A cousin of the Imperturbable Englishman and Awesome Aussie, the Dashing Hispanic is a Stock Character that rose to popularity with the success of codifying franchises like Zorro. Almost always an Anti-Hero (with the occasional Anti-Villain), this character is a rogue, skilled with their Weapon of Choice be it sword, gun, bow or even their own fists, and either Hispanic in origin of that setting's equivalent.
They are charmers, always witty and quick-thinking, and popular with the ladies. Their fighting styles are more about being athletic and striking with finesses than clumsy swings or wild shots, and their actions are governed they adhere. They usually have a habit of swearing vengeance on someone who's wronged them, and god help anyone who gets in the way of their revenge. Expect this trait to be played up in parodies.
Anime and Manga[]
- Mostly Played for Laughs with Antonio aka Spain from Hetalia.
- Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride books and ESPECIALLY the movie.
- The Mariachi from Robert Rodriguez' Role Called movie trilogy, and HOW. Being played by the Spaniard actor Antonio Banderas clearly helps.
- Poe Dameron from the third Star Wars Trilogy and Cassian Andor from Rogue One are played by Latinamerican actors (the Guatemalan Oscar Isaacs and the Mexican Diego Luna) and are clearly inspired by this trope in one way or another. Luna even got to use his natural Mexican accent for Cassian!
- Puss in Boots from the Shrek movies is an Affectionate Parody of Zorro, and is even voiced by Antonio Banderas!
- The Mask of Zorro movies have an older version of Don Diego played by Sir Anthony Hopkins, and his heir and the new Zorro Alejandro Murieta is played by. . . yeah, by Antonio Banderas.
- Gomez Addams, as played by the late Puerto-Rican actor Raúl Juliá, had many traces of this.
- The Trope Codifier, of course, is Diego de la Vega aka Zorro.
Video Games[]
- Miguel Caballero Rojo from Tekken has the looks and is from Spain, but personality-wise he's a deeply wounded example of Troubled but Cute AND has a very brutal fighting style. But he plays the "Revenge" angle completely, bitterly, heartbreakingly straight.
Western Animation[]
- The Fairly OddParents has Juandissimo, Wanda's handsome, smooth-talking ex-boyfriend who occasionally schemes to win her away from Cosmo/.
- Gravity Falls: In "The Deep End", Mabel falls for a suave, Mexican-accented, tweenage merman named Mermando.
- Alejandro in Total Drama is a villainous example. He is shown to have man skills, and is admired by most of the contestants until they discover his true, sinister nature. In fact, he actually throws in Gratuitous Spanish whenever he is frustrated, and the fifth season gives him a Spanish leitmotif that is based on Zorro's theme.
- The entire cast of Mucha Lucha is made up of dashing Hispanics.