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  • "ONE PUNCH! ONE PUNCH!" (Blue Beetle predicts One-Punch Man in 1987.)
  • Superman is Jesus (the Nostalgia Critic's review of Man of Steel)
  • I'M BATMAN (a memorable line from Tim Burton's Batman)
    • "Holy popcorn, Batman!" "MY PARENTS DIED" "..." (making fun of the 1960s show)
  • Cyborg being hot (which he is)
    • Praise the Cyborg animatronic (Fans worship an animatronic Cyborg from a Six Flags ride)
    • "Have a nice day." (Grid's catchphrase)
  • How horrifying the animal characters in the Hanna-Barbera comics look. Especially Huckleberry Hound.
    • "We've started a genocide, Barney." (A... questionable line from DC's The Flintstones comic)
  • Aquaman being useless (thank you Superfriends for pushing the belief that Aquaman is only useful underwater onto everyone over the age of 30. Nowadays, this seems to have waned with the Aquaman movie.)
  • "#ReleaseTheSnyderCut/#RestoreTheSnyderVerse" (after the botched, Joss Whedon penned version of Justice League released in theaters, fans petitioned Warner Bros. to release Zack Snyder's original vision for the movie. Eventually, 4 years later, it was released as Zack Snyder's Justice League, at which the fans rallied to restore Snyder's plans for the DCEU.)
  • The Computer is Brainiac (A few fans think the Computer from Courage the Cowardly Dog is an earlier prototype for Brainiac, at least the DCAU version.)
    • Related: "I am Krypton." (Brainiac says this during his initial conversation with Superman in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "Stolen Memories." It's later reiterated in the Justice League episode "Twilight.")
  • Hal Jordan has the IQ of a guacamole (Fans like to point out how dumb Hal Jordan has been over his 62-year history. Once you see him flying into a sign...)