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A list of characters from the DCAU who first became prominent in Superman the Animated Series

Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El)[]


 Voiced By: Tim Daly on Superman: The Animated Series, Christopher McDonald on Batman Beyond, George Newbern on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited


The quintessential Cape and Flying Brick of the DC Animated Universe.

An alien orphan named 'Kal-El' who was sent into space as an infant to avoid suffering a cataclysmic death on his home planet of Krypton. His craft landed in a Kansas field and he was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raise the boy as their son under the name 'Clark'. As he matures under the Earth's yellow sun, he gains superhuman powers such as nigh-unlimited physical strength and the power of flight. As an adult, he moves to Metropolis to work as a newspaper reporter. It is here he becomes aware of the corruption and evil in the world, deciding he must use his gifts to right these wrongs, taking the moniker 'Superman' after a story of his deeds is published in the Daily Planet by Lois Lane, who uses the term.

After having worked long and hard since the end of "Legacy" (from Superman: The Animated Series) to regain the world's trust in him, it is he who first suggests that he and the other superheroes form the Justice League, in order to deal with future threats as great as the Imperium. According to the series' promotional information, he was shown to be the face of the League, as well as the peacemaker for the other members.


Supergirl (Kara In-Ze/Kara Kent)[]


 Voiced By: Nicholle Tom


Lois Lane[]


 Voiced By: Dana Delany


Jimmy Olsen[]


 Voiced By: David Kaufman


Perry White[]


Voiced by: George Dzundza


Dan Turpin[]


Voiced By: Joseph Bologna


Maggie Sawyer[]


Voiced by: Joanna Cassidy




Voices by: Steve Sandor, Ron Perlman


Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)[]


Voiced by: Michael P. Greco, Will Friedle


Steel (John Henry Irons)[]



Lex Luthor[]


 Voiced By: Clancy Brown


A genius, multi-billionaire living in Metropolis who is the chief executive of his own company, LexCorp. In reality, he's a sociopath with a thirst for power and control, which he will gladly go to any length to have. He's an A-lister among Superman's rogues and constantly flexes his Villain with Good Publicity as much as he possibly can. He later takes on various exploits to hamper the Justice League and out them as threats to global security so he may do as he pleases unopposed.



 Voiced By: Corey Burton


A supercomputer AI from the planet Krypton who survived the planet's destruction. Now it seeks to gain as much knowledge from the galaxy as it can, by any means.



 Voiced By: Michael Ironside


The absolute ruler of the wasteland planet Apokolips. Stuck in a truce with the neighboring planet New Genesis, Darkseid is always scheming about how to put the entire universe under his fist. Seeking the 'Anti-Life Equation', a powerful tool that could easily submit the entirety of existence under his thumb, he is a constant threat to planet Earth. He is Superman's most hated enemy for his many transgressions committed on Earth and Superman is willing to stop at nothing to see his end.


  "I hope you appreciate, Kal-El, everything that happens from this point is on your head. The skies will rain fire, the oceans will boil, the streets run red with the blood of billions. Only then, when your last pitiful hope has been vanquished, will I end your life. Let's go."




 Voiced By: Michael Dorn


Granny Goodness[]


 Voiced By: Ed Asner


Metallo (John Corben)[]


 Voiced By: Malcolm McDowell


Livewire (Leslie Willis)[]


 Voiced By: Lori Petty, Maria Cannals Barrera


  • Absolute Cleavage
  • Bare Your Midriff: Her civilian outfit shows her tummy.
  • Canon Immigrant
  • Dumbass DJ: Before gaining her powers, she was a popular DJ who spent all her time insulting Superman in order to boost her ratings.
  • [[Foil]]: One can say she represents who Superman would be if he used his powers for evil instead of good.
  • Goth
  • Jerkass: It’s not a big surprise she became a super villain once she gained her powers. Abraham Lincoln did note that a good test of one’s character is giving them power.
  • Never My Fault: Her transformation was due to her stupidity of hosting a concert in the middle of a storm, Superman tried to get her to cancel it as she was both putting herself and the audience in danger. Typically she wouldn't listen and got hit by lighting. She blamed Superman for the mess, mostly from seeing on TV a reporter interviewing Superman accusing that he deliberately didn't push Leslie out of the way when the lightning struck.
  • Psycho Electro
  • Sexy Spectacles: Pre transformation.
  • Shock and Awe
  • Straw Feminist: At times.
  • Vapor Wear
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Water.

