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A list of DCAU characters who first prominently featured in Batman the Animated Series.
Batman (Bruce Wayne)[]
Voiced by: Kevin Conroy |
Arguably the least-changed character from his comics counterpart, the DCAU Batman has generally the same origin: his parents were shot dead after the three of them went to see a movie, and he decides to avenge them by becoming the vigilante Batman, complete with Batmobile and a handy utility belt.
This version of Batman, in particular, is notable for being an amalgam of the Golden Age, Silver Age and Dark Age versions of the characters. He's dark and brooding, but also an excellent Parental Substitute and even gets a few witty one-liners (as well as being caught in the occasional Death Trap).
As a member of the Justice League, Batman usually serves as Mission Control more than anything, due to his lack of superpowers, and is not as openly active as his Justice League allies, preferring to work alone and from the shadows. Nonetheless, he has a vested interest in the group's activities, as it is Bruce Wayne's finances that paid for their Watchtower headquarters and Javelin ship. And as the Series Finale of JLU showed, he can still kick ass if need be.
See here for tropes applying to him in Batman Beyond.
- Ace Pilot: He has a seemingly endless supply of Batwings. Notably, he does get shot down by other pilots on occasion, but typically that's because he's outnumbered more than anything else.
- Anti-Hero: Type II
- In a subversion of his role in most other mediums, Batman is probably the least anti-heroic member of the Justice League aside from the Flash. Justice Lord Batman was the only member of the the parallel League to see how corrupt his world had become, and normal Batman called Superman out on his ethically questionable handling of Doomsday.
- Batman can also dip into Type III Anti-Heroism on occasion such as when he interrogated a thug in front of his wife and young son.The tendencies for Batman to become Good Is Not Nice, including the interrogation incident previously mentioned, is at least partially what made Dick Grayson give up being Robin and become Nightwing, as detailed in "Old Wounds".
- Badass: Come on, it's BATMAN!
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Boast: "I am vengeance...I am the night...I! AM! BATMAN!"
- Badass Normal
The Joker: There's nothing mere about that mortal. |
- Underestimating Badassery: Lex Luthor at the beginning sees Batman as just a nuisance who is of no concern to him compared to Superman. This is until Batman breaks into his penthouse and knocks out Mercy, absolutely scaring the crap out of Luthor, something Superman had NEVER been able to do. At that point, he gives Batman the same level of priority as Superman.
- Bruce Wayne Held Hostage: Several times.
- Building Swing: A frequent method of entry when he's not using Stealth Hi Bye.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Unlike most other incarnations of the Bruce Wayne character which are mostly portrayed as laid-back playboys living off their trust fund, the DCAU's Bruce takes a more active role in the day to day operation of Wayne Enterprises (until he loses the company in a hostile takeover). He still likes to cultivate an image as a slightly dimwitted millionaire though.
- Celibate Hero: Well, not really, but it always works out that way in the end. It doesn't help that his Love Interests were composed of villains, plant-people, villains' daughters, and his partner/apprentice who was also the daughter of his one ally in the police.
- Combat Pragmatist: He's not above beating you with a chair.
- He'll also happily steel weapons from enemy combatants — so long as they aren't guns — and even offer them to Superman.
- Cool Car: The Batmobile.
- Cool Garage: The Batcave
- Cool Plane: The Batwing.
- Crazy Prepared: ...It's Batman.
- Creepy Good: His first encounter with Superman in Superman: The Animated Series World's Finest pretty much solidifies his status as this.
- Doesn't Like Guns: Which is why he flips out when Deadman possesses his body and shoots Devil Ray, killing him and later retires as his heart condition forces him to pick up a shotgun to defend himself.
- The Dreaded
- Escape Artist
- Eureka Moment
- Evil Laugh: His laugh in "Mad Love" is so creepy even Harley is creeped out.
- Fiction 500
- Foil: As always, he's one to Superman. Best seen in the World's Finest three-parter.
- Friend to All Children: Part of his Jerk with a Heart of Gold personality, best demonstrated in "Injustice For All" (he gently coaxes some children to go with him out of a burning building) and "Epilogue" (he stays with a dying Ace at her request).
