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Basic Trope: A character who likes to cuddle.
- Straight: Alice loves to cuddle.
- Exaggerated: Anything That Moves, but with cuddling instead of sex.
- Downplayed: Alice likes cuddling, but doesn't love it.
- Justified: Alice is very affectionate or a little kid.
- Inverted: Alice hates cuddling and refuses to cuddle.
- Subverted: Alice stops liking cuddling.
- Double Subverted: She starts liking it again.
- Parodied: Alice lists cuddling several times on her list of hobbies.
- Zigzagged: Alice likes to cuddle some people/things, but not others.
- Averted: Alice does not like cuddling or there is literally No Hugging, No Kissing.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: "Alice cuddles all the time"
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: The cats like being cuddled, so they like Alice.
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: "Why does Alice cuddle so much? Sometimes people don't like cuddles."
- Conversed: "Some characters are just too cuddly."
- Implied: In a photo album, all photos of Alice have her cuddling.
- Played for Laughs: A sitcom where Alice is a cuddle bug but Bob Hates Being Touched, making a Running Gag.