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  • The Danza: In the first game, Mike Dawson is played by... Mike Dawson.
  • No Export for You: The Sega Saturn and Playstation ports of the games were only released in Japan. The first game still has English voices so it's slightly playable if you're a veteran, but the sequel is dubbed in Japanese making it much more difficult.
  • The Other Darrin: Mike Dawson is portrayed in the sequel by Chris Gilbert. Apart from the wardrobe, there's almost no similarity between the two.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: Night Dive Studios' attempt to get the rights to the series were quashed following H.R. Giger's death, and the estate's demands subsequently putting the nail in the coffin.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda/Urban Legend: Supposedly, the real Mike Dawson spent so much time working on these games he had a Creator Breakdown. Actually, the truth is far different: he quit game development after the games were completed, yes, but he wrote for television, wrote two books on computer programming, and begun teaching game design classes at Stanford and UCLA.