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Genius Bruiser
- Genre Savvy
- Good Is Not Nice
- Grappling Hook Gun: One of the gadgets that gets frequent use throughout the DCAU.
- Guile Hero
- Heroic Sacrifice: In "Starcrossed," he attempts to manually pilot the Watchtower into the Thanagarian's hyperspace-bypass weapon. Fortunately, Superman saves him in the nick of time.
- Hypocrite: Per tradition, he refuses to kill anyone, no matter how dangerous they might be, now or in the future. When someone else pulls the trigger? It's a Necessary Evil.
- Jerkass / Jerkass Facade / Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight in Sour Armor
- The Lancer: When he becomes a part of the Justice League later on.
- Master of Disguise
- Mission Control: It allows him to stay out of the spotlight in Justice League.
- My Greatest Failure: Both Dick and Tim. Dick because Bruce allowed their relationship to fall apart and Tim because of what the Joker did to him.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: His Thou Shalt Not Kill attitude had its heavy price in Return of the Joker.
- Offscreen Teleportation
- Orphan's Ordeal: "I haven't been a kid since I was eight years old."
- Parental Abandonment: HIS PARENTS ARE DEEAAAAAAAD!!!!
- Precision-Guided Boomerang
- Roof Hopping: His main mode of travel.
- Secret Identity
- Secret Identity Identity: in Batman Beyond, he realizes that the voice in his head is not his own because it calls him "Bruce".
- The Smart Guy: Along with J'onn in the League.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Master of it, to Gordon's repeated annoyance.
- The Stoic: It's part of his portfolio, after all.
- Not So Stoic: Anyone who gets to know him very well will attest to this, of course. In this series, Amanda Waller's flashback in "Epilogue" provides quite possibly the ultimate example of this.
- Sympathy for the Devil: As a non-superpowered hero, he gets where Cadmus is coming from.
- The Team Normal: The only member of the League who doesn't have any super-powers (not counting Green Lantern being a normal man without his ring).
- Troubled but Cute
Diana: No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time. |
- Temporary Blindness: In the episode "Blind As A Bat."
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Wonder Woman. Sorry, shippers.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Superman and Flash.
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: From his money, that's where.
Robin I/Nightwing (Dick Grayson)[]
Voiced by: Loren Lester |
Much like his comic counterpart, Dick was a member of The Flying Graysons, a family of circus acrobats. His parents were killed by a mobster named Tony Zucco (not Zuko). After being taken in by Bruce Wayne, he eventually finds out his secret and takes up the role of Robin. Eventually, he grows up and strikes out on his own, taking a new name: Nightwing.
- Badass Normal
- Badass Biker
- Beware the Nice Ones: "Robin's Reckoning" and "Old Wounds" are very good examples.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Tim
- Broken Pedestal: Unlike the comic Dick and Bruce never truly reconcile after their falling out. That is until after Return of the Joker, offscreen.
- The Cameo: Averts being a Brother Chuck due to infrequent name-drops in Batman Beyond, but his only post-TNBA appearances are two brief glimpses in Justice League.
- Commuting on a Bus: Done intentionally. Dick spends most of the week at school, letting Batman establish himself both with and without a partner. He only appears in two episodes of the first season.
- Cool Bike
- Deadpan Snarker
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: In "Old Wounds," he flattens Batman with one punch.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nice Guy: Dick can sometimes be more level-headed than the Dark Knight, and rarely slips into the sick obsession Bruce has.
- Parental Abandonment: Although he's a little better at dealing with it than Bruce. Not only was he older than Bruce when it happened, but when you work without a net like his parents did the risk is something you always live with.
- Sidekick - Interestingly, he fills the same function as a Kid Sidekick without actually being one: he's college-age throughout most of B:TAS and graduates prior to The New Batman Adventures
- Sidekick Graduations Stick
- Took a Level In Badass: Well, a few more levels.
- What the Hell, Hero?: He delivers these to Bruce on a couple of occasions, twice in "Old Wounds" on his growing obsession and keeping Batgirl's identity a secret from him and again (offscreen) when he finds out Bruce and Barbara have been seeing each other.
