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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for DCAU fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.



  • Recommended by loracarol
  • Gen pairings when any, occasionally canon like Superman/Lois. Mostly focuses on Flash/friendships, though not always.
  • She has four stories for the DCAU, and three that focus mainly on the Flash, and his Rogues gallery; however she had an excellent drabble fic that has amazing stories in it as well.
    • Wife about Captain Cold, and his wife.
    • Villains about the end of "Divided We Fall" as seen through the eyes of Flash's Rogues gallery.
    • Everybody Comes To Harry's about the "little hole in the wall on Fourth" Flash's Rogues regularly frequent.
    • Snapshot Collection, a series of drabble fics - answering questions that include "Where does Superman keep his cape?" Answer: see the 21st snapshot for details.

wentworth360 An author recommendation.

  • Recommended by VFR 6
  • This guy is utterly brilliant in his storytelling. For those who want to read a "Crack Pairing", such as Power Girl/Superman or Zatanna/Superman. Though, the guy seems to love pairing up Zatanna with Superman, he already written several stories for that too. Currently, he is writing two stories, a lighthearted one with Zatanna trying to choose a good father for her child, Looking for Mr Suitable and a story with intricate plot that start with Hippolyta(yes, even Wonder Woman's mom is a valid character for him) having a vision about her daughter's demise and sleeping with 'Superman' Changing Fates . The author tends to portray the League acting like a bunch of office gossiping co-worker, a lot of cafeteria scene. Check his profile out, it is worth it. Pun intended.


Respect is Earned by Mists

  • Recommended by loracarol
  • Pairing(s): Mostly a Gen Fic with some Bats/Diana elements. (NO Bats/Flash Slash. There is no Slash in this story).
  • Synopsis: The Flash has been injured. Unfortunately, it was decided that he would stay at Bat's place until he was healed. Will he survive? Will Batman? And what about Alfred's warnings on Bats cooking? Will Bats learn an important lesson from Flash- or will he just ignore everything Flash stands for to continue being emo? (Better than I can explain it! Really!)
  • Comments: This delves a little into the backstory of The Flash, which works out pretty well because the DCAU Flash doesn't really *have* a backstory. It does have a "sequel" of sorts called From Respect to Friendship that happens mostly after RiE, (except the first chapter). It's a drabble-like story, with hints towards the sequel called The Double Edged Sword, however that one hasn't been updated in a while so...

In Brightest Day by Gray Kitsune

  • Recomended by Chesire
  • Pairings: Gen so far.
  • Synopsis: Hal Jordan joins the justice league after waking up from a coma post Parallax time, becomes involved with a plan by the guardians tp prevent a war between the Green lanterns and Sinestro corps all the while dealing with a strange presence within.
  • Comments: A decent enough story, full of continuity nods to the comics, updated regularly and has a good plot, it essentially a fic attempting to combine the Sinestro War and Green Lantern: Rebirth but without any reference to the spectre, worth a read.
    • Disagreed. The writing was too horrible for me to get past a couple of chapters. -Just Nobody

The Laughing Fox by Lord Drafon Claw

  • Recommended Kereea
  • Synopsis: An insane crossover between Justice League and Naruto where the young Naruto grows up under the care of The Joker and Harley Quinn who move to Konoha when he's five and become the Uzumaki Clan with the Joker becoming a top interrogator.
  • Comments: This fic never stops the laughter, though it does delve into the darker sides of the Joker and Naruto by extension, it still never stops being funny. The Joker is simply a riot, and becomes a very powerful ninja along with Harley and Naruto with the use of fish, squirting flowers, slapstick, and pure insanity. The author admits in the summary that it is not to be taken too seriously, so some suspension of disbelief is warranted for certain scenes (like Naruto fighting Kiba in the preliminaires).
    • Comment #2 Though a good story, true, and suspending your disbelief is neccesary to read this book, the author's treatment of basically all the DCAU's 'good guys' is controversial. Maybe not the author's intention, but the Joker's got on a new pair of pants when compared to the spoilerd event-type thingy that could rub people the wrong way. The rest is pretty good, however.

Heart of the Bat by TonyStarkakaIronMan

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Pairing(s): Barbara/Dick, Batman/Wonder Woman, Barbara/Bruce
  • Synopsis: How has Batman's involvement with the Justice League affected those around him? This tale follows the Justice League Unlimited episodes in relation to the changes that come along with the events in the lives of the Bat-family.
  • Comments: Extremely well-written and devastatingly emotional in parts. It expands on the canon episodes in a way that makes one wonder if this writer has had experience writing actual episodes of JLU.

