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One of the Great Old Ones who had a curse put upon him by a band of heroes. This curse drained him of his power, and the only way for him to break it is for him to become a true hero.
- Casting a Shadow
- Cthulhumanoid: Goes without saying.
- Combat Tentacles
- Dark Is Not Evil: A comically reluctant example.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Driven to Madness / Go Mad From the Revelation: Something like it. Though others have a limited ability to do it, he has the most ability to give enemies insanity, a sort of nonstandard status effect. Insane enemies behave differently (usually becoming less tactical but more damaging), and Cthulhu and some other party members can draw strength from their insanity.
- Face Heel Turn: In the fake-out ending, when his curse is broken, he unleashes his foretold terror upon the world. Subverted when the narrator reluctantly rewrites the ending, and Cthulhu embraces his heroism.
- Fourth Wall Observer: He chats/argues with the narrator every now and then. For example, he would have never learned how to break his curse unless the narrator blabbed about it.
- Heel Face Turn: As stated above, he became a hero thanks to a curse.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Large Ham: Very much so, and right off the bat.
- Kraken: Summoned by his Union with Umi.
- Lovecraft Lite: Most of the other other Lovecraftian horrors in the game have at least a little bit of this, but Cthulhu tops them all by being a hero.
- Magic Knight: The degrees of "magic" and "knight" he attains depend on how you handle his branching level-ups.
A woman of the sea who joins Cthulhu after he saves her from monsters.
- Cute Bruiser
- Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: Literally. She has a huge crush on him throughout the whole game, and he actually comes to return her feelings by the end.
- Fan Girl: She joins Cthulhu because she thinks he's really cool.
- Making a Splash
- Meaningful Name: "Umi" is "Sea" in Japanese.
- Personality Blood Types: Parodied. She explains herself as blood type B and explain what that means for her personality, then asks the others what their blood types are. Given what the other party members are, she is...unsatisfied with the reception. Even the other two humans in the party don't give expected answers.
- Prongs of Poseidon
- Red Mage
- The Medic: She'll be filling in for this role for a long while, since she's the only one to have healing magic for quite some time.
- Standard Status Effects: Blind, Slow, Stun, and Poison. Averts Useless Useful Spell, as well, though of course some enemies have their immunities.
- What Could Have Been: She was going to be featured in a Dating Sim segment in Miskatonia.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A sentient sword with a strong sense of heroism who joins Cthulhu & co. after they defeat him and he learns that they are heroes.
- BFS: Though nobody wields him, he's as long as a human is tall.
- Blow You Away
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Parodied. As a nod to Cloud Strife and others, Cthulhu brings Sharpe along because lots of heroes have huge swords.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Living sword flavor.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's got plently of Strength, Agility, Vitality and HP to go around, though he's rather weak against magic. As he levels up, he can become more of this or a Magic Knight.
- Talking Weapon
A Goth girl who joins Cthulhu & co. in Dunwitch, after she laments that she can't use necromancy to control Nyarlathotep's zombies.
- Angst: She takes part in some stereotypical goth angst for laughs. For example, in the Personality Blood Types gag, she says she has pain for blood.
- Black Mage
- Elemental Powers: Moreso than any other member of the party. Fire, ice, lightning, wind, and dark are all present. She even gets a holy attack in her Union with Dacre.
- Gradual Grinder: With Deadly Kiss and Rain of Fire, she can be a pretty deadly grinder.
- Meaningful Name: At this point in the developer commentary, the developer points out that he's not very good with naming.
- Necromancer: Informed Ability. The closest we ever see of it in gameplay is Casting a Shadow.
- Spell Book: Her "armor" items. They don't improve her physical defense, but they do power up her magic.
- Standard Status Effects: Poison and Instant Death.
- Squishy Wizard
- Whip It Good
A green cat-like alien, known as an Ultharion, who joins Cthulhu & co. once they unwittingly sneak onto his spaceship.
- Alien Animals: Aside from the eyes, tentacles, and green fur, he looks exactly like a cat.
- Aliens Steal Cattle: To raise into bionic super-soldiers with which to conquer Earth.
- An Ice Person
- Combat Tentacles
- Deflector Shields: In contrast to the other characters' armor items.
- Energy Weapon: Seems like all his weapons are Energy Weapon attachments for his claws.
- Everything's Cuter With Ultharions
- Insistent Terminology: Much to his consternation, Umi won't stop calling him a kitty.
- One-Gender Race: In a bizarre inversion, every Ultharion is its own gender. Chalk it up to Bizarre Alien Biology. For simplicity's sake, Paws allows the others to refer to him as a male.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: He has grown weary of constant conflict and decides he wants to sabotage his fellow Ultharions' mission.
- Red Mage
A comically senile old priest who joins Cthulhu & co. in the Water Shrine.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Cthulhu says he's crazy, but he has a magic staff so he must be useful!
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Holy Hand Grenade: Holy is a powerful spell that isn't learned by him until late in the game. Earlier, he can use a Union with October, Banish Evil, that borders on Disc One Nuke.
- Meaningful Name: Averted. Developer commentary says that he was named by pushing random keys on a keyboard.
- The Medic
- Religion Is Magic
- Standard Status Effect: Blind and Slow.
- Status Buff: He has a lot of them, culminating in the Hero's Hymn which raises all stats.
A red demon dragon who joins Cthulhu & co. after they defeat him.
- Breath Weapon
- Defeat Means Friendship: His explanation is that becoming a hero is better than dying.
- Heel Face Turn: He was terrorizing the town Alhazrad until Cthulhu came along.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Western flavor.
- Playing with Fire
- Unskilled but Strong: He has monstrously high stats, but a low amount of special abilities and no way besides a Union to do multiple hits, so he's rather less useful than other party members. However, his Volcanic Aura still synergizes nicely with October's fire spells.
- Video Game Flight
- Yin-Yang Bomb: His Union with Dacre, Heaven And Hell, powers up the whole party's Holy and Dark attacks.