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Characters of Cross Edge.

This page is only for characters original to Cross Edge. If you're looking for a non-original character, refer to the character sheet of their respective series/game.

All the Shout Outs, Expy, Captain Ersatz, "No Celebrities Were Harmed", Mythology Gags and Continuity Nods go here.

York Neely/Yuuto Kannagi[]

The protagonist of the game. Apparently the son of a jujitsu master, York became bored with this "outdated" style of fighting and took up gunplay. Very protective of his childhood friend Miko, who is the only person York isn't a Jerkass to.

Tropes associated with York:


 Miko: What happened?

York: Dunno.

Miko: Where's Troy?

York: Somewhere.

Miko: Where are we?

York: Don't care-hey, look, a wolf!

Wolf: Grawr 'n' stuff.

Miko: Maybe it's friendly.

York: Nope, it's hostile, and I'ma kill it.

Wolf: Hwoo?

Four Quick Shots later

York: What, it's over?

More wolves show up

York: Yay!

Morrigan shows up and takes out two of the wolves

York: Killstealer!


break loop


Mikoto "Miko" Aiba[]

York's childhood friend and classmate, who has lived with his family since her parents died. Often the voice of reason to York, and the only person who can keep him in line. Like York, she retains her memories when transported to the soul world.

Tropes associated with Miko:

Troy/Touya Ijuin[]

York's best friend and rival. Like York, Troy is the son of a reknowned martial artist, in his case kenjutsu. His personality being the opposite of York's, the two clashed often.

Troy was with York and Miko before they were transported to the soul-world, and was also transported there; unlike his friends, however, Troy lost his memories, and wound up as one of the Twelve Knights.

Tropes associated with Troy:

  • The Atoner: Feels bad about fighting (and forgetting) his friends, helping the bad guys, and attacking Miko, and shows this.
    • Apparently feels bad about every past thing in his past. His line upon leveling-up is even "I refuse to go back to what I once was."
  • Cool Sword
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Way to go, Empyreal One. You try to deal with someone who is laying waste to all of your plans with a person who is not only their friend, but also the only one the former considers an equal in combat.
  • Oblivious to Love: Seems completely unaware of Anesha's obvious attraction to him.
    • However, in the True End route, she does properly confess to him, and he does reciprocate.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to York's Red, complete with appropriate hair colors.
    • Although apparently, in their backstory when they first met, Troy was the red to York's blue.
  • Troy Baker (his English VA. Also The Danza)
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair


Eldest and only boy of the triplets, as well as the only one of them who can hear the voice of the "Empyreal One". As such, he is often seen as the one commanding the Twelve Knights. Despite his obvious power and connection to what can be viewed as a dark god, Vivi is a very nice (and somewhat scaredy-) boy.

Tropes associated with Vivi:

  • Bare Your Midriff: A bit hard to see, but he does expose his navel.
  • Dude Looks Like A Loli: Seriously.
  • Healing Hands: While not the only party member with a healing skill (Aurica, Misha, Marie, Miko, and Mimi also have them), Vivi's Sanctuary has the largest radius out of all of them (excluding Aurica's EX-1) at two-spaces. To put this in perspective, your side of the battle area is three rows of four spaces each.
  • Hidden Depths: Post-game at least when everyone breaks the fourth wall. He's portrayed as a sadistic kid.


The middle child of the triplets and often mediator between Vivi and Mimi, she acts as Vivi's interpreter, though she can be a bit mean to him as well.

Tropes associted with Cece:


The youngest of the triplets, Mimi could very well be the poster-child of Spoiled Brat, given her attitude towards everyone working beneath her, even harassing her older brother from time to time.

Tropes associated with Mimi:


The Gunslinger of the Twelve Knights, Lazarus has a rather laid-back persona, which often puts him at odds with his co-workers, even surprising the main group. Following a one-on-one duel with York, he joins the team later on. He's later shown to have a perverted streak a mile wide, which ends with him joining Prinny in attempting to peek in on the girls during the Hot Springs events (and getting beaten up).

Tropes associated with Lazarus:


The sole woman of the Twelve Knights, Anesha loves bloody battles, even having gotten the nickname of 'Goddess of Carnage'. It's somewhat obvious she's developed feelings for Troy, though he doesn't seem to notice.

Tropes associated with Anesha:


Don't let his gray hair deceive you, Raizen is an accomplished swordsman. Among the Twelve Knights, he's the calm, rational person of the group. Meu actually mistakes him for her own grandfather.

Tropes associated with Raizen:


If a group has to have at least one pyscho on its team, Augustine fits the bill, his own battle stance showing him wobbling around all over the place. He's got a loud, arrogant persona, which usually leads to everyone chewing him out.

Tropes associated with Augustine:

  • Chew Toy: During the Post-game content. It must be seen to be believed.
  • Knife Nut: Wields two of them.
  • Reverse Grip: How he holds his knives.
  • Slasher Smile
  • That One Boss: His Slashing Viper EX can inflict incapacition, which, outside of an item or two certain skills, can't be easily healed. Add in the fact that his EX hits for a wide area and it becomes That One Attack.
    • Becomes even more egregious if you're aiming for the True Ending. If you even touch him before Pragma, you're Locked out of the True End path


The leader of the Twelve Knights, he's the one taking commands from the triplets and relaying them to the others. Among the triplets, though, he's considerably close to Vivi, acting as a surrogate father or big brother to him.

Tropes associated with Judas:


  Judas: Just call me Judas the Jewel, rebelling against his pure conscience! *blows raspberry*
