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Catgirls reproduce asexually[]

As Word of God has shown, the catgirls are all-female. Any biologist will tell you that this is absurd; all but the simplest of lifeforms reproduce sexually (hermaphrodites capable of literally screwing themselves notwithstanding). This leaves two options; 1. They are immortal and committed Gendercide in the past; and 2. They reproduce asexually and only look female. Of course, there may be a catgirl generator out there that Runs On Nonsenseoleum and the Rule of Sexy....

  • According to Capcom, Felicia's race can mate with any size-compatible male, but the offspring ALWAYS will be a catgirl.
  • Females of all species are capable of reproducing asexually. This includes humans. Females can also breed with other females.
    • Is this a guess or a statement of fact? If the latter, you really need a remedial biology course. Or maybe a lot of trial-and-error testing to show you what is wrong with this statement.
    • Yup. You Fail Biology Forever.
    • Sounds like a goddamn troll just came through here to spout that little biology lesson for retards.
    • Devil's advocate: he's actually kinda right. It is possible to take samples of bone marrow from one woman, convert it into I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Sperm, and knock up a different woman. But, does this sound like something people normally do?
    • The New Mexico whiptail reproduces by parthenogenesis triggered by coitus. See the One-Gender Race trope entry, the Real Life section. So it's not at all inconceivable that Catwomen work the same way, only needing male stimulation.
  • Jossed. Udon Press' Darkstalkers comics have shown us a black-furred Catboy named "Tomas".
  • The UDON comics aren't canon to the games though.

Catgirls are hermaphroditic.[]

Catgirls can't have catgirl children with humans, there are no catmen, so if they don't reproduce asexually, the only other possibility is that they're all fully functional hermaphrodites. They do tend to seek each other out. Still, Felicia doesn't exactly leave much of her anatomy hidden. She clearly doesn't have a... in the same place humans do. So where could... it be? The most obvious possibility is that it's in her tail... or rather, it is her tail.

Harry from the US Darkstalkers cartoon is actually a human version of BB Hood's dog.[]

Harry claims that his mom gets really mad when she finds strange cat women in his room. BB Hood would get mad, meaning that his mother is actually their version of BB Hood, and Harry the dog is her son.

Morrigan was originally planned to be to Demitri what Akuma is to Ryu.[]

Street Fighter stars Ryu, who loves fighting so much he became a fighting nomad but is also noble enough to be considered tolerable by most people's standards. Akuma is Ryu without what would pass as a moral compass to most people. He's a death seeking nomad who will kill anyone who can't kill him in a fight. Akuma's also far more powerful than Ryu, he has power Ryu will never have since Ryu's to noble to go to his extremes.

Demitri is an evil, over confident megalomaniac from another world that people have to endure because he's stuck on Earth until he gets enough power to the kingdom he keeps failing to conquer. Morrigan is playful rebel more interested in Earth than the kingdom she will inherent and is only a danger to people due to her biology. She willingly comes where Demitri doesn't want to be, and causes much less trouble there. She has and takes for granted kingdom he wants and is too powerful for him to ever overcome. Also, while Demitri has a creepy fetish attack, Morrigan's mostly a tease.

While Akuma is derided as yet another unneeded Ryu-style fighter, considered overpowered and banned from competitive play, Morrigan is well accepted and considered the face of Demitri's series.

Hsien-Ko in her current form is Chinese-American[]

Their home seems to be fairly Western in their 3-series ending. Also, it's happier because their life expectancy in the actual China wouldn't be very high at all, with the pollution and communism going around, not to mention the one-child policy at the time.