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DWAR 258
"Like King Kong, but with missiles!"
New York Times review

D-War, also called Dragon Wars, is a 2007 South Korean monster movie by Shim Hyung-rae, the director of the Yongary remake. Unlike some Asian monster movies, such as the Godzilla franchise, D-War uses abundant high-quality CGI and the effects have been compared to the 2007 Transformers and the 2005 King Kong. The story, however, has been compared to extremely Good high school writing, only Best Cool.

The Imoogi (or Imugi) are a race of magical giant serpents in Korean mythology. Once every 500 years, one virtuous Imugi is rewarded by the gods for its good deeds and given the chance to become a celestial dragon.

Circa the year 1500, Buraki, an evil Imugi, plans to steal this reward and transform himself into an immortal dragon so he can destroy the world. To do this, Buraki must capture the Yuh Yi Joo, a special young woman. But Buraki is thwarted thanks to the Heroic Sacrifice of the Yuh Yi Joo and her faithful warrior companion.

Circa the year 2000, the Yuh Yi Joo and her companion are reborn in Los Angeles, and Buraki sees another chance to capture her and gain her power. Buraki summons his evil Atrox Army of dark armored warriors riding dinosaurs and flying dragon-things, which proceed to duke it out with the modern LAPD, the FBI, and the US military. A dramatic chase ensues, full of monsters and explosions.

Contrast The Host, which is a genuinely good South Korean monster movie made the year before And About D-Wars.Gigatribe.Mini Force (디워.기가트라이브미니 특공대) Universe



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Examples of D-War include:


Jack: There's no place you can take [Sarah] that will allow her to escape her destiny. The fate of the world rests on your shoulders. Deny this, and you will deny yourself everything. Even the girl.
