Damekko Dōbutsu (Japanese: だめっこどうぶつ, lit. "Useless Animals") is a manga series by Noriko Kuwata serialized in Manga Life since the November 2001 issue. It was later adapted into a comedy anime series on Kids Station, a Japanese broadcast satellite station. It features characters that wear kigurumi costumes. Each character in the anime does not live up to the standards of their species, making them outcasts who must live in the "Useless" Forest. The main character, Uruno, is a wolf who has the personality of a shy rabbit; meanwhile, his friend and foil, Usahara the rabbit, has a wolf-like dominance and aggression. Each of the 26 episodes is 5 minutes long, bringing the total series to 130 minutes (2 hours 10 minutes).
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Tropes used in Damekko Dōbutsu include:
- Big Ball of Violence: Happens a few times, usually when Usahara beats up Uruno.
- Festival Episode: Catgirls run the Goldfish Scooping Game. Hilarity Ensues.
- Kimodameshi[context?]
- Little Bit Beastly: The entire cast.