- You Fight Like a Cow
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)[]
Voiced by: Melissa Gilbert in Batman the Animated Series, Mary Kay Bergman in Sub-Zero, Tara Strong in The New Batman Adventures, Stockard Channing on Batman Beyond seasons 1 and 2, Angie Harmon in Return of the Joker and BB Season 3 |
The daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon, Barbara first takes up the Bat cowl in an attempt to impersonate Batman, giving the impression of his support at a rally for her father. When she gets involved in a drive-by shooting that hits the rally, she is partially unmasked by Robin when he rips the back of her cowl, freeing her hair and leaving the city wondering "Who is Batgirl?"
Barbara operates independently in her appearances in Batman: The Animated Series, but is officially inducted into the Bat-Family by The New Batman Adventures.
In Batman Beyond, a much older Barbara has put aside the cowl and picked up the badge, taking her father's place as Police Commissioner of Gotham City. As fate would have it, the long-retired Bruce Wayne has just taken on a protege as the new Batman. See here for tropes applying to her in that show.
- Action Girl
- Badass Damsel - The SubZero movie. The highlight of it all is when Belson unlocks the chain binding her, she immediately starts swinging it at him.
- Distaff Counterpart
- Hot Librarian
- The Other Darrin: Oh, boy...does this apply to her. She was originally voiced by Melissa Gilbert, then replaced by Mary Kay Bergman for the Sub-Zero DTV and she was replaced by Tara Strong for the revamp. However, despite popular opinion, Strong replacing Bergman is not due to Author Existence Failure as both Sub Zero and the revamp happened in 1997, two years before Bergman's death in '99. Then getting to Batman Beyond, the older Barbara was voiced by Stockard Channing for Seasons 1 and 2, then replaced with Angie Harmon for Return of the Joker and Season 3.
- Timeshifted Actor: Barbara on Batman Beyond.
Robin II (Tim Drake)[]
Voiced by: Matthew Valencia, Dean Stockwell [older] |
This Tim Drake is a combination of both the comic version and Jason Todd, the Robin before him. The son of a two-bit crook who betrayed and was murdered by Two-Face, Robin falls into Batman's world while fleeing Two-Face's thugs who are chasing him over something left by his father. Like Grayson, Tim finds out Batman's identity, steals the Robin costume, and ultimately helps bring Two-Face down.
- Composite Character: He has Tim Drake's name and intellect with Jason Todd's backstory and attitude. Not to mention The Joker ending his career as Robin.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fan Nickname: Timmy Todd, due to being a composite of Tim Drake and Jason Todd.
- Grand Theft Me: Return of the Joker
- Kid Sidekick
- Legacy Character: steals one of Dick's old costumes.
- Mind Rape: Return of the Joker
- My God, What Have I Done?: has a breakdown in ROTJ, showing that he's tried not to think about it but he really regrets killing the Joker.
- Parental Abandonment: His father runs off to save his own skin, and ends up dead.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran
- The Woobie: ROTJ makes it official, but he had elements of it in his debut.
- You Fight Like a Cow: His pet name for Two-Face is Puke-Face.
Alfred Pennyworth[]
Voiced by: Efrem Zimbalist Jr. |
Batman’s faithful butler and father figure, who is more than content to make witty remarks about Batman’s latest adventures.
- Battle Butler: On occasion.
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Other Darrin: Clive Revill voiced Alfred in his first three appearances before leaving and Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. replaced him.
- Retired Badass: Former SAS soldier/high-ranking intelligence agent, who can not only defend himself against thugs, but also hold out against truth serum. One of the tie-in comics shows him being kidnapped, and Alfred knocks out all of his kidnappers while tied to a chair. It turns out that this is the 28th time he’s been kidnapped, and Alfred always complains about the incompetende of his kidnappers.
- Servile Snarker
Other Allies[]
Detective Harvey Bullock[]
Voiced By: Robert Costanzo |
A slovenly, overweight detective with a hatred for Batman and a love of donuts.
- Cowboy Cop
- Oral Fixation Fixation
- Jerkass
- Pet The Dog:
- When Gordon is arrested for taking bribes he tries to comfort Barbara.
