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Basic Trope: A villain with relations to the Dark.
- Straight Emperor Evulz is the Big Bad in a black outfit with the Power of Darkness
- Exaggerated: Emperor Evulz is an Obviously Evil Complete Monster in Black and the Darkness is so evil that everything within sight dies.
- Justified:
- He's a Demon.
- He grew up somewhere dark and scary.
- The story is about Good vs Evil. He has to make it obvious that he's evil.
- Inverted: Light Is Good/Dark Is Not Evil
- Subverted:
- Despite wearing black, he has connections with the Light.
- He's actually a good guy in black.
- Double Subverted:
- His One-Winged Angel is actually a Black Demon with darkness powers.
- He was a mole/Makes a Face Heel Turn.
- Parodied: Lightbulbs die the minute Emperor Evulz is even mentioned.
- Zig Zagged:
- Emperor Evulz frequently switches costumes, roughly half of which are black.
- Or, Emperor Evulz is a Heel Face Revolving Door, switching between being a villain and a hero every other episode, whilst keeping his black attire and powers of darkness.
- Averted:
- Despite his signs of darkness, he isn't good or evil.
- No one wears black or has darkness-related powers in the series.
- Invoked: "We have to make it REALLY obvious who is the villain here. Give him a completely black costume and Darkness related power."
- Exploited: Knowing that black attires intimidate people, Emperor Evulz makes sure his wardrobe is stuffed full of them.
- Defied: He's the Token Good Teammate on the side of evil.
- Conversed: "Black again? You're not very imaginative, are you? Colours are fun, you know."
- Enforced: "We need to make a villain in Black to combat the Hero in White."
- Lampshaded: "That Emperor Evulz guy loves to wear Black a lot."
- Discussed: "Yep. The guy in the black is Obviously Evil."
Corrupt your soul back at Dark Is Evil