Toyman (Winslow Schott, Jr.)[]


 Voiced By: Bud Cort, Corey Burton

  • All There in the Manual: The old website says he's one of the world's deadliest assassins, but in the actual series, all of his affairs seem to be personal.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Even moreso than most supervillains.
  • Cool Mask: Wears an eversmiling mask that he never removes. The end of his debut episode proves that it is just a mask, but they find it broken and empty.
  • [[Cornered Rattlesnake]]: He decides to hide instead of trying to put an end to Gorilla Grodd’s mutiny. But when Killer Frost attacks him anyway, he does surprisingly well against her.
  • Creepy Monotone
  • Freudian Excuse: See Parental Abandonment, below.
  • Gadgeteer Genius
  • Happy Fun Ball: His specialty.
  • Little People Are Surreal: It's never explicitly stated, and his mask and otherwise strange demeanor come across as weird unto themselves, but based on the numbers, he's technically not a kid anymore, he's much shorter than the people around him (and he doesn't appear to have gotten taller in any of his later appearances), and, once again, even for a supervillain, he is an extremely weird guy.
  • Killer Yoyo
  • Parental Abandonment: His dad (framed by the mob) died in prison, leaving him to be switched from one foster home to another.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Goes straight Up to Eleven
  • Slasher Smile: Painted onto his mask.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Expressed for him by Lois.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Killer Frost does this to him in "Alive".
  • [[Woobie Destroyer of Worlds]]: His tragic backstory makes him one. He grew up without a father.

Luminus (Edward Lytener)[]


 Voiced by: Robert Hays


Edward was an engineer at LexCorp who specialized in light and laser manipulation. He was a mole for Lois and was fired. So he decided to kill her in revenge. Then Superman got involved. Lytener took up the persona of Luminus and decided to get his revenge on Superman by bringing him down to normal. That failed too. Luminus is last seen fighting the Justice League after a jail break.

Parasite (Rudy Jones)[]


 Voiced by: Brion James (Superman: The Animated Series), Brian George (Justice League)


Rudy Jones was a janitor at Star Labs with gambling debts, which led him to assist in a heist at Star Labs so he could pay off his bookie. Unfortunately, Jones was covered in a drug that turned him into the energy draining Parasite, and he went on a rampage after stealing Superman’s powers.

  • Affably Evil: Parasite is an amiable fellow, even when he’s keeping Superman imprisoned and constantly stealing his powers.
  • Drunk with Power: After gaining his powers, Parasite’s motives change from getting revenge on his partner to taking Superman’s power and wreaking havoc on Metropolis. That said, in a good day he can be perfectly reasonable, at one point demanding a TV and books in exchange for helping defuse Earl Garver’s bomb.
  • Evil Is Petty: Parasite above all wants to get back at the world for his treatment back when he was just Rudy Jones, something Superman calls him out on.
  • Eviler Than Thou: He pulls this on Livewire, While Earl Garner pulls this on him.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Rudy Jones was much more moral than his partner Martin LeBeu and even stops him from shooting a guard. After turning into Parasite, he chains up Superman and uses him as a power source and tries to kill Jimmy Olsen.
  • Killed Off for Real: In Justice League Unlimited Parasite is killed when Darkseid blows up the Legion of Doom’s ship.
  • Painful Transformation: Rudy Jones’ transformation into Parasite is not pleasant.

General Hardcastle[]


 Voiced by: Charles Napier


A general with a hatred for Superman, Hardcastle serves as the go-to General Ripper for the series.