- While posing as a mall santa in "holiday knights" Bullock acts apathetic and insulting to most of the children who sit on his lap but when a little girl who'se father he arrested asks him to bring her father home for christmas he tactfully explains there are some things even santa can't do and gives her some money to buy a present for herself. When she asks if she can buy something for her dad instead he tells her she can.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Donuts.
- Seen It All: Bullock has been through so many improbable situations that a talking goat doesn’t phase him (the fact that it ate his donut does).
Officer Renee Montoya[]
Voiced By: Ingrid Oliu, Liane Schrimer |
Bullock’s more reasonable partner.
- Ascended Extra: In the comics, she becomes one of the central characters of both Gotham Central and Fifty Two. And, of course, in Fifty Two she becomes The Question...
- Badass Spaniard
- Canon Immigrant
Commissioner James Gordon[]
Voiced By: Bob Hastings |
Gordon is one of Batman’s greatest allies in the police force, and often calls upon Batman for help when dealing with Gotham’s more colorful criminals.
- Badass Moustache
- Badass Normal: Gordon doesn’t get many chances to show it, but when he does he kicks ass. One of the tie-in comics has him taking down a room full of thugs with Batman to rescue an undercover cop from Rupert Thorne.
- The Commissioner Gordon: Acts as the chief liason between the official authorities and Batman.
- Cool Old Guy: For the most part.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Jonah Hex[]
Voiced By: William McKinney in Batman the Animated Series, Adam Baldwin in Justice League |
A gruff, disfigured bounty hunter with a heart of gold who has crossed paths with Ra’s al Ghul and the time traveling Green Lantern, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman.
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Badass Grandpa: In the "Showdown" episode of Batman: The Animated Series, he looked to be in his 60's; it didn't diminish his badassery one bit.
- Badass Normal
- Cool Old Guy: In “Showdown”.
- Seen It All
- The Gunslinger
- Two-Faced
The Creeper (Jack Ryder)[]
Voiced by: Jeff Bennett |
Straight laced reporter Jack Ryder was doing a live documentary on the Joker at Ace Chemicals when the Joker himself showed up and dosed Ryder with laughing gas before dumping him into a vat of chemicals. The mixture of the chemicals and laughing gas turned Ryder into the Creeper, a yellow skinned, green haired, super strong, nimble man incapable of rational thought.
- Cloudcuckoolander: While Jack Ryder was a straight laced reporter and thus not this trope, when he became the Creeper he took it Up to Eleven. After all, the Joker calls him a lunatic.
- Good Counterpart: To the Joker.
- Large Ham
- Split Personality Takeover: Though Batman gives Ryder a patch that keeps him from becoming the Creeper, Ryder decides to remove it. Judging from his appearances in Justice League Unlimited, he remained as the Creeper full time.
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: The Joker considers him to be a lunatic. The Joker.
Leslie Tompkins[]
Voiced by: Diane Muldaur |
Lucius Fox[]
Voiced by: Mel Winkler in Batman: The Animated Series and Brock Peters in Batman: The New Adventures |
Mayor Hamilton Hill[]
Voiced by: Lloyd Bochner |
The mayor of Gotham City.
- Butt Monkey: Nothing goes right for Hill. For example, when he gives Temple Fugate advice to help him win a legal case, it ruins Fugate’s life and makes him seek revenge against Hill as the Clock King.
- Character Development: Hill goes from hating Batman to being a staunch supporter of him after Batman rescues his son from the Joker.
The Gray Ghost (Simon Trent)[]
Voiced by: Adam West |
Simon Trent played the super hero the Gray Ghost, who Batman idolized. When a mad bomber using an episode of the show as an M.O., Batman and Trent teamed up to find the culprit.
Baby Doll (Mary Louise Dahl)[]
Voiced By: Alison Laplaca, Laraine Newman |
- Adult Child: Inverted and straight.
- Catch Phrase: "I didn't mean to."
- Civilian Villain: Tragic version. She really had reformed. Everyone accepted her living a normal life but then that one person was Tempting Fate pushing Berserk Button despite protests to stop.
- Classically-Trained Extra: It backfires.
