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  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
    • Our hero is voiced by Tenma in Japanese and Lavi/Train in English.
    • In fact there's a lot of D Gray Man voices in this one: July is Road Kamelot, Amagiri is Kanda Yu, Havoc is Lenalee and the entire Police department except for Matsumoto are voiced by people who appeared in the series (including the major characters of Bookman, Cross Marian and main character Allen Walker) in the English version. In the Japanese, Kanami Ishizaki is voiced by Allen's voice actor. It's probably harder to find characters in this series that have voice actors no way related to DGM from the sheer number.
    • A lot of this is because the English dub is by FUNimation, who tend to use a few dozen voice actors most of the time. Careful listeners may also notice a decent portion of the English casts of Baccano![1] and either series of Fullmetal Alchemist.
    • November 11th is also voiced by Kazuhiko Inoue, who also voices a certain copy ninja from Naruto...
    • Also pretty much the entire female cast of Claymore makes an appearance.
  • The Wiki Rule: The Darker than Black Wiki
  1. In particular, Jason Liebrecht as Luck Gandor sounds exactly like Jason Liebrecht as Hei, except with a New York accent