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  • The Giant Blacksmith will consider the player his friend should they talk to him often.

  "You good friend. I very happy."

  • When you first meet Rhea, she speaks very coldly at you, even calling you uncouth. After you rescue her from the Tomb of the Giants, it's really heartwarming to see how much she has warmed up to you. It even seems like you're the only one she trusts by now.
  • Quelana's gratefulness towards you before she departs, specially this line:

  "Our time together was short, but sweet..."

  • Any time two or more players engage in jolly co-operation to beat a particularly tough boss. Even more so for the one doing the helping, especially if the one they helped gives a bow or a Praise the Sun before the phantom departs.
  • Dusk of Oolacile's gratefulness to you after you rescue her from the Crystal Golem. And her happiness at being summoned by you after being alone for so long.

  "My home of Oolacile was reduced to ashes, long ago in my time. I have been alone ever since. But to be summoned thus, and be of service to is...most rewarding."

  • If you donate enough Humanity to the Daughter of Chaos, eventually her voice will lose the in-pain tone. Even if its only a small amount, you've managed to alleviate at least some of the poor girl's suffering.