Dead Pixels is an 8-bit title downloadable from Xbox Live that places the player in the middle of a citywide Zombie Apocalypse. The game includes several RPG Elements such as a level system to keep things interesting. Alone or with a buddy, you have ten (more on higher difficulties) levels of zombie killing action to get through if you want to make it to an helicopter evacuation on the other side of the city. Recently[when?] two new modes have been added called "The Solution" and "Last Stand" which are free to everyone who bought the game.
Tropes used in Dead Pixels include:
- Action Girl: "The Solution" allows players to play as a female character. A few women can also be seen amongst the survivors in other modes of the game.
- Annoying Arrows: Massively averted with the crossbow weapon, which usually deals between 130-150 damage per hit! (About 80-90% of the zombies have less than 100 HP and only a few elite types have more than 200.) Basically, it'll take out most zombies in one shot and the Demonic Spider zombies in a few shots.
- Bloody Murder: Late enough in the game the player will encounter zombies who can spit highly damaging blood at them.
- Body Horror: Some of the more mutated zombies.
- Combat Tentacles: One of the elite female zombies has these... and she can also spit highly damaging slime at you!
- Downer Ending: At the end of "The Solution" the player manages to escape and receives their pardon, but the zombies begin spreading rapidly until the whole earth has been taken over. Welcome to the planet of the dead.
- Elite Mook: The further the player progresses, the more special zombies begin to appear.
- Empathy Doll Shot: An item called "Cuddly Toy" can be found and looted from the areas the player visits.
- Eyepatch of Power: Worn by one of the survivors at the beginning of "Last Stand."
- Heroic Sacrifice: Hurley and Nate, the two survivors you play as during "Last Stand" who distracted the zombies so that all of their friends could get away.
- Kill It with Fire: The survivors have things like molotovs and incendiary grenades while one of the zombie types actually is on fire, though it is pretty uncommon.
- Last Stand: Made by 2 heroic survivors during the mode of the same name.
- Made of Iron: Even the weaker zombies can often take more than one blast from your shotgun to kill. Most elite zombies can take a dozen or more.
- Meganekko: E. Vickers, who serves as your Mission Control for "The Solution."
- Molotov Cocktail: One of the throwable grenade weapons.
- Nice Hat: Player 2 in co-op games has one.
- Post Processing Video Effects: Has a film grain and invokes a sort of Grindhouse feel. This can be turned off in the options if the player so wishes.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Not only does the character in the main game start with a shotgun, they come in a wide variety of types such as the Chambers Shotgun, Sawed-Off Shotgun, and Quad-Barreled Shotgun.
- Shout-Out: A few to Left 4 Dead.
- In "The Solution" the player saves using ink ribbons.
- One of the shotguns a player can get is called "Boomstick."
- Let's not forget that the names of several characters from Resident Evil show up on shops or as the names of guns throughout the game.
- What is clearly a gun store owned by a man named Andy can be see in the backround of some levels. Also the game has a pretty large mall area.
- Timed Mission: The last few levels of "The Solution" end up as this.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Past: Is set in the early 1980's.
- Your Head Asplode: Each zombie dies from a gory headshot that removes most of their skull.
- X Meets Y: Left 4 Dead plus Fallout plus River City Ransom.
- Zombie Apocalypse: This should be obvious.
- Zombie Gait: Played straight at first, then BRUTALLY averted when the fast zombies show up. Even worse, the ones that can get across the screen in about a second usually also have really high HP or deal a lot of damage... or both!