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"+50 XP for rendering Mark speechless. Good job."
The GM, giving Josh credit for the impossible.

Crit Miss is a Campaign Comic by Helpusobi1 hosted on Comic Fury that follows the story of Mark (Indiana Jones), Haley (René Belloq), and Josh (Satipo, later Marion Ravenwood) as they roleplay through the four movie installments of Indiana Jones. They are currently somewhat following the events in Raiders of the Lost Ark. All three characters have been introduced.

Not to be confused with Critical Miss, the webcomic hosted at The Escapist.

Crit Miss contains examples of:[]

  • Critical Failure: The title of the webcomic.
    • Also, after Josh betrays Mark by taking the idol from him, Josh rolls a one. He doesn't recover and rolls another one on his saving throw. Adios, Satipo. Found here.