- Happy Fun Ball: Used by her occasionally.
- Horrible Judge of Character: With Croc.
- I Am Not Spock: An in-universe example, of course.
- Love Makes You Evil: Luckily it is merely a temporary case of the Genre Blind variety.
- Older Than They Look
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Secret Identity Identity: Tries to be this, but its just pretend.
- Tsundere
- Villainous Breakdown: One of the most heartbreaking you'll ever see.
The Joker[]
Voiced By: Mark Hamill |
Formerly a hitman for the Valestra mob, the man that would become the Joker struck out on his own. During a robbery at Ace Chemicals, Batman arrived and accidentally caused the criminal to fall into a vat of chemicals. The chemicals bleached his skin and turned his hair green, as well as turning him into a grinning lunatic and Batman’s self-appointed arch enemy.
- Arch Enemy
- Axe Crazy
- Bad Boss: In case you ever forget how much of an asshole he is, just look at the way he abuses Harley sometimes.
- Butt Monkey: Whenever he’s in a comedic episode, Joker is most definitely going to be this. Particularly in “Joker’s Millions” and “Beware the Creeper”.
- Disappointed by the Motive: When he learns who Batman is, he outright says that his motivation is pathetic. Cue Evil Laugh. He's later on the receiving end of this from Terry.
- The Dragon: To Luthor on occasion.
- The Dreaded
- Even Evil Has Standards:
- Even he finds the Creeper to be a lunatic.
- He's crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? No thank you.
- Eviler Than Thou: To Lex Luthor. In World's Finest, Luthor thought he held his strings the entire time and when the Joker failed to kill Superman (though he came closer than almost anyone previously), tries to betray and kill him. This turned out to be an incredibly BAD idea.
- For the Evulz: When he isn't selling his services.
- Giggling Villain
- The Hyena: C'mon. It's The Joker.
- Joker Immunity
- Kick the Dog: Harley and especially Tim Drake.
- Killed Off for Real: In Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Tim Drake, after being turned into “Joker Junior” thanks to Joker’s torture, shoots him with his own gun. Joker comes back thanks to a chip he planted in Tim Drake’s brain, but the new Batman manages to destroy the chip.
- Laughably Evil: The Joker is hilarious at times, despite his immense cruelty. Other times, he’s just terrifying, though even then he almost always goes back to being funny.
- Laughing Mad: C'mon. It's The Joker.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Averted. Word of God stated that Joker is not related to the Dee-Dee twins, even though Harley Quinn is their grandmother.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Monster Clown
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: As both Lex Luthor and Superman found out.
- Psycho for Hire: When he's not freelancing.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Andrea Beaumont, in the comic book sequel to Batman: Mask of the Phantasm hesitated for a second from putting him at the core of the explosion consuming the fairgrounds due to the Joker's transformation turning him into a "grinning lunatic with no sense of right or wrong."
- Slasher Smile
- Thanatos Gambit
- Villainous Breakdown: Has one after the new Batman gives him a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)[]
Voiced By: Arleen Sorkin |
Harleen Quinzel was a new psychologist at Arkham assigned to the Joker. The Joker used a series of Freudian Excuses to convince Harleen that he was a tortured, persecuted soul. Harleen snapped and broke the Joker free, becoming his girlfriend and partner in crime Harley Quinn.
- Affably Evil
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Canon Immigrant: Started out as a DCAU character, then became part of the main DC universe.
- Cute and Psycho: Probably just as, if not more insane than the Joker.
- Genki Girl
- Les Yay: Strongly hinted at with Poison Ivy.
- Luke I Am Your Grandmother: Due in part to one of the character designers not bearing to kill Harley Quinn off, she was revealed to be the grandmother of the Dee-Dee twins, members of the Jokerz gang, nearing the end of Return of the Joker, and was scolding them.
- Mad Love: I smell a Trope Namer...
- Perky Female Minion
- Punny Name: Harley Quinn. Even when not highlighting this out, her name sounds like "Harlequin".
- The Dog Bites Back: Sometimes Mistah J will push her too far, which leads to...
- Yandere: Fear her when she goes into this mode. Even the Joker is scared of her when she goes into this mode.
