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523px-Crucible1 2735

A mere fraction of what goes on in the game

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On September 13, 2011, an email was sent to several members of Slender Nation inviting them to play a game. The sender, CRUX_crucible said the game would begin on October 1, and encouraged those who recieved the email to spread the word. A thread was posted about it on Slender Nation, and several members agreed to join.

Shortly after, someone named D started a blog vowing to find out about CRUX and to stop his games, and a mysterious third party, ARC, who seems to have a connection to CRUX, revealed himself.

Then some shit went down, and the rest is merely an issue of who is dead, and who becomes the next servant of the TREE.

(Also contains demon gods.)


 "Every dog shall have its day."
