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Character sheet of Danball Senki. The names are in Last Name First Name order.
Danball Senki[]
Yamano Ban[]
The protagonist. He is a talented LBX player but is forbidden by his mother to own one. That is until the day a mysterious woman gives him the Core Skeleton AX-00.
- Blade on a Stick: Lances are his LBX weapon of choice.
- Brown Eyes
- Cheerful Child
- Curtains Match the Window
- The Chosen One
- Determinator
- Deuteragonist: In W.
- For Great Justice: He won't forgive anyone who uses LBX to hurt other people.
- Heroic BSOD: When Yuusuke dies. His mother and Jin snap him out it.
- Lightning Bruiser: His LBX just gets faster and stronger as the series progress.
- Locked Out of the Loop: His mother knows that his father is alive the whole time
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: All of his LBX have strong shields.
- The Mentor: To Hiro in W
- The Messiah
- Older and Wiser: In W
Aoshima Kazuya[]
Voiced by Daisuke Namikawa |
- Animal Motifs: His LBX are the wolf-like Hunter and Fenrir.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Being a sniper means his LBX is more vulnerable to close-up attacks than others.
- The Cynic: It isn't extreme but he's the most cautious and is usually the one who voices doubts about his team's plan.
- Distressed Dude: In W
- Friendly Sniper
- Gray Eyes
- Heroic Sacrifice: Has lost his LBX in battles more than anyone else partly because of this.
- Nice Guy
- Put on a Bus: Gets kidnapped in W
Kawamura Ami[]
Voiced by Marina Inoue |
- Action Girl
- Curtains Match the Window
- Distressed Damsel: In W
- Fragile Speedster: Her LBX sacrifice armor for speed and agility.
- Heel Face Turn: Unwillingly. She was kidnapped and made into a Slave Player in W
- Nice Girl: Unless you are one of her unwanted admirers.
- Ninja: The theme of her LBX.
- Plucky Girl
- Put on a Bus: Gets kidnapped and is put out of action after she was rescued in W
- The Strategist: All main characters are capable in strategy but she is the one who is usually shown making plans for her teams.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.
Ishimori Rina[]
- Distressed Damsel: A little after her attempt to assassinate Kaidou Yoshimitsu for her sister's sake.
- Hot Scientist
- I Did What I Had to Do: Still she was severely shocked after she apparently killed Kaidou Yoshimitsu.
- Meganekko
- The Mole: For the Innovators for a while
Uzaki Takuya[]
Voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura |
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Leader of the Seekers, highly capable in hand-to-hand fighting. He's just not good with the LBX.
- Gray Eyes
- Mission Control: His primary role.
- Revenge: His motive for fighting the Innovators initially. He grew out of it.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- The Chessmaster: Plays both the Innovators and the Seekers in his plot to destroy the world.
- Cool Old Guy: Is a legendary LBX player. Can't get cooler than that.
- Heel Face Turn
- Knowledge Broker
- Knight Templar: Wants to destroy the current corrupted world
- Man Behind the Man
- The Mentor: To Ban and Gouda.
Uzaki Yuusuke[]
- Cool Old Guy: Director of a prominent LBX maker that produces the main trio's Super Prototype and is able to kick ass with one himself.
- Gray Eyes
- Jerkass Facade: Coldly tells his brother to drop fighting the Innovators but actually helps the Seekers in secret.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Killed Off for Real
- Stoic Spectacles
Gouda Hanzou[]
- Chainsaw Good: The weapon of his LBX.
- Chest Blaster: The Finishing Move of his LBX.
- Expy: Of Kamina
- Hot-Blooded
- Mighty Glacier
- Red Baron: "Destruction God of Hell"
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: To Sendou. Still they team up for Artemis in W.
- Walking Shirtless Scene.
Sendou Daiki[]
- Doppelganger Attack: His specialty.
- Heel Face Turn
- I Work Alone: Likes to say this. Especially to Gouda, with whom he teams up on several occasion.
- Multicolored Hair
- Red Baron: "The Magician of the Box"
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: To Gouda.
- Tarot Motifs
- Tsundere: He tags along just because it's interesting, not because he cares about Ban & co. Not at all
Kaidou Jin[]
- Aloof Ally
- Big Fancy House: The Kaidou Mansion is more like a fortress, complete with Elaborate Underground Base.
- Child Prodigy
- Combat Pragmatist: Played for Laughs in his matches against Otakus who like making long speeches before fights.
