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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is he too brainwashed into thinking he's a genius to care about criticism or has he been trying to attest to his fans' complaints and shown signs of concern for Victorious as of recent?
    • A blatant, unrepentant troll who only cares about holding his audience as long as possible, to the point where he ignores realistic plot and character development to do whatever will keep the fans watching the show.
      • Or someone who just doesn't plan his shows that far ahead, and simply does whatever comes to mind at the time he's meant to write the episode?
    • He claimed that iCarly received similar complaints when it first came out, so maybe he does have some idea about what he's doing.
    • Was iParty with Victorious nothing more than a 70-minute commercial for Victorious that had lots of room for potential that was just wasted and overall a waste of time that should have been used for other ICarly episodes? Or was it an epic, hilarity ensued showing that was nothing short of classic Schneider comedy?
    • A guy who just wants to do the shows as best he can, or someone unable to relinquish control of his shows despite severe and obvious problems caused by show running two shows back to back.
    • Slap Slap Kiss: Easy way to write a romance without having to develop it, or a sad insight into his life as a teenager? See WMG for more details.
    • A writer who is past his time, run out of ideas and has to resort to constantly ripping off other films, tv shows and even his old shows, and drags down the quality of his shows by refusing to give up control even when they are badly suffering because of it.
  • Broken Base: His fans are divided into several categories: the ones that love all his shows equally, the iCarly fans who either like Victorious a little or not at all, the deranged Seddie shippers, fans who think Victorious is getting better and better while iCarly gets worse, those that think the opposite (even those who never liked Victorious to begin with) those that think both shows are getting equally worse...the list goes on and on. Which one are you?
  • Canon Sue - His shows with girls in the lead, usually do have some Canon Sue tendencies, usually being the Only Sane Man of the show. While Carly and Tori aren't particularly bad about this, Zoey fits this trope to a T.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Pretty much any time he thanks his fans. Not long after Freak the Freak Out aired, he said that his fans are, and I quote, "the most loyal, dedicated fans out there. Without a doubt".
  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome:
    • Zoey in Zoey101, as a blatant, unrepentant Canon Purity Sue.
    • Tori, in Victorious in the complete opposite way, as people hate her because of a multitude of character flaws, along with the additional fan annoyance that she's less talented vocally than Cat or Jade, but until recently was the only female on the show to actually sing.
    • Carly, as she was the Straight Man to Sam and Spencer but not Freddie. A lot of people ship Sam and Freddie, which means they see Sam's continually verbal and physical assaults as proof of their ship, then they turn around and dislike Carly whenever Carly delivered her verbal punch lines about Freddie's crush on her.
  • Fan Nickname - The "Schneider-verse" for the shared universes of the shows, particularly Zoey 101, iCarly, Victorious, and Drake and Josh and who knows it might go all the way back to Kenan and Kel.
  • Ho Yay/Les Yay - To the point of fumbles. Or maybe not. Kenan and Kel had the standard Heterosexual Life Partners, but in some of the later shows, the Ho Yay is so blatant that it could be seen the writers actually trying to suggest something. The Carly/Sam dynamic on ICarly is full of this to the point where Sam having romantic feelings towards Carly is all but Canon, with the possibility that she's hiding her sexuality by being interested in guys, or simply is bisexual and attracted to guys as well, with reciprocation from Carly to some extent being quite plausible.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Despite his shows being presented as childrens' shows, some people will challenge that they are not, and that they are more for teens instead. His works do contain material that some children might find frightening ("Steered Straight", "Curse of PCA" and "Tori Gets Stuck" to name a few).
  • Pandering to the Base: The base in ICarly being Sam/Freddie shippers, and in Victorious the Jade/Tori shippers.
  • Relationship Writing Fumble: Basically after Kenan and Kel, he forgot how to write relationships that didn't look like UST, regardless of the status of the relationship:
    • Spencer/Carly. Brother/Sister who act more like a typical Ugly Guy, Hot Wife combination that Like Brother and Sister. People also saw similar interaction between Drake and Megan in Drake and Josh. Trina and Tori on Victorious have glimpses of same, like the sexy song and dance number Tori sang for Trina which ended up with Tori sitting in Trina's lap.
    • Sam and Carly, Drake and Josh. Best friends. Who act like lovers.
    • Robbie and his Ho Yay with his best friend Beck.
    • Jade and Tori and their Foe Yay.
    • Spencer and Sam act like they are in puppy love with each other and flirt and act playfully around each other like they are in a constant honeymoon period, when he's 26 and she's 14.
    • Also prone to meta fumbling, by writing two opposing relationships in the Sam/Freddie and Carly/Freddie relationships, hyping up said relationship and their potential, then coming down hard on people who had the nerve to actually ship one or the other in the iStart A Fan War episode of the ICarly.
  • Shipping: Zoey 101, iCarly, and Victorious are pretty much bred for this.
  • What an Idiot!: Lots of the characters in his shows are like this.
  • The Woobie: Another big YMMV, but if you're just a plain fan of his shows trying to enjoy them for the comedy, you might feel sorry for him given the flack he receives from iCarly Shippers (both sides, depending on what he's putting on his show) and anti-fans of Victorious on occasion. Especially if you agreed with Carly's speech at the end of iStart a Fan War...
    • Jerkass Woobie: The guy can and will fire back if he finds out the target is someone outside his usual demographic. This has happened on a few ocacsions, but one of the most notable was his counter-attack on several big name Seddie fans who attacked his news that he managed to get Nick to air an extended version of iSaved Your Life.