- Villainous Harlequin: Probably the most classic example ever. She even provides the current page picture !
Two-Face (Harvey Dent)[]
Voiced By: Richard Moll |
Harvey Dent was Gotham’s D.A. and Bruce Wayne’s best friend. Harvey began running for mayor. Harvey has a dark secret: he had an evil split personality, Big Bad Harv. When Rupert Thorne tried to blackmail Harvey, Harv took over and went after Thorne, being caught in an explosion that disfigured half of his face and putting Harv in control.
- Enemy Within
- Fallen Hero
- My Greatest Failure: For Batman.
- Pet the Dog: In Justice League vs The Fatal Five he befriends Thomas Kallor during his stay in Arkham and acts as a mentor and protector to him.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against Thorne.
- Split Personality Takeover: Big Bad Harv. Later, Harvey creates a new personality called the Judge that becomes a vigilante, albeit a murderous one, that goes on a crusade against Batman’s enemies.
- Two-Faced
Ra's al Ghul[]
Voiced By: David Warner |
An immortal madman who hopes to save the environment by wiping out most of the human population.
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad: Sort of. He's not the overriding threat of the series, but his schemes tend most often to be arc-based, and Batman regards him as his most powerful and dangerous enemy.
- The Chessmaster
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's disgusted by the the cruelty his son Arkady Duvall shows towards underlings.
- Friendly Enemy: One-sided. He genuinely seems to like Bruce and wants him as his heir. Batman disagrees, and as a result Ra's will use deadly force on him if neccessary.
- The respect seems to be somewhat mutual, as evidenced in the Jonah Hex episode. It turns out the old man Ra's "kidnapped" is his son. Batman allows them to leave without a fight.
- Immortality
- Killed Off for Real: In Batman Beyond''
- We Can Rule Together
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Worthy Opponent
Mr. Freeze (Dr. Victor Fries)[]
Voiced By: Michael Ansara |
Victor Fries was a scientist at GothCorp who uses equipment to preserve his fatally ill wife Nora, hoping to find a cure. His employer Ferris Boyle Burt in and cut off the power to Nora’s chamber and pushed Victor into some chemicals, leaving him unable to live outside of sub-zero temperatures. Proclaiming he no longer had emotions, he dubbed himself Mr. Freeze and went on a crusade of revenge against Boyle.
- Anti-Villain
- An Ice Person
- Bad Boss: He values Nora's life more than anyone else's, even his own henchmen.
- Creepy Monotone
- Despair Event Horizon: Losing his wife. Both times.
- Gets another one in Batman Beyond. Poor guy just can't catch a break.
- Determinator:"Nora was the only good thing in my life and they took her from me. I don't care what I have to do to get her back!"
- Fate Worse Than Death: His entire origin was based on this.
- Freeze Ray
- Killed Off for Real: In Batman Beyond
- Powered Armor
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- RedGogglesTakeWarning
- Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Thanks to this show.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Any temperatures over freezing; he can't survive them without his suit.
- The Woobie: And how.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: He makes some cold-related puns in his debut episode; they are much better than anything from Batman and Robin.
Mr. Freeze: I'm beyond emotions. They've been frozen dead in me. |
- Yank the Dog's Chain: The entirety of his appearance in Batman Beyond.
Dr. Gregory Belson[]
Voiced By: George Dzundza |
- Icy Blue Eyes: Contrasting Mr. Freeze's red goggles.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Subverted. He'd never murder an innocent girl...unless you pay him enough.
- Dirty Coward
- Dr. Jerk
- The Dragon: Not a true example,but close enough.
- Fat Bastard
- Kidnapped Scientist: Although unlike most examples,he isn't afraid to go along with whatever his captor says.
- Would Hurt a Child: As long as Victor gives him his fair share, he has no qualms about what he does to Barbara.
- Only in It For the Money
- Jerkass
- Karmic Death
- Too Dumb to Live
- Dropped a Bridge on Him:Or a landing deck.
Clayface (Matt Hagen)[]
Voiced By: Ron Perlman |
Matt Hagen was an action star disfigured in a car accident. Roland Daggett offered him a compound called Renu to restore his face, but with helping Daggett with his dirty business. Hagen eventually outlived his usefulness and was force fed Renu, turning him into the monstrous Clayface.
