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  • The Gaping Dragon comes to mind.
  • The Mimic, a Chest Monster. You end up trying to open it, the Mimic responds by eating you alive. The only way to uncover it is to attack it, and even then, you still have to stay out of melee range to avoid its instant kill attack, which is (of course) eating you alive.
    • Even worse is its appearance. A chest with a disgustingly large tongue lolling out of it with a pair of arms and legs long enough to put Slenderman to shame.
  • There are many unnerving enemies in the game. The Bloated Undead and Crow Demons in the Painted World of Ariamis for example, as well as most things found in Blighttown and Lost Izalith.
  • The fate of the Witch of Izalith and her daughters. She loses control of the First Flame while trying to rekindle it and is transformed into the Bed of Chaos, her daughters turned into demons. Only one escapes.
  • Gravelord Nito, in spades. He's literally a mountain of corpses with a magical cloak and a sword (also made of corpses) the length of a car. In one of his attacks, he stabs his sword into the ground, which comes up under you unless you dodge fast... and that's not the scary bit, although it is lovely Paranoia Fuel on it's own. When he does this attack, you hear a disembodied woman's voice shriek in agony. It's quite... disconcerting.
  • After you drain New Londo, you can walk about the ruins of the once proud city. Beyond the ghosts and vicious Darkwraiths, if you take a look down below your feet, sometime you can see the drowned bodies of the people of the city who all drowned when the city was flooded to stop the Darkwraiths and Four Kings.
  • Don't look too closely at the walls in the Catacombs if you have a fear of insects.

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