 Voiced by: Ron Perlman


The former commander of Krypton’s military, Jax-Ur and his right-hand woman Mala were placed in the Phantom Zone. Mala later released him on Earth, where Jax-Ur tried to conquer Earth and came into conflict with Superman.



 Voiced by: Leslie Easterbrook, Sarah Douglas


Jax-Ur’s right-hand woman. Though Superman released her and she temporarily became his partner, Mala’s brutality put home at odds. In the end she released Jax-Ur and joined him in trying to conquer the Earth.



 Voiced by: Ted Levine


A demon and seventh level Lord of the Inner Pit, Karkull possessed a thief and tried to use the Daily Planet to summon his demonic brethren, something opposed by Superman and Dr. Fate.



 Voiced by: Stephen Root


An alien... thing that brainwashed all of Smallville into it’s worshippers and intended to do the same to the rest of the planet.

Reverend Amos Howell[]


 Voiced by: Stephen Root


Unity’s herald and preacher.

Bruno Mannheim[]


 Voiced by: Bruce Weitz


The leader of Intergang, who later becomes Darkseid’s servant.

  • Asshole Victim: It’s hard to feel bad for him when Darkseid lets him die in a power plant explosion.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Mannheim sent Toyman’s father to rot for a crime he committed, which caused his son to become Toyman.
  • Jerkass: Putting it mildly.
  • Killed Off for Real: Darkseid leaves him to die in a nuclear power plant explosion



 Voiced by: Frank Welker


A chimpanzee astronaut raised by the Lanes, Titano was lost in space and crashed into an asteroid that placed him into suspended animation. 20 years later, Titano was rescued by Superman, but an unknown gas in the meteorite mutated him into a giant.



 Voiced by: Tim Daly, George Newbern


A clone of Superman created by Lex Luther who degenerated into a mentally handicapped disfigured wreck thanks to Luther using human DNA. A tragic and misguided figure, Bizarro is often manipulated by others for their own ends.

Mr. Mxyzptlk[]


 Voiced by: Gilbert Gottfried


A mischievous imp from the Fifth Dimension obsessed with getting Superman’s goat.



 Voiced by: Brad Garrett


A feared and renowned intergalactic bounty hunter, Lobo is violent and irreverent.

Volcana (Claire Selton)[]


 Voiced by: Peri Gilpin


A powerful pyrokinetic who was trained and indoctrinated by government operatives to be an assasin. Volcana escapes from them and went on the run, surviving by stealing.

Earl Garver[]


 Voiced by: Brian Cox


A former scientist who worked at STAR Labs, Garver created a nuclear bomb and held Metropolis for ransom with it. Garver was put into a coma during an assault on his house, and thus Parasite was temporarily released to read his mind and discover the location of the bomb. That turned out to be a mistake.


Dr. Emil Hamilton: Earl, please! Listen to reason!
Earl Garver: I am listening to reason. My reason.




 Voiced by: Peter Gallagher


A corrupt government operative who pursued Volcana after the government operation they were involved in fell apart.

Detective Kurt Bowman[]


 Voiced by: Eddie Barth


A Dirty Cop with a hatred for reporters, particularly Lois, after she cost him a promotion with an article on police corruption. Bowman later turns out to have framed Ernest Walker for a murder he committed in “The Late Mr. Kent”, and tried to assassinate Clark when he started to look into it.

  • Badass Normal: Bowman manages to engage Superman in an even fight with an assault helicopter.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Dirty Cop: In “Target” he puts little effort into catching Lytener, apparently hoping he would kill Lois. “The Late Mr. Kent” takes it further, revealing he murdered a woman and framed a non-violent small time crook, then tries to kill Clark with a car bomb when Clark gets to close to he truth.
  • Famous Last Words: “How could [Clark Kent] have survived that car bomb? How? ...He’s Superman.”
  • Guttural Growler
  • Jerkass: Even outside of the whole Dirty Cop thing, he’s an unpleasant person to be around.
  • Killed Off for Real: Bowman is executed at the end of “The Late Mr. Kent” for his crimes.
  • Red Herring: In “Target”.