- Anti-Villain
- Composite Character: His character is essentially a combination of the first three versions from the comics.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Not at first, but by the time he reappears in Justice League, he has the unique angle of having not only seen a lot of spy movies, but acted in them. He's been the hero who escapes from the madman... leading him to, at least, state the simple solution of, in this specific case, executing the captured Justice League while they have the chance instead of getting all fancy about it. Not only does Gorilla Grodd stick to the original plan, but it's actually fellow shapeshifter the Martian Manhunter in the guise of Hagen in the first place. It's still a memorable scene, though.
- Killed Off for Real: Clayface is blown to pieces with fireworks in his appearance on Justice League
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: His motive in his first appearance, seeking revenge against the men responsible for his transformation.
- Eyes of Gold
- Jerkass
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Large Ham: He's an actor, so this shouldn't come as a surprise.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: In Justice League, Flash and Hawkgirl rather cheerfully blow him to bits. He's never seen again after the episode.
Mojo (Lloyd Ventrix)[]
Voiced By: Michael Gross |
- Badass Abnormal: Compared to other villains, who are much more cunning and resourceful, he's pretty much a thug with an invisibility suit. That doesn't stop him from giving Batman a pretty bad beating.
- Determinator: What more can you say about a guy who's willing to pose as his daughter's imaginary friend while stealing gifts for her, just so he can earn her trust?
- Deadly Upgrade: It's revealed that the plastic he uses for his suit is toxic.
- Invisibility
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Woobie: Despite his nature, he REALLY just wants to be with his little girl again.
- Villainous Breakdown: When Batman tries to warn him about the suit(and right before he gets defeated), Lloyd replies:
"Who cares if it is? With this suit, I can take back my daughter whenever I want! Her mother won't stop me, and neither will you!"
Catwoman (Selina Kyle)[]
Voiced By: Adrienne Barbeau |
Arkady Duvall[]
Voiced By: Malcolm McDowell |
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Beard of Evil: Well, friendly muttonchops of evil, anyway.
- Blue Blood
- The Caligula: The reason Ra's decided against making him heir to his empire was that he realised Arkady would likely become this.
- Dirty Coward
- Fate Worse Than Death
- It's All About Me
- Laser-Guided Karma:Winds up serving 50 years of hard labour under (we can assume) even worse conditions and harsher treatment than the workmen he lorded over.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: By the early 90's, anyhow.
- Royal Brat: He's not royalty (at least, not on Daddy's side of the family), but he definately has the 'tude.
- Smug Snake
The Riddler (Edward Nigma)[]
Voices by: John Glover |
Edward Nygma was a brilliant programmer cheated by his employer Daniel Mockridge. Seeking revenge, Nygma renamed himself the Riddler and went after Mockridge. Running afoul Batman and Robin, the Riddler became obsessed with beating Batman in a puzzle, much to his chagrin.
- Anti-Hero: In The Gotham Adventures Riddler decided to give Batman clues to stop other criminals, holing up in a penthouse and enjoying watching Batman solve his riddles. He does some unethical things like using Electric Torture on a criminal, but he still helps put away many genuinely dangerous criminals. Batman believes he’s up to something and discovers Riddler subconsciously gave clues to his location. His reaction is heartbreaking.
- Faux Affably Evil: No matter how polite he tries to be, he still can’t go a sentence without mocking someone.
- Jerkass Woobie: In The Batman Adventures.
- Insufferable Genius
Scarecrow (Dr. Johnathan Crane)[]
Voiced by: Henry Polic III, Jeffrey Combs |
Johnathan Crane was fired for his unethical experiments with fear from a university. Crane donned the guise of the Scarecrow and began using his fear toxin on the university heads as revenge. Scarecrow has returned several times using his fear toxin on Gotham City for his twisted experiments.
- Affably Evil: When he’s around his fellow rogues gallery, he is quite polite, particularly around Harley
- Darker and Edgier: When Jeffrey Combs took over, Scarecrow looked like an undead monster and was much more dangerous.