Misc Mistakes, Misunderstandings, & Misconceptions by Aurora0628

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Pairing(s): Batman/Wonder Woman, Superman/Lois Lane, Batman/Catwoman, Hawkgirl/Green Lantern, and maybe Superman/Wonder Woman if you squint
  • Synopsis: Wonder Woman wants Batman. Batman wants no one. The rest of the world wants Wonder Woman to end up with Superman. Basically, it's a humorous telling of how Diana tries to develop a relationship with Bruce despite the fact that everyone in the world seems to think she is more than Just Friends with Superman.
  • Comments: Very funny, amazingly well-written, and quite touching. Possibly the most in-character this troper has ever seen Diana be written in fanfiction.

Nothing in Moderation by Lavendar Gaia

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Pairings: Batman/Wonder Woman
  • Synopsis: Batman begrudingly agrees to allow The Flash to decorate the Watchtower for Christmas. The result is horrifying and Bruce is quickly running out of patience. Wonder Woman decides to make it a little easier on him.
  • Comments: Easily one of the most humorous stories that involve Batman while still keeping him completely in character.

A Minor Problem by Lavender Gaia

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Pairings: Batman/Wonder Woman
  • Synopsis: Batman gets the hiccups on board of the Watchtower. No, really.
  • Comments: If JLU had a Crowning Moment of Funny in fanfiction, it would be this.

Coffee with Alfred by Dunyazade

  • Recommended by Lady Nomad
  • Pairings: No pairings, just Batman/Superman friendship.
  • Synopsis: Batman discovers what Alfred does in the mornings.
  • Comments: This is a very fun story that shows the relationships between Alfred and Bruce and Bruce and Clark. It also makes Batman funny in a realistic way.

The Greatest Story Finally Told

  • Recommended by nicknack
  • Pairings: Booster/Tracey Simmons.
  • Synopsis: In The Greatest Story Never Told, Booster Gold saved the world, only for no one to learn the truth...or so we were led to think. Taking place between Greatest and Dark Heart, learn how Booster went from Crowd Control to True Hero.
  • Comments: A fanmade sequel to The Greatest Story Never Told that just has to be read by anyone who is a fan of the DCAU. How good is it? This troper likes it, and she isn't even a DCAU fan. Perhaps the best fanfic starring Booster Gold that has ever been written.
    • The author does tend to paint the authority figures on the Justice League in rather negative light, and whether this is good or bad is up to you. The story is about the Justice League Founders realizing that they were wrong to reprimand Booster for abandoning his crowd control job while everyone else was fighting Mordru. Booster's culpability, and the fact that he has alot of behavioral issues he needs to correct, are ignored or brushed aside. At least, that's this tropers opinion (and seconded by Loracarol). If you really like Booster Gold, then this is DEFINITELY the fic for you. If you don't, well...
      • Any story that has to hand Batman the Idiot Ball to work doesn't work very well.

Hope is a Thing With Leather

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Pairings: Terry/Max
  • Synopsis: "They've been dancing around this unnamed space for years." A look into how Terry and Max's relationship in regards to crime-fighting progresses over time. Things don't always stay so professional when you're all each other has in the world.
  • Comments: Brilliantly written, fast-paced, gut-wrenching, and realistic. Easily one of the best written fanfics for the Terry-Max pairing.

Flash By Northwest by Merlin Missy

  • Recommended by Zephyr7
  • Pairings: Mostly gen though in the AU, there was a Love Triangle between Green Lantern, Vixen and Hawkgirl
  • Synopsis: The Big Seven (plus one) are trapped inside a world created by a magical artifact. As the body count rises, familiar faces hide deadly secrets and it's up to Flash to save them.
  • Comments: A definite read for anyone interested in mystery. I found the characterizations of every character done well, even if some of the AU characters are different than their original characters due to being in a story and having different roles.

Terry's Quest for Tea Cakes by Marie Nomad

  • Recommended by Cybertoy00
  • Pairings: Some Terry/Dana in the beginning, but not the focus of the story.
  • Synopsis: For old Bruce Wayne's birthday, Terry McGinnis decides to make his mentor some tea cake, just like Alfred used to do. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the recipe.
  • Comments: Humorous and heartwarming, and filled continuity nods to both the DCAU and the regular comics. Also featuring a special appearance of a character not seen since B:TAS!

Prismacolor Shadows by Neo Nails

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Pairings: Mainly Terry/Max, but some Terry/Dana.
  • Synopsis: A series of vignettes from different characters points of view all connected to colors.
  • Comments: Remarkably well-written. It features many perspectives and all of them are in-character.

Bulletproof Love by perch

  • Recommended by Cedarleaf
  • Pairings: Aquagirl/Warhawk
  • Synopsis: A cute little story of two very different teammates enjoying a quiet moment together.
  • Coments: Just a short, sweet little fic about two often overlooked characters from the future JLU.

