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  • Scorch (Scotty Fischer)'s death in Justice League Vol 2 #27. Atomica is not shown inside Scorch, possibly because of Nothing Is Scarier, but it's Fetish Retardant for many endo fans (who were expecting to see inside) and the focus is on the gore. So much blood. The fact that Atomica kills a 16 year old makes it even worse.
  • In one Adventures of Superman issue (dunno which but it was reprinted in the 2008 Superman vs. Brainiac collection), Brainiac (in his Milton Fine design) uses his psychic powers to contort Superman. The results are horrifying, looking like Adult Swim 14 years before that was a thing.
  • Cyborg being trapped in his own nightmares by the Mind Wyrmms in Cyborg Vol 2 #4. Even worse are the wyrmms' slithery, disgusting appearance.

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