"No-one ever dies one minute into a campaign"
—Sisko, tempting fate
D&DS9 is a Campaign Comic hosted on Comic Fury that follows the story of several Starfleet Officers, a Bajoran, a Shapeshifter and a Ferengi as they run a derelict space station. It's also the story of a group of RPG players and their DM who created a world that seems to be a lot like Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. As a newly-started comic, currently only Sisko (Avery) and the DM have been shown.
D&DS9 contains examples of:[]
- Critical Hit: By the DM, who failed to notice until it was pointed out to him by Avery. That didn't work out too well.
- Failed a Spot Check: Rare DM example.
- Honor Before Reason: Avery points out the DM's failed spot check, even though it leads to a Warp Core Breach
- Magic Ampersand / Incredibly Lame Pun: The name of the work, naturally.
- Meaningful Name: Sisko's player has the same first name as the actor who played him.
- Phlebotinum Breakdown: The U.S.S. Saratoga suffers a warp breach less than two minutes into the campaign.
- Railroading: The DM, who is new to the role, seems to have it out for Sisko. Probably for the Rule of Drama.