Years After by Patricia de Lioncourt

  • Recommended by Much Ado About Nonny
  • Pairings: Batman/Harley Quinn (no, don't leave yet...), Poison Ivy/ Clayface
  • Synopsis: The year is 2012, and things in Gotham are a little different. Batman is no longer needed, and his Rogues' Gallery mostly all come to sanity. But when a new force threatens to bring back the criminals, will the Dark Knight reemerge?
  • Comments: Very well done in this troper's book. The style is creative, and the writer is realistic about the Rogues' en masse Heel Face Turn. A bit optimistic for my tastes at some points, though it's nothing a good flashback Character Development can't fix. Unfortunately seems to be dead at five chapters...though the writer is working on multiple other fics simaltaneously, so there is a slight chance she might get back to it.

Connecting The Dots by Afalstein

  • Recommended by User:Luc
  • Synopsis: "Bruce, tell me again why this arm is so important." "Because it came from another dimension." The discovery of an arm with a mouth attached leads the League to suspect a possible extradimensional invasion is imminent. Those fears seem founded when a dozen powerful young fighters appear scattered around the country, and contact is suddenly lost with the Teen Titans.
  • Pairings: NaruHina.
  • Comments: Crossover with Naruto.

Smooth, Real Smooth by Kipling Nori

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Synopsis: Diana's a stalker and Bruce likes to perform laser hair removal. Yes, you read that correctly.
  • Pairing: Batman/Wonder Woman
  • Comments: Absolutely hysterical all while keeping Bruce and Diana in character. Easily some of the best written banter between the two of them that this troper has ever read.

Sleep by DJRabidPunk

  • Recommended by Kyoko
  • Synopsis: Max likes Terry when he's sleep-deprived and pretty.
  • Pairing: Slight Terry/Max.
  • Comments: A light, humorous look at Terry and Max's relationship. It's not heavy or long, it's just a fast, amusing read with plenty of enjoyment to be had by fans and non-fans of the pairing alike.

Inviolate by scriviner

  • Recommended by Banichi
  • Synopsis: Someone messed with Luthor's mind. Someone was going to pay. A mystery that slowly unveils a terrible secret within the DCU and Lex's response to what he finds.
  • Pairing: Various levels of Lex/Mercy/Eve.
  • Comments: A nice look inside a non-deranged, but still utterly ruthless Lex Luthor's mind.

20 One Shots by Bekkoni

  • Recommended by Lady Nomad
  • Synopsis: 20 drabbles/one-shots based on 20 one-word prompts. Prompt 20: Future. Mostly Founding Member-based, with lots of Trinity and Batman-centric stories. These can be read in any order. Occasional fluff warning, plus rare swearing.
  • Pairing: Diana/Bruce, Clark/Bruce friendship
  • Comments: This is a fun series of ficlets that stands on their own but do connect with each other. They really showed the friendship between the trinity.

Resurrecting the Red by Lady Jaye 1

  • Recommended by The Otaku Ninja
  • Synopsis: 50 yrs in the future. Wally's grandson takes up the mantle of the Flash.
  • Pairing: Terry/Dana, Max/OC
  • Comments: Originally a Batman Beyond fic, this story eventually branches out into the DCAU, with ideas on what the future Justice League is like. The OCs are well-written and interesting, and the story takes a few twists and turns along the way.

The Son Becomes the Father by Mr. Chaos

  • Recommended by The Otaku Ninja
  • Synopsis: 6 short stories, looking at the aftermath of A Better World, and how a world, its people, and 6 former Justice Lords find redemption for their sins and maybe, just maybe, a bit of happiness along the way.
  • Pairing: None
  • Comments: The summary says it all; a look at what happened to the Justice Lords after said episode, and how they are redeemed in one way or another. Also takes a look into the rest of the DCAU during this time, with a few surprise guests.

Hating This by CampionSayn

  • Recommended by Much Ado About Nonny
  • Synopsis: Series of various one-shots based off of the oh-so-popular "What If…" Harley ever left Joker and got her old job back? Be warned, the time stream might not always line up, some shots might not have anything to do with the other and Harley isn't in love.
  • Pairings: None official, but there are hints of some of the popular het and slash pairings.
  • Comments: A very artistically done story, it keeps the characters recognizable. There are a few grammar errors, but most of them are either delibrately inserted as part of the author's signature style, or so slight as to be overlooked.
  • Last Son of Tomorrow By Ryuugi
  • Recommended by: SAMAS
  • Synopsis: The battle against the Anti-Monitor took everything the Heroes had and then some, but it wasn't enough. In a last-ditch effort, Terry McGinnis is sent beyond the end of the universe, to find the energy that once composed their world. Now stuck in a world much like his own past, and armed with the collective knowledge of his own world, Terry must find a way to restore the world as he knew it. Of course, this world still has it's guardians, and there's no way to know if they'll help or stop him...