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Danger Rangers is an animated Edutainment Show that airs on PBS. It features six animal heroes who teach children about safety through example. It began airing on CBS on September 17, 2011, as part of the Team Toon block. However, some of the episodes were DVD specials before then.
- Badass: For an educational children's show, the characters are awfully Badass.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: Most of the cast, but when a situation is too dangerous for bare feet, the heroes wear boots.
- Beary Funny: Burble
- Casting Gag: This is not the only feline character named Kitty that Grey DeLisle has voiced.
- It also isn't the first time Rob Paulsen voiced a rodent.
- Additionally, the episode "Wild Wheels" is not the first time Tara Strong voiced a boy named Timmy.
- It also isn't the first time Rob Paulsen voiced a rodent.
- Cats Are Mean: Averted with Kitty
- Deadpan Snarker: Squeaky
- A Dog Named "Dog": Kitty
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Sully
- The Lancer: Kitty
- The Smart Guy: Burt
- The Big Guy: Burble
- The Chick: GB
- Kid Appeal Character: Squeaky
- Robot Buddy: Fallbot
- Keet: Fallbot
- Non-Action Guy: Burt
- Road Sign Reversal: This was used by a kid in a failed attempt at cheating on a race in the episode about pedestrian safety.
- Title Theme Tune
- Turtle Power: Burt
- Two Girls to a Team: Kitty and GB
- Wicked Weasel: Worley
- World of Funny Animals