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  • You can put Frank in a dress or other such outfit. The cutscenes don't change.
  • You can find several joke items in the mall like useless toy laser swords or servbot masks.
  • Steve the shopkeeper has some rather humorous final words:

  Steve: "My store... who will watch my store when I'm gone? My food... my customers... my... store... Have a nice day... *falls down, then gets right back up* CLEAN UP! REGISTER 6!" *dies for real*

  • If Frank takes a sexy photo, like a panty shot for example, he is awarded "erotica" points. If he snaps a picture of an old woman's panties? "Horror" points.
  • When Frank has got Brad into working together so that he could allow him to see the picture of Dr. Barnaby:

 Brad: You're one hell of a journalist, aren't you, Frank? A hotheaded, underhanded, hotshot paparazzi with nothing better to do than to invade people's privacy.

Frank: I try... You got a point?

  • Frank has taken a photo to Dr. Barnaby and Jessie, who still refuses to tell him what's going on like Brad does, closes the door.

 Frank: Fine. I'll just get my information somewhere else, thank you very much!