- Defrosting The Ice King: He becomes noticeably warmer and more expressive after meeting Ban
- Evil Scientist's Handsome Grandson
- Heel Face Turn
- Lonely Rich Kid: He only has his LBX and his butler around him at home.
- Parental Abandonment: His parents died in the Tokio Bridge incident and he was adopted by Kaidou Yoshimitsu
- Pet the Dog: The first sign of him being a decent guy is when he teamed up with Ban to save Haibara Yuuya.
- Prongs of Poseidon: Unsurprisingly, weapon of Triton, his LBX in W.
- Red Baron: "Instant Kill Emperor"
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Quiet One: Just speaks when it's necessary.
- The Rival
- Skunk Stripe
- The Stoic
- The Ugly Guy's Hot Grandson
- Tsurime: Which stands out in a cast with mostly Tareme.
Haibara Yuuya[]
Voiced by Yuuki Kaji |
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Due to being experimented on by Kamiya Craft under order of Kaidou Yoshimitsu, which is partly why Jin feels responsible for him
- Expository Hairstyle Change: In W
- Extreme Doormat: Because he is used as an experimental subject. He gets better in W
- I Owe You My Life: Towards Jin in W
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Peek-a-Bangs
- People Jars: In one of these in his first appearance.
- Technopath: Can control LBX with his mind thanks to a special suit, with horrible side effects
- Eccentric Mentor
- Large Ham
- Mission Control
- Old Master: To the Otarangers and to Ban and co. to an extent
- Otaku
- Verbal Tic: Adds "-deo" at the end of his speech.
Yamano Junichiro[]
- The Atoner: The whole plot of the first series is basically him trying to make sure that his creation won't be misused by Innovators.
- The Chessmaster: Has shades of this with how he plans for his LBX to be sent for the relevant users.
- Disappeared Dad: Not his fault, though it seems that he is still often away from his family one year later in W.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He creates amazing gadgets. Sadly, they can be used for bad things.
- Large Ham: In his Masked J persona.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: His Masked J act in Artemis. Ban didn't completely recognize him but Yuusuke figured it out immediately.
Yamagi Eiji[]
- The Atoner: For serving the Innovators.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Cape
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Eyes of Gold
- Heel Face Turn
- My Leader Right Or Wrong
- Sharp-Dressed Man
Kaidou Yoshimitsu[]
- Big Bad: Until The Reveal that Lex has been orchestrating the whole thing
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Seems to be respectable but he's power-hungry and doesn't hesitate to manipulate people.
- High-Class Glass
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate
- Ominous Opera Cape: His long coat creates the same effect.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: A sign that the real Kaidou Yoshimitsu is dead and an android replaces him
Danball Senki W[]
Oozura Hiro[]
Voiced by Hiro Shimono |
- Adorkable
- The Chosen One
- Dual-Wielding: His LBX Perseus.
- Fan Boy: Of Toku shows and video games, especially Senshiman. Which is why he's elated to be chosen to save the world.
- Genre Savvy
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Idiot Hair: Doubles as Expressive Hair
- I Just Want to Be Special: He wants to be a chosen hero, badly.
- Parental Abandonment: His family is nowhere to be seen in either the present or flashbacks. Highlighted in a heartwrenching scene at the airport where he was alone while other kids had their family seeing them off.
- Punny Name: Hiro really wants to become a Hero
- Psychic Power: He has manifested precognition, though it hasn't been elaborated on.
Hanasaki Ran[]
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- Big Fancy House: Her house is a traditional Japanese dojo.
- Blood Knight: She really enjoys a good fight.
- Break the Haughty: Lost to Hiro in the Angra Texas tournament, after a falling out with Yuuya.
- Cheerful Child
- The Chosen One
- Dual-Wielding: Her LBX Minerva.
- Fan Girl: Of Ban and famous LBX players in general.
- Fiery Redhead
- Heir to the Dojo
- Hot-Blooded
Kaios Jessica[]
- Americans Are Cowboys
- Bare Your Midriff
- Break the Haughty: Believes that she doesn't need training as her memory and superior LBX are sufficient to win. She's soon proved wrong.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Guns Akimbo: Her LBX Jeane D.
- Hot-Blooded
- Nice Hat: Sports a cowboy hat.
- The Ojou
- Phenotype Stereotype
- Photographic Memory: Can memorize everything, however complex, with just a glance. Overreliance on existing information is a disadvantage for her in battles though.
Asuka Kojou[]
- Cheerful Child
- Hair of Gold
- Trademark Favorite Food: Tomato juice.