- Even Evil Has Standards: The tie-in comics showed he nearly reformed as a teacher, but when a Jerk Jock raped his star student the Scarecrow decided to teach him a real lesson in fear.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: When he was voiced by Henry Polic III. When Jeffrey Combs took over...
- Save Our Students: The tie-in comics show Scarecrow is genuinely concerned about the education of students. He tries twice to reform and become a teacher, but circumstances always ruin it.
The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch)[]
Voiced by: Roddy McDowell |
Jervis Tetch was a brilliant scientist obsessed with Lewis Carroll and his secretary Alice. Suffering a psychotic breakdown, Tetch became the Mad Hatter and tried to brainwash Alice to love him. The Mad Hatter went on to bedevil Batman with his many brainwashing and hypnotic schemes.
Killer Croc[]
Voiced by: Aron Kincaid in Batman: The Animated Series, Brooks Gardner in The New Batman Adventures |
A former wrestler who has crocodile-like attributes, Croc turned to a life of crime and was put away by Bullock. Croc sought revenge against Bullock by framing him for murder, but ran afoul Batman. Croc battled the caped crusader several times, usually during Croc’s robberies or attempts to escape justice.
- Body Horror: Before the revamp he had grey, lumpy skin and a misshapen cross between crocodile and man. After the revamp Croc looked more like his comic counter part, but he gained clawed hands and feet.
- Cardboard Prison: Croc often escapes even before he gets put in the prison.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Dead Guy On Display: Bruce Timm said in an interview that Croc’s final fate was to have his stuffed body put on display in the reptile wing of the Natural History Museum.
- Jerkass: Very unpleasant, to say the least.
The Ventriloquist (Arnold Wesker)/Scarface[]
Voiced by: George Dzundza |
Arnold Wesker is a meek, mildmannered man controlled by a domineering puppet that embodies a split personality, Scarface, who acts like a stereotypical gangster.
- Adorkable: Wesker, without Scarface’s influence.
- Affably Evil: Wesker.
- Anti-Villain: Wesker is a kind, good natured man without Scarface. It’s just that Scarface has such a hold on him that Wesker is trapped in a toxic relationship with him,
- Heel Face Turn: Wesker conquers the Scarface personality and reforms, but Rhino and Mugsy cause the Scarface personality to resurface to restore their boss. In the end, Wesker uses a machine gun to blow Scarface to bits and successfully reform.
- Helpless Good Side: Wesker. At least, until “Double Talk”.
- Jerkass: Scarface.
- Mister Big: Scarface.
Roland Daggett[]
Voiced by: Edward Asner |
A Corrupt Corporate Executive who often runs afoul of The Bat Family, gradually losing his reputation and his wealth due to their encounters.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Evil vs. Evil: With Clayface and Catwoman.
- Hate Sink: He crosses the Moral Event Horizon in each appearance and doesn’t have any of likeable qualities. Even the Joker is more likeable than him.
- Karma Houdini: In his first two appearances.
- Put on a Bus to Hell: Daggett is arrested and imprisoned in his final appearance.
The Penguin (Oswald Cobbelpot)[]
Voiced by: David Ogden Stiers (Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman), Paul Williams (all other appearances |
A thief with a taste for rare artifacts who fancies himself a sophisticated gentleman. The New Batman Adventures saw him become a mob boss disguised as a legitimate businessman and the owner of the Iceberg Lounge.
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)[]
Voiced by: Diane Pershing |
Pamela Isley was a botanist who led a secret life as a ecoterrorist. Isley lashed out violently at those who harmed plant life, her ruthless methods frequently landing her in Arkham Asylum.
Dr. Milo[]
Voiced by: Treat Williams (Batman: The Animated Series), Armin Shimerman (Justice League Unlimited) |
A Mad Scientist who is seen in Daggett’s employ and forcing Romulus to work for him. Milo later pops up working for Cadmus.
- Asshole Victim: Murdered by Doomsday in Justice League Unlimited.
- Back for the Dead: In Justice League Unlimited
- The Dog Bites Back: The reason all of his schemes fail, even when he’s the dog.
- Jerkass
- Killed Off for Real