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  • Fridge Logic: Diabolik, when out of ammo, uses emeralds as improvised bullets, shoots another man without gunpowder or shells and somehow makes sure every emerald-bullet hits and does not pass through his body while doing so or without shattering the emeralds in the process. Then we are to assume that the emeralds weren't noticed by the medical examiner (but hilariously bothered to count the bullet holes so that Ginko could get a clue later). And again somehow the emeralds weren't destroyed during the cremation of the man's body and could easily be recovered from his ashes by Diabolik later.
    • And that the bullets wouldn't be removed prior to cremation.
  • Fridge Horror: We see Eva get arrested at the end and Diabolik still alive, but believed to be dead. However, we saw at the beginning that the Prime Minister and Parliament had re-instated the death penalty in response to Diabolik. Seeing as Eva's involvement in Diabolik's crimes is clear beyond a doubt, then even if Diabolik escapes he may find that Eva has been executed. This would probably drive Diabolik insane with grief and he would then stop stealing or pranking to instead engage in terrorist antics closer to V from V for Vendetta.

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