the stunts themselves. This wouldn't have been too much of a problem... had the executives not gone so far as to remove the rights to the episodes from the show's Executive Producer and star Criss Angel himself to ensure they couldn't be aired. He recently regained the rights, and is attempting to gain permission to release them in upcoming DVD specials.
- Forklift Fu: One trick made it appear that he was impaled by a forklift.
- Disney Death: What's this? Disney Death in a reality TV show!?
- Mind Screw: Very often a part of his tricks and stunts.
- Once Per Episode: OH MY GOD CRISS ANGEL IS DEAD! CRISS ANGEL IS DEA- oh wait there he is walking out of the crowd.
- The Shill: Some tricks -- like his walking on water -- clearly require many of the crowd nearby to be confederates in on the secret.
- Stock Sound Effects: The unmistakable sound of a large crowd cheering while someone goes 'WOO, WOOO!' in the background. It tends to loop, over and over, when Criss does his stunts. Even when there aren't many people there.
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