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Clockwise: Heejung, Jieun, Jihae, Jiyeon, Jisoo, and Jiwoo


Your smile is now gone, it’s a bitter sweet fantasy
The time I held you in my arms, is the past now it’s just a dream
Yes, I Can't Stay; My love I must leave you once again
But I'll find you one day,, make no mistake
Precious one inside of my memory.

Yet, I Can't Stay, opening song

Dandelion - Wishes brought to you - (덴더라이언 ~너에게 부는 바람~ , Dandelion ~Neoege Buneun Baram~) is a Romance Game created by Korean otome developers, Cheritz. Released on the PC in 2012 and translated into English later the same year, it is the company's first work.

The game's protagonist is Heejung, a university student who pushes herself to be perfect at everything due to the influence of her overbearing mother. Yet, she has no idea what she wants out of life. One morning, she awakens to find a basket full of animals has been left in her bedroom. With no idea how they got there or who they belong to, she reluctantly takes them in and begins to see her life change.

Another game in the same setting was released in 2013, called Nameless - the one thing you must recall -, but it's story is entirely separate.

As of 2014, Dandelion is also available on Steam.

Tropes used in Dandelion - Wishes brought to you - include:
  • Abusive Mom: Heejung's mother is one of the emotionally abusive variety. It's affected her so badly that Heejung has nightmares despite no longer living together with her mom.
    • Jiwoo's adoptive mother may also count.
  • The Bet: The game that The Wizard has the animals playing is basically a high stakes romantic version of this.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Most of the good endings are this, due to either Heejung or her love interest having a case of Laser-Guided Amnesia.
  • Break the Cutie: The Wizard's ultimate goal is to do this to Heejung.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: In most of the routes, Heejung will eventually confront her mother about how she's treated her. Though whenever she does, it ends about how you would expect.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Once she moves past the What Is This Thing You Call Love? stage, Heejung usually ends up like this.
  • Cats Are Superior: Inverted. Where the animals are from, cats are primarily lower class citizens.
  • Cats Hate Water: Played straight with Jisoo, who Hates Baths. Averted with Jiyeon, who loves them.
  • Cute Kitten: Jiyeon invokes this. He does so entirely on purpose to endear himself to Heejung.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Heejung often becomes this when dealing with Jiwoo. However, he seems to take her sarcasm as genuine praise.
  • Deal with the Devil: The animals all entered into one of these with The Wizard when they agreed to take part in the game. Heejung can also end up doing this in a few of the good endings.
  • Disappeared Dad: After her parents divorced, Heejung hasn't been in contact with her father much or at all.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Heejae. There's nothing really wrong with him, but when you've got a Cast Full of Pretty Boys, he just really doesn't measure up. The only way he can get with Heejung is in a Nonstandard Game Over.
  • Driven to Suicide: This happened to Jihae's past lover. He's playing the game in hopes of undoing that.
  • Downer Ending: The bad endings, naturally. Though just how bad things turn out runs the gamut from Heejung ending up with her nerdy but well meaning underclassman, to her being drugged by Jisoo so much that she's bed bound.
  • Education Mama: Heejung's mother is one to the point of having gone full Abusive Mom when it comes to her daughter's grades.
  • Expressive Ears: The animals, even (or perhaps especially) in their human forms.
  • False Reassurance: Jiyeon starts giving Heejung a lot of these when she starts getting concerned about his life outside of her home.
  • Freudian Excuse: A couple of the less pleasant characters have one.
    • Jiwoo was disowned by his adoptive mother for not being her blood child, causing him to develop an inferiority complex and place a lot of value on status
    • Jiyeon grew up as a Street Urchin in a world with a discriminatory caste system and the only person to ever show him true kindness was murdered by his former gang member. Small wonder that he doesn't trust people.
    • Even The Wizard has one! Unable to do anything other than watch the woman he loved from another dimension, he created the game in hopes of making her wish for something so hard that she would be able to see him.
  • Genre Savvy: Jiwoo reads a lot of romance novels and watches soap operas. Thus, he considers himself an expert in the art of romance. Suberted, however, because...
    • This Is Reality: He's quite shocked when Heejung refutes his expectations by using this trope.
  • Ill Girl: Jisoo's sister Lily is this, leading him to join the game in hopes of curing her.
  • Interspecies Romance: Heejung with whichever animal you choose to pursue.
  • The Good King: Jieun is strongly hinted to be one after ascending the throne in his good ending.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: ihae blames himself for the suicide of his past lover, causing him to join the game in hopes of bringing her back to life.
  • Instant Fanclub: Jihae garners one after becoming a model.
  • I Will Find You: It's the main theme of the opening song of the game. Every guy in the game invokes this at some point during their Good Ending path, and even Heejung gets a moment of it in Jiwoo's Good Ending, though she also plays the trope of...
  • Jerkass: Jiwoo comes off as this a lot of the time.
  • Karma Houdini: The Wizard. Not only does he never receive retribution for all that he puts Heejung and the animals through in multiple timelines, all for the sake of his own desires, but in the extra ending, he actually gets to go to Heejung's world and meet her as a normal person.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Jiwoo often comes off as this. He believes he knows exactly how everything in the human world works, but really most of his information comes from unreliable sources like daytime soap operas.
  • Little Bit Beastly: All of the animals are this when in their humanoid forms. Averted near the end, as once they become permanent residents of the human world, they lose their animal ears and become full humans.
  • Nice Hat: All of the animals aside from Jiyeon have one. Justified as they use their hats to hide their animal ears.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Jiyeon does this constantly. Justified in that he's intentionally playing the role of The Fake Cutie in order to be better liked.
  • Only Sane Man: Jihae is this among the animals. Jiwoo thinks he's this, but in actuality he's mostly just Straight Manning the cats.
  • Promotion to Parent: While he never talks about what happened to his parents, it's clear that Jisoo is entirely responsible for taking care of his sister Lily back home.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Happens on every route when you're on the path to a Good Ending.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: Heejung gives one to Jiwoo during his route to convey her feelings.
  • Slipping a Mickey: Jisoo does this to Heejung in his Bad Ending in order to keep her bed ridden so that she's unable to see anyone else or try to leave him.
  • Street Smart: Jiyeon is secretly this, although he hides it well.
  • Summoning Ritual: Not directly observed, but stated to have happened in Jieun's ending, so that he could bring Heejung to his world.
  • Tsundere: Jiwoo.
  • Undying Loyalty: Jihae exhibits this towards Jieun. Both of their routes deal with recognizing how unhealthy this dynamic has become for them.
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Heejung, having never had the time for romance, fails to recognize exactly what it is she's feeling toward whichever of the guys the player is pursuing.
  • White Bunny: Jieun, played to emphasize his small stature and innocent nature.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Jieun.
  • Xanatos Gambit: The Wizard has set up the game so that it becomes this. No matter which of the animals wins Heejung's affections, The Wizard wins by getting to delight in seeing her misery once they vanish.
  • Yandere: Jisoo becomes one in his Bad Ending, while showing some shades of it in the route leading up to his Good Ending as well. The Wizard also counts.