Describe Ctrl here.
Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy pines over girl. Guy spills Nestea on keyboard, resulting in it getting Reality Warper abilities. Guy finds that the keyboard has powers such as undoing time, emboldening himself, copy pasting "abilities", and italicizing the universe. Guy sets out to get revenge on his boss and makes his own life better. Hilarity Ensues.
Tropes used in Ctrl include:
- Arc Words: "Just hit Ctrl-Z"
- Ass Shove: When the "Insert" key is tapped, the bosses's baseball bat is...relocated.
- Bad Boss
- Bittersweet Ending: Stuart finally gets girl... at the cost of his old life, psychological trouble, and his Jerkass boss getting the magic keyboard.
- Cloning Blues: "Ctrl C, Ctrl V"
- Dogged Nice Guy: Stuart.
- George Jetson Job Security: Inverted. It's hard to fire someone with a Reset Button.
- Groundhog Day Loop
- Product Placement: Nestea Red Tea!
- Magical Computer: Literally.
- Magic A Is Magic A: If it's a shortcut, it can be done.
- Mental Time Travel: With Ctrl Z, you travel to the time you were
- Running Gag: Stuart always seems to pop up at the exact same place when he spams the Undo key.
- Reset Button: Natch.
- Shout-Out: To Back to The Future, of course.
- Story-Breaker Power: Ctrl Z, temporarily Nerfed.
- Where It All Began: Ctrl Home takes you back to your hometown.