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Cthulhu: An Unspeakable Mod is a Half-Life Game Mod, based on the Cthulhu Mythos. You play as Ranulf Stafford. Ranulf is an occult investigator who has been having bad dreams recently. Dreams of an sunk island resurfacing, and men awakening an evil of propotions no man can comprehend.

So one evening he visits his old friend Sir Henry, only to find a letter from Henry himself, that says that he has gone to his church. Ranulf decides to search for him there, and that is when the journey starts; pulled into the madness that is the knowledge of the Great Olden Ones, and a cult planning to awaken the great Cthulhu. The only one able to stop them, is Ranulf.

Tropes used in Cthulhu an Unspeakable Mod include: