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As you would expect, being based on the Warhammer 40000 universe results in many awesome moments sprinkled throughout Dawn of War.
Original Dawn Of War[]
- The opening cinematic of the original Dawn of War can be viewed as a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the franchise as a whole. Particularly when the dying Space Marine Brother-Sergeant - the last of his squad - crawls to the top of the hill and defiantly plants the Chapter's banner. THAT is Warhammer 40,000, brutal, violent, awesome, and pointless.
- And then drop pods start falling...
- Although some have pointed out that he abandons a good defensive position for an uphill melee attack against Orks and wondered, "How the hell did he make sergeant?"
- Because planting that flag was probably equivalent to turning on a tactical beacon, making sure drop pods, orbital bombardment, teleport or any number of options were now open. Sacrificing a squad is likely a small price to pay in the long run.
- Besides, these are Space Marines. As long as someone harvests their geneseed or something, its unlikely a minor matter like getting killed would bother them much. And the likelihood of "Death" being permanent is low, given how ridiculously tough you have to be just to be considered for Space Marine application, and if you can't bounce back from being trounced on the battle field, there's always Dreadnoughts.
- In the original campaign there's Gabriel Angelos' shameless, sarcastic mocking of Inquisitor Mordecai Toth when he finds the site of a Chaos sacrifice. The only thing that could have made it any more awesome would be if Toth had actually been present to hear it.
"So the good Inquisitor senses no Chaos on Tartarus. How fortunate for the Imperium that such keen-eyed eagles stand vigil over her gates." |
- In the same campaign, the treatment of Chaos sorcerer Sindri towards Isador after he convinces him to betray the Blood Ravens. In typical Chaos fashion, he claims that he could simply betray Sindri and keep the Maledictum for himself. Sindri's response is to effortlessly force him to his knees using only his mind, take the Maledictum, and calmly walk away while remarking that Angelos and the Blood Ravens have arrived, and he must now kill them all, with the strong implication that Isador has only then realised what a horrible thing he's just done. THAT is what a disciple of Tzeentch does.
- What makes Sindri different from every other villain in the series? He wins, utterly and completely. Drive the Orks into a full WAAAGH? Check. Lure in a Space Marine company? Check. Get one of them to betray his brothers? Check. Drown the planet in slaughter and madness? Check. Cover the system in a Warp Storm? Double Check. Dispose of that dead weight Bale without lifting a finger? Triple check. Become an immortal Daemon Prince? Definitely check. Empower the Maledictum and release the daemon within? Undoubtedly check. Not even Eliphas managed to achieve that level of success.
Winter Assault[]
- The cutscene where a Bloodthirster attacks the Ultramarine Chaplain, who immediately sync kills him spectacularly.
- Warboss Gorgutz is a walking, talking CMOA. This scene is the pinnacle of EVERYTHING Orky.
Crull: "The Titan Dominatus is one of the greatest war machines EVER constructed!" |
- His fight with Crull in Winter Assault certainly counts.
- Even if he loses in Winter Assault he still gets one, as all his boyz rebel and descend upon him, while he fights them all and declares he'll kill every single one of them.
- His fight with Crull in Winter Assault certainly counts.
- General Sturnn's simple assessment of a Guardsman's duty in the Imperial Guard ending to Winter Assault. So powerfully blunt and true that it moved this troper to Manly Tears.
"To each of us falls a task, and all the Emperor requires of us Guardsmen is that we stand the line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best: We die standing." |
- The line just before that one is an incredible tribute to Sturnn and his men. Bear in mind, this is a Space Marine Chaplain speaking: he has seen centuries of combat and insane acts of courage and devotion to the cause are what he does for a living. Yet he pays probably the highest compliment he will ever give to someone outside his chapter to Sturnn's Guardsmen!
"Still, it was...an honor to fight alongside you. Barring my Space Marines...I could not have asked for better." |
- Sturnn in general is a walking badass factory. He has no special powers or significant augmentations or supernatural might, he is just an old man who has seen decades of the most horrendous type of warfare and survived. This is a man who has been sent to a frozen rock at the arse end of the galaxy to fight an Ork horde and a Chaos warband to retrieve a weapon that might not even exist anymore, and he treats it like another day at work ("I see only one truth, and that truth is war"). When he discovers the presence of the Eldar he is willing to give them shelter, and just as willing to destroy them if it suits his purposes. And when he discovers the Necrons his reaction is to rally the troops and give them hell, because no Xeno filth is going to drive them from their prize.
- The Titan gets one in the Imperial Guard's final mission. The rush to get the weapon systems online is brutal and hectic but once they do, everything else on the map dies with contemptuous ease. That includes six Necron monoliths. And this is a long dead Titan, still embedded into Lorn V. Truly, there is no greater testament to the glory of the Imperium.
Dark Crusade[]
- Once again, pretty much anything Warboss Gorgutz says or does.
- His own defeat in Dark Crusade is even a Crowning Moment for him, as he activates a bomb to wipe out both his and the enemy army while he escapes and tells a fellow escapee to shut it.
Gorgutz: "Use da 'splosives!" |
- In Dark Crusade, the Imperial Guard kill an Avatar of Khaine - the physical embodiment of the Eldar god of war - with massed lasgun fire while the Avatar is distracted by a lone Sentinel, should the Imperial Guard defeat the Eldar at their stronghold. Bear in mind that the lasgun is the weakest standard weapon in the setting.
- Eliphas the Inheritor's attempt at psychic communication with the Necron Lord, only to get some hissing/beeping noises from it. Eliphas, the Chaos Marine, who has crossed more Moral Event Horizons than can be counted, reacts to this with surprise and revulsion, and perhaps a tinge of horror.
Eliphas: "Your soul is gone!" |
- Anytime any stronghold is assaulted, there will be at least one of these. From Gorgutz calling all of da boyz to WAAAAAAGGHH! with each clan replying in return, to the Necrons silently rising from their tombs and the only one capable of speech promising death to all who enter, to Eliphas summoning a horde of monstrosities from the Warp.
- The Ork base in Dark Crusade is a CMOA for the entire Ork species; it may be insanely self-destructive, but these are ORKS we're talking about. It's possible, if you destroy the Boss Banners from a safe distance (e.g. with Earthshaker rounds), to leave the Orks almost entirely intact yet implacably opposed to everyone. They can then knock down other people's banners. Basilisk Crew get a CMOA, Gorgutz blows it up and claims a CMOA, and all of the Ork clans get a CMOA for being sufficiently badass to rebel even when the Imperial Guard are in town.
- What the Eldar do after a victory in both the Dark Crusade and Soulstorm campaigns. Instead of killing/conquering/enslaving/harvesting the populations as their enemies would have inevitably done, the Eldar... leave. In the wake of defeating half a dozen armies in direct combat, something the Eldar continuously attempt to avoid, their Farseer decides to instead leave the planet/s in the bloody stalemate in which they were originally, Kronus remaining a primitive backwater and the Kaurava system under the tenuous control of the Imperial Guard. Essentially a planetary version of "Screw you guys, I'm going home", at the very least a Crowning Moment for Manipulative Bastards everywhere.
- At least in Dark Crusade, it gets even better. During the conquest, the Farseer performs seemingly random things that collectively ensure the planet is a backwater and no major power has an interest in it - creating a civil war between the Tau and their human subjects, wasting the other Imperial bases, destroying the Titan cannon which the Guard wanted, and burning the fallen Space Marines so their gene-seed can not be retrieved. She even leaves a token force to sow discord among the Orks. All of this, incidentally, means that no advanced culture can accidentally reawaken the Necrons anytime soon, which is what prompted the Eldar to come here in the first place. Oh, speaking of which... that Titan cannon she has destroyed? In the Chaos campaign it is revealed it held a bound demon of Nurgle. Just as planned.
- In Soulstorm, when Gorgutz beats the Dark Eldar, he locks them in their own cages and has a throwing competition from the low-gravity moon they were based on.
Dawn of War II[]
- Nearly everyone in the Dawn of War II trailer gets a Crowning Moment, but special mention must go to the Space Marine sergeant, who is the only member of his squad to survive a skirmish with some Eldar. Near the end of the fight, he rushes an Eldar Farseer, who shocks him with lightning. Despite a fellow Space Marine only withstanding the lightning for a few seconds before going down, the sergeant ignores the pain and then disembowels her with his chainsword, before telling her that the planet is theirs. Her dying response? "No, this planet is theirs..." and the sergeant looks up to see the sky fouled by a Tyranid hive fleet. He is immediately pounced upon and smashed against a stone cliff by a Lictor that emerges from behind him. Looking impossibly weary, he gets back up, grits his teeth, and charges the thing armed only with his bloodstained chainsword, screaming a valiant war cry. Consider:
- He's been badly wounded from the Farseer's attack.
- Lictors are Tyranid monstrosities, horrifically dangerous in close combat and inhumanly stealthy.
- Even if he beats the Lictor, he's almost guaranteed to die fighting against its brethren even if he wins.
- He's just some rank and file sergeant and not a Captain, Librarian or Chaplain. Incredibly badass.
- Actually, he appears to have the face of the Force Commander you play as in the single-player campaign. In fact, it's very likely that he IS the Force Commander you play, having been freshly promoted for the act of resilience and general bad-assery you just witnessed.
- There was a Dreadnought backing up the sergeant, and it survived, as well as having possibly the best crowning moment of awesome in that trailer: When the sergeant is running towards the Farseer, being chased by two Banshees, the Dreadnought bursts through the rocks near them, picks them both up with its power claws, crushes one, slams her into the rock, and sets the other's head on fire with its flamethrower while saying "I have come to destroy you!" in a badass amplified voice.
- Appreciation must also be given to the Lictor itself, rising behind the sergeant like some sort of horrific demonic nightmare (which is quite a feat in a galaxy containing literal demonic nightmares), screeching its own war cry as its innumerable brethren descend onto the planet in the background.
- Dawn of War II's final mission, The Last Stand. Your strike force is on a mission to poison the Tyranid hive mind with a deadly biotoxin. They succeed, but their Strike Cruiser has been destroyed as has Martellus's Thunderhawk, they only have a single Force Commander, a four man Tactical squad, a three man Assault squad, a three man Devastator squad, a three man Scout squad, a single Dreadnought, and a couple of eight man Imperial Guard Stormtrooper squads from the 85th Vendoland. They seem doomed to a Bolivian Army Ending as thousands of Tyranids of all sizes from Rippers to Carnifexes close in on them. Enter none other than Gabriel Angelos himself, who personally comes down, God-Splitter in hand with dozens of Space Marines, as well as much of the Chapter fleet to bail you out. Then Gabriel himself joins you as the Marines engage the Tyranids to keep them at bay while you mow your way through hundreds of Tyranids to fight the oversized Hive Tyrant Alpha controlling the entire swarm.
- All the playable characters in the second game have them in their backstories. Tarkus, for instance, during the battle in the Necron stronghold in the Thur'Abis plateau in Dark Crusade, defeated a Tomb Spyder by sticking a grenade into it while he was holding it, allowing the bomb they'd brought into the tomb to go off. He lost his hand and scarred his face, but received Terminator honors for his service.
- Tarkus screwing up a Farseer's predictions with said honors. Instead of staying behind to defend Chapter relics like she assumed he would, he saved his comrades and the relics. By wearing them. It's amazing how a Terminator squad in the right place can turn back the tide. This moment echoes Davian Thule's own Crowning Moment of Awesome in how it makes a once difficult fight far easier, though you are quite likely to have done a lot more damage to Idranel by the time Tarkus has gotten to you than you probably did to the Hive Tyrant when Thule rescues you.
- Davian Thule, returned as a Dreadnought, has two things to tell a Hive Tyrant.
"I am Davian Thule. I am your death." (After which he beats the Hive Tyrant to death with ease) |
- By the end of Dawn of War II, your Space Marines will have gone from Elite Mooks with standard bolters and chainswords, barely able to fight off the Ork hordes, to veteran heroes of the Chapter clad in holy relics and Terminator armor, wielding plasma weaponry and Thunder Hammers. Your squads will have faced down Hive Tyrants, a massive Ork Warboss, and an Avatar of Khaine all on their lonesome. Chaos Rising makes it even better, such as when you hold off the forces of Chaos attempting to sack the Imperial palace, while the governor rallies her troops by proclaiming that "the Emperor's Angels of Death fight with us today!" or when you defeat the Chaos Lord hounding the sector, a Lord who expects to not be able to take you on and retreats at every opportunity, until the end. The best, if you're pure, is when you unveil the Chaos corruption in the heart of the Blood Ravens by assaulting the Honor Guard's main base without killing a single pure Blood Raven. By yourself. In the process, you slay several Chaos Terminators, use the Chapter's orthodoxy against them to avoid fighting loyalist forces, and hold off the Captain of the Honor Guard, a 400 year old veteran acclaimed by the Chapter Master himself as the finest warrior in the Chapter, while you destroy his main command post. And of course, there's the ending, where (despite taking forever) you eventually defeat a Great Unclean One as the forces of the Litany of Fury defeat the Black Legion.
- Even the wargear descriptions have awesome moments. Here's a list.
- One piece of equipment was owned by a Scout that, having tracked an Eldar Ranger for days, snuck up behind it and shot it in the head with his shotgun, while another was owned by a Scout that died after being impaled by a Carnifex, but not before delivering a fatal blow (read: shot it in the face).
- One of the armours was worn by a Space Marine that halted an Ork advance for seventy days, and at the end his boot prints were firmly embedded into solid rock. Another suit of armour was worn by a Space Marine that ignored several grenades to the face before casually bisecting the Chaos Marine that had thrown them.
- One of the Dreadnought power claws was worn by a Venerable Dreadnought that killed a Chaos Warhound Titan by itself. It was also all that was left of the Dreadnought after the Titan blew up, which wiped out most of the Chaos forces around it as well.
- Retribution sees several characters get CMOAs:
- The Ancient gets one on the Judgment of Carrion: After learning that Chapter Master Kyras is a heretic, Captain Apollo Diomedes suffers a Heroic BSOD, and the Ancient reveals himself as Sergeant Tarkus and threatens to shoot him to snap him out of it. This being the setting it is, Diomedes is visibly moved that Tarkus would care so much.
- Apollo Diomedes gets one in the final battle: When Gabriel is seemingly killed by Daemon Prince Kyras, Diomedes leads the remaining loyalist Blood Ravens with this rally cry: "FOR GABRIEL! FOR THE EMPEROR!"
- Gabriel Angelos gets one at the end: After being crushed and burned by Daemon Prince Kyras, Gabriel survives those injuries, even if he now has enough Cybernetics to put Marneus Calgar to shame. Not only that, he becomes the new Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens.
- Lord Eliphas the Inheritor has slaughtered every Alpha Legionnaire that pledged fealty to Azariah Kyras, he now stands before the Daemon Prince with his mighty daemon sword, drenched in blood and gore. Fires of rage, a gift from Khorne, engulf Eliphas' body, searing the flesh of his enemies. A sea of corpses surround the Champion of Chaos. The Daemon Prince looks upon Eliphas and offers him an alliance. Eliphas laughs; "Do not be so quick to make foolish offers, Daemon. Araghast once thought that I would be an asset to his cause; look now to what has become of him."
- Eliphas gets another one at the end of that fight. after Kyras' body slumps lifelessly through the Pit of Maledictus back to the Warp, Neroth comes before him panicking about the Exterminatus. Eliphas calmly answers that he will do nothing; the exterminatus will run its course. He basically signs off Neroth and all the others to their death, and allows Kyras' sacrifice to Khorne to be uninterrupted, while taking credit for it. And thus did the Blood God elevate him to a magnificent example of Daemonhood. The screen closes up on his face, and we have the pleasure of listening to one of the most nightmarish evil laughs in all of video game history.
Individual Unit Moments[]
- Not a singular moment, but the first time you see the Space Marine Force Commander's Finishing Move against the Bloodthirster.
- Or the second time you see that.
- The Space Marine Librarian's sync-kill on the Avatar of Khaine is brilliant, if only because he isn't much of a melee combatant compared to his comrades.
- Similarly, on the rare occasions Tau Fire Warriors beat enemies in melee combat, they will dispatch them by placing the barrel of their rifle to the enemy's face and firing. Ouch.
- Both of Gorgutz' Finishing Moves are things of beauty: he either grabs the enemy with his giant metal claw and smashes them repeatedly against the ground like a petulant child, blood flying everywhere, or he forces them into the ground and pounds them until they're paste. It's even better when he uses it against Crull (see above) and before that a random nearby Ork after his fighta bomba crashes.
- Any Imperial Guardsman when running headlong towards the enemy position in a suicidal charge, screaming:
- This troper will never, ever become bored with watching a Dreadnought pick up an infantry unit, and blend it.
- If you equip the Dreadnought with two power claws and let him finish a Wraithlord in Dawn of War II, he strangles it to death. Well, crushes its neck if we are to go into particulars, but still.
- And let's not forget the Imperial General, who can finish off any infantry unit (including a nine-foot-tall, thousand-pound Chaos Lord) by impaling them with his power claws, hoisting them into the air and then hurling them several dozen feet away. Keep in mind that this is not some power-armored giant, just a normal human looking past his prime. Badass.
- In Dawn of War II, the Chaos Lord disemboweling an enemy with his Lightning Claws is a thing of sheer beauty.
- Another Chaos Lord example is him slashing his enemy with both his sword and the bayonet of his combi-bolter, knocking them down, and then bringing down his sword so hard their blood flies everywhere.
- Another Chaos Lord example involved his Blood Maul, impaling his target in the gut, smacking them down, and then crushing their skulls into dust. Ouch.
- The Force Commander from Dawn of War II has 2 amazing sync kills, one against a Carnifex, and one against a Warboss. Incidentally, the second sync kill is featured in the Dawn of War II teaser.
- Flash Gitz, being the incarnation of More Dakka, rarely get a chance to sync kill their enemies. However, one of them involves the Git sticking the enemy with his bayonet and swinging the gun so the victim goes flying into the air. Then he shoots once, hitting the guy and catapulting him even further. Especially awesome since Orks are kings of A-Team Firing, hitting anything with one shot is an absolute rarity.
Badass Unit Speeches[]
- The Sanctioned Psyker's scream of "Witness your Doom!" whenever they use the Lighting Arc move.
- The Chaos units' cry of "SANITY IS FOR THE WEAK!" in addition to anything the Chaos Sorcerer says. The Chaos Lord has some nice lines too. Hell, most of the Chaos units have lines like that.
- Chaos Rising makes them even more awesome. they gain a sense of subtlety that makes them seem sinister.
"Mark it in blood and fire!" |
- My favourite line? -> "No mercy! No pity! No hope!" Awesome!
- It is made very clear what happens to the Chaos Commander if he loses a match in multiplayer or skirmish.
- Every single one of Gorgutz' lines when assaulting the Ork stronghold in Dark Crusade is a delicious win cake sprinkled liberally with awesome. No matter their motives or lack thereof, the most any of the commanders succeed in doing with their taunting of the Warboss is mildly annoying him.
Gorgutz: "Took ya long enuff to get to me, didn't it?" |
- This troper's favorite has to be his quote against the Necrons in Dark Crusade.
Gorgutz: "You looks like an oomie dats needs some feeding, metal boy!" |
- The exchange between Shas'O Kais and Davian Thule in Dark Crusade when the Tau assault the Blood Ravens' stronghold is awesome, both for O'Kais, showing compassion even for his merciless enemies, and for Davian Thule, showing defiance in the face of the Xenos onslaught.
Shas'O Kais: "Surrender, human. If not for you, then for the Greater Good." |
- Shas'O Kais also gets a comeback himself later on.
Thule: "You will not squelch our faith so easily, alien." |
- Kais brings down Eliphas the Inheritor in a storm of shame when attacking the Chaos Stronghold. Eliphas tries to contact him through telepathy apparently unaware of the fact that Tau have an innate resistance to the Warp.
Eliphas: "Alien, you come here to your doom." |
- Hell, ANYTHING involving Kais qualifies. This is a commander who will accept your surrender gracefully even if you've just raped the Moral Event Horizon. Of course, this being 40K, he never gets the chance to demonstrate this.
- Speaking of assaulting the Blood Ravens stronghold, there's also Eliphas taunting Thule.
- Not to mention Taldeer taunting Thule. She just gets one epic burn in after the other. My favorite:
Thule: "We have yet to meet our betters, alien! Certainly not on this forsaken world! All we have seen here are deluded tyrants, heretics, and alien scum!" |
- Can't let Macabee and the Necrons go unmentioned, either.
Thule: "We will drive you from there, Necrons!" |
- And also at the end of the mission:
Thule: "This fight isn't over yet!" |
- And when assaulting the Tau:
Ethereal: "Return to the graves that spawned you, monsters!" |
- This troper is fond of one of the things the Basilisk crews say when given an attack order. SHATTER THEIR SKY!
- Basically anything a Relic Unit says if they can talk is always awesome.
Avatar of Khaine: "I walk again...A God among the Eldar..." |
- Relic units say awesome stuff, but the Baneblade really takes the cake. Everything the crew says is awesome.
Ready to unleash ELEVEN BARRELS OF HELL! |
- Also, pretty much anything the Commissar says.
Commissar: "If you will not serve in combat, you will serve on the firing line!" |
- He also says it during the assault on the Imperial Guard stronghold in Dark Crusade, shooting a Guardsman for speaking out of turn.
- Lukas Alexander's speech when you attack Victory Bay, the Imperial Guard stronghold.
Alexander: "Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. |
- Gabriel has so many it would be futile to list them all, but this exchange with the Daemon of the Maledictum counts;
Daemon: "Yes... Flee, and know that I will soon come to claim you all!" |
- Jonah's entrance, wherein he slaughters an entire company of Eldar guardians with his psyker abilities.
Jonah Orion: "No more Blood Ravens fall this day. NO MORE!!" |
- When Captain Diomedes fights through Kyras' army he basically tells the almost godlike Daemon Prince to shut the fuck up and delivers this speech:
"No more talk, Kyras. You have much to answer for; for all you have done to the Blood Ravens much shall be avenged this day! FOR GABRIEL!! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!" |
- This troper has managed to produce a Failure Is the Only Option level in harder difficulty skirmish mode. The cool part? Because the armies involved are Orks and World Eaters, neither of them cares that they're in a neverending war. Indeed, they'd both be quite cheerful about it. Currently, the score is at 6000 daemons/cultists/Marines to 3000 orks/gretchin, after six and a half hours of mutually assured destruction. A beautiful game.
- Update - Orks won.
- The Eldar stronghold in Dark Crusade developed into a CMOA on this troper's last playthrough, as I played the Orks. Once I managed to clear out both the Chaos and rogue Ork bases, I built a collection of Boy Huts and Settlements around the Eldar plateau, and then proceeded to launch endless waves of Slugga Boyz at the Eldar. Keep in mind, this was after I had the "More Sluggas" research completed, so said Sluggas were free. I spent four hours doing nothing but cranking out Sluggas and sending them up the ramps while also sending out Nob Squads, Killa Kans, and having Looted Tanks provide artillery cover. The Eldar held out for four hours straight before the WAAAAGH! finally, inexorably ground them down. Thousands of Orks and Eldar died in a prolonged, psychotic orgy of explosions, dakka, choppas, and flying space elf body parts, but that was fine, because there's no Orkier way to win.
- The Ork upgrade "More Sluggas" is basically this in game format. What it does is make the basic Ork Slugga Boyz squad free for recruitment, but not reinforcing (neither with weapons or additional squad members), but lets you more or less infinitely pump out boyz. In true Ork fasion, literally pointing and clicking at a target, then have at least 5 huts producing boyz will result in victory, no matter what the enemy has. This is in spite of all common sense (Ork boyz should not be effective against anything beyond infantry, and a 4 member squad can be wiped out easily) you're tossing out the window, and it works.
- I ran the Dark Crusade campaign as Chaos and saved the Eldar stronghold for last. Daemon Prince Eliphas against Avatar of Khaine.
- Hell, any time two epic units get into a fight. In Dawn of War 2, Avatar plus Farseer against Great Unclean One plus Sorcerer (the Eldar won).
- This is a bit of Fridge Brilliance and a bit of Fan Wank, but it could be a great Crowning Moment of Awesome. Whenever you fight Orks, you'll soon realize their morale is extremely hard to drop. But when it does, you can hear the Orks scream "We're gonna DIE!". Now, in the 40K universe, the C'tan instilled the fear of death in every mortal race but the Orks (because they were the youngest race). So basically, your units have instilled the fear of death in a race that hasn't had it for millenia. Bonus points if it's a squad of Imperial Guardsmen who pulled it off.
- This troper was playing a co-op campaign as Chaos in Retribution and was controlling Neroth and Kain. In the final mission, near the beginning, we got put into a chokepoint against what appeared to be nine squads of enemies; we had nothing but Eliphas, Neroth, Kain, and a squad of plague marines. Eliphas, whom the wargear gods had been unkind to and who happened to be in front, got mowed down in less than a second, followed by Neroth (attempting to get into position for a Doombolt) and the plague marines. This left just Kain and his anti-vehicle lascannon against nine full squads of everything from Chaos Heretics to Bloodletters, all infantry. Kain with his damage upgrade and life-stealing lascannon. He was quickly knocked down to 10% HP and it looked like a restart... then he fired once and gained all his health back. Both of us sat there speechless as he proceeded to kill every single squad man by man over the course of at least five minutes because they couldn't do enough damage fast enough to kill him through his absolutely ridiculous life-stealing. He then calmly revived Eliphas and Neroth and we carried on with the mission. It made his earlier feat of solo-killing the Land Raider Redeemer land-battleship look trite.