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  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel - In the movie, there's a sequence where a bunch of townspeople hunt for the werewolf in the forest. They come to a rather fog-filled area and the werewolf, who is lurking within the fog, starts picking them off one by one. It. Is. Scary.
    • Same goes for many of the werewolf's attacks.
  • Motive Decay: Reverend Lowe initially struggles with the curse, particularly in the book, but in both versions they eventually justify their actions by saying that God gave him the curse for a reason, and most of his victims have been sinners anyway.
  • Narm
  • Nightmare Retardant: In the film, the dream sequence where churchgoers transforms into werewolves is actually silly. In the book however, it's Nightmare Fuel.
    • The main werewolf itself can be partly considered this. It looks good in bits and pieces, but it's not the most convincing werewolf in a werewolf movie at all for the most part. Still doesn't make the movie any less creepy than it already is.
  